Broadlink IR Climate Component

For clarity, the working config:

#  - platform: demo
  - platform: broadlink
    name: Living Room AC
    mac: 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
    ircodes_ini: 'broadlink_climate_codes/lg.ini'
    min_temp: 18
    max_temp: 30
    target_temp: 26
    temp_sensor: sensor.living_room_temperature
    default_operation: 'off'
    default_fan_mode: low
        - 'off'
        - cool
        - heat
#        - auto
        - low
        - mid
        - high
        - auto

Thanks for the guidance on this one!

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Hello, the component works well for me. Unfortunately the codes for the CA Mitsubishi Electric have not worked for me, also, there is only the “cool” function. My device is quite old.

I have also seen that there are not those of the LG TVs.

If you like, I’ll go scanning them and putting them in a Google Sheets file. So you can add them if you wish.

I will not be quick, I do not have much time. But they will be tested for me. I also have a Grundig television and a Sony one. Little by little I can go scanning.

Thanks for the work. And apologies for the Google Translate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was thinking if you would watch the ir switch custom component from syssi you could make the same for the xiaomi. What would u need to work that out? I have 5 IR extender here … do u want me to send one? :stuck_out_tongue:

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thanks. if I understand correctly, in every modes, it must have all the same keys in this format [fanspeed]_[temperature]. so it should become…

low_16 = 'AAA...'
low_30 = 'BBB...'
mid_16 = 'CCC...'
mid_30 = 'DDD...'
high_16 = 'EEE...'
high_30 = 'FFF...'
auto_16 = 'GGG...'
auto_30 = 'HHH...'

low_16 = 'III...'
low_30 = 'JJJ...'
mid_16 = 'III...'
mid_30 = 'JJJ...'
high_16 = 'III...'
high_30 = 'JJJ...'
auto_16 = 'III...'
auto_30 = 'JJJ...'

low_16 = 'KKK...'
low_30 = 'KKK...'
mid_16 = 'LLL...'
mid_30 = 'LLL...'
high_16 = 'MMM...'
high_30 = 'MMM...'
auto_16 = 'MMM...'
auto_30 = 'MMM...'

am i right?

Yes, right

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Awesome stuff!! Just noticed that this device was missing. Came here to report and it’s already fixed!!!

This is going to come in handy.

Please advice the step I do.

  1. make the temperature.yaml from rm pro in sensor: to get sensor.xxx_temperature
  2. make the climate.yaml from rm pro in climate: to link to xxx.ini file. Is this yaml file located same folder in <confg/custom_components/climate/>
  3. Is the xxx.ini file has to be in <config/custom_components/broadlink_climate_codes/>

Finally got it. Thank you very much again.

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Can we put this climate in Homebridge and emulate hue: alexa?

I added this to homebridge and it works fine. Even works with Siri. Not sure about emulate hue or if this works with Alexa.

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Thank you, Vassilis for this great component!
I have started porting the Arduino hvac-ir library to Python to dynamically generate the AC control codes and created a HA climate component to send those codes via Broadlink. I have used some of your code to make the way shorter.
Now as I have it working with my Tadiran (Gree) and Electra (Midea) ACs, I’m thinking about joining the efforts to make the component as versatile as we can get.
Here is my lib repo:
Currently it only includes two types of ACs but I am planning to port the rest of the protocols from the Arduino library.
And here is the climate component code:

What do you think if we cooperate?


hi, what’s the exact word to change fan speed/mode via alexa/google assistant? i can change operation mode, change temperature but not fan speed/mode via voice command

Seems you managed to get 1 step further than me.

How do you change operation mode in google assistant? I can turn the thing on, change temperature, but can’t turn it off or change operation mode.

Also would be useful to know the fan speed but mine mostly sit on auto.

i use ‘off’ in yaml file as discussed above…

I have the config set to ‘off’ (used to be idle). But whenever I say something like “Hey google, turn off the Bedroom Aircon” it says “Sorry that mode isn’t available for the Bedroom Aircon”.

I tried “set to off”, “turn the Bedroom Aircon off”, and as many other ways of saying it as possible.

I’ll try relinking and see what happens.

I’ve have created the IR file for the Fujitsu AR-REA1E Remote. How can i contribute?

In addition, Is there such a mode call [Powerful], I’ve noted the daikin_arc433a21.ini has that temperature.

Oh! I have the same remote! Please post it to pastebin/github gist or open a pull request

I have created a gist for the Fujitsu AE-REA1E remote.

hi, dumb question probably but i am only two days into home assistant can someone tell me where i am going wrong?
in my config folder I create a folder called custom components, in there i have a folder called fan and in that is the script
then in the configuration.yaml i am calling it with?
is this correct?

anyone with a panasonic climate ir file here? :slight_smile: