Broadlink IR Climate Component

I’m asking you to set up the demo component and test if the off command works as expected from google home.

What is the response if you say hey google, set the living room AC to idle or off?

I see, I will try this again and get back to you.

I’m not sure what went wrong. I just started to set this component up but nothing is showing in my States page. I couldn’t find any entity with the climate domain. This is what I have in my configuration…

- platform: broadlink
  name: Living Room AC
  host: 192.168.1.XXX
  mac: 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF'
  rfcodes_ini: 'broadlink_climate_codes/panasonic.ini'
  min_temp: 16
  max_temp: 30
  default_operation: cool
  default_fan_mode: auto
      - cool
      - dry
      - auto
      - lowest
      - low
      - mid
      - high
      - highest

I had no problem with the fan and media_player components. Please help and thank you in advance.

Any errors in the log file?

oops… I copied the config from my fan component and I used rfcodes_ini instead of ircodes_ini for my climate component. it’s all good now.

i’m facing an issue while i build my ini file for one of my AC. The York AC I have has 3 modes;

  • cool
  • dry
  • fan

In cool mode, it has temperature ranging from 16 to 30C and 4 fan settings;

  • low
  • med
  • high
  • auto

In dry mode, it has the same temperature range but without any fan settings.

In fan mode, it doesn’t any temperature settings but has 3 fan settings;

  • low
  • med
  • high

I know what to put in the INI file for [cool] section but I am not sure about the [dry] and [fan] modes.

Do I put it like this?

16 = 'XXXXXXX...'
17 = 'XXXXXXX...'
18 = 'XXXXXXX...'
19 = 'XXXXXXX...'
20 = 'XXXXXXX...'
21 = 'XXXXXXX...'
low = 'XXXXXXX...'
med = 'XXXXXXX...'
high = 'XXXXXXX...'

Hi people…wow nice work… I know i already asked but would it be possible to make this work with xiaomi it extender?

I tried the demo component out, unlinked and relinked my google assistant home devices and tried again with the same result.

I’ve tried ‘hey google, set the living room ac to idle’, it will respond, ‘sorry I can’t help with that yet’ or ‘sorry I don’t understand’. If I say ‘hey google, set the living room ac to cool’ it will respond ‘sure, setting the living room ac to cool’.

I tried changing the operation mode name to ‘off’ instead of ‘idle’, but after a restart of HA, the idle/off command in the drop down was showing ‘False’ and was non-responsive. How can I change it to be ‘off’ instead of ‘idle’?

use ‘off’ (with the quotes). Hass will see off (without quotes) and equate it to false

Here is the configuration I’m trying when attempting to change the idle mode to off:

  - platform: broadlink
    name: Living Room AC
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    ircodes_ini: 'broadlink_climate_codes/lg.ini'
    min_temp: 18
    max_temp: 30
    target_temp: 26
    temp_sensor: sensor.living_room_temperature
    default_operation: off
    default_fan_mode: low
        - off
        - cool
        - heat
        - auto
        - low
        - mid
        - high
        - auto

And the result…

Selecting ‘False’ has no effect.

try this as something that ‘may’ work…

 - platform: broadlink
    name: Living Room AC
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    ircodes_ini: 'broadlink_climate_codes/lg.ini'
    min_temp: 18
    max_temp: 30
    target_temp: 26
    temp_sensor: sensor.living_room_temperature
    default_operation: off
    default_fan_mode: low
        - 'off'
        - cool
        - heat
        - auto
        - low
        - mid
        - high
        - auto

OR, try using offline rather than off. Pretty sure hass doesnt like the use of on or off because it tries to evaluate as true or false.

Ahh that seems to have done the trick! Thanks for that! I’ll keep that in mind for any future configs…

I’m getting a different response now if i say ‘hey google, set the living room ac to off’, the response is ‘that mode isn’t available for the living room ac’…

No, you don’t. Please add them as follows:
In dry mode add auto commands equal high or med.
In fan mode repeat the same command for each temperature and also add auto commands equal high or med.

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Hi, I really want to help you, but I haven’t a physical access to this device.

Indeed, off keyword must be always in single quotes.
Did you check your error logs when you get the response “that mode isn’t available for the living room ac” from google home?

I’ve tried to have a look around but not really sure where to look for logs. The google assistant app seems to show little info…

I’ve just tested the demo component again (previously I had accidentally left my broad link climate config and so it wasn’t working as desired). Enabling the demo populated three climate components, EcoBee, Hvac and HeatPump. I relinked the devices in the google home and had visibility in HA web view. I then configured the Hvac component as my living room air conditioner and set it to Cooling mode manually via HA web UI.

I sent a ‘hey google, turn off the living room air conditioner’ command which responded successfully and the web UI component turned itself off. It seems to be working with the demo components fine, perhaps something missing in the broad link code?

So far so good.
What is the state in Developer Tools / States of demo when you turn it off from google?

I’ve found the issue. :sweat_smile:

Where I had ‘off’ set in operations as an option, I had forgotten to also surround the off in:

default_operation: off

I did this and relinked the device in the home assistant app once again and it seems to be all working now!