Broadlink Manager - Nicer way to Learn and Send IR/RF commands

I having the same issue.
Domain firewall off
Private network off
Public network off

still can’t get this to work.

Dont forget virus shields aswell

Hi @fayraz,
in order to Pair a new device using my software you need to enter your broadlink device into AP Mode.
in order to do that first press the reset button until the blue led blinks fast.
then press the button once again untill the blue led blinks slower.

you also must have Wifi adapter.
fater doing all the above press rescan and then you’ll see network calld BroadlinkProv and from there continue with the paring.

hello … how to make new ini file for new remote ? how to make the haet and cool for ac

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Hi guys,
I am new to this forum so forgive me for asking something that has previously been responded to.
Is there a tutorial on how to get a RM PRO to teach a learned code onto a new remote?

Thanks for this app it has worked successfully to learn my RF codes when HASS could not! I’ve submitted a change to the component page for instructions to use this app

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same here I think!! neither this app nor by doing it off home assistant seems to work with this model… can somebody confirm this model is behaving this way too? I only suspect it… strongly suspect it

I too have that very model and it won’t work with this. This is just too bad! :frowning:
@Tomer_Klein any chance you could see why the RM Pro+ won’t be able to learn codes using your app? It feels as if this device was a bit crippled by Broadlink… :frowning:

Any workaround would be extremely appreciated.


Same behavior over here with the rm pro+ product. It works well with the app but it just won’t report any code using this method :frowning:

I strongly support that suggestion. It would come in handy!

hi there

seen this? one file looks highly suspicious and the other one has a confirmed trojan? am I missing something?

Hi @kitus,
i’m aware of it and trying to fix it.
Hopefuly will update till the weekend.


Thanks a million @Tomer_Klein! please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Just tried it again now and learning IR codes works impressively well :slight_smile:

I too can’t seem to have my RM Pro+ learn new codes using the method outlined in the RM switch component section in HA

How to obtain IR/RF packets?
Choose Call Service from the Developer Tools. Choose the service switch.broadlink_learn_command from the list of Available services: and hit CALL SERVICE. Press the button on your remote with in 20 seconds. The packet will be printed as a persistent notification in the States page of the web interface.

This does not work either… that’s why I suggested the RM Pro+ may be crippled by design.


Basicley every broadlink device as a device type :
0x2712: //“RM2”;
0x2737: //“RM Mini”;
0x273d: //“RM Pro Phicomm”;
0x2783: //“RM2 Home Plus”;
0x277c: //“RM2 Home Plus GDT”;
0x272a: //“RM2 Pro Plus”;
0x2787: //“RM2 Pro Plus2”;
0x279d: //“RM2 Pro Plus3”;
0x27a9: //“RM2 Pro Plus_300”;
0x278b: //“RM2 Pro Plus BL”;
0x2797: //“RM2 Pro Plus HYC”;
0x27a1: //“RM2 Pro Plus R1”;
0x27a6: //“RM2 Pro PP”;
0x278f: //“RM Mini Shate”;

I’m Guessing that your device is not listed here (and i was unable to find it over the web like i did with the others). when i’ll find it i’ll add it to my code and then it sould work fine.

Good catch!!! Is there anything I can do to speed this up?

@Tomer_Klein, isn’t that one my model?

I’m trying to use your software on a PC without a wireless network card and I cannot see my RM Mini 3.
I have a pair of them. Their IP address are already configured and I can ping them.
I tried to add them manually using the IP and MAC address but the program still doesn’t find them.

Any suggestions?



Yes, like I said: I believe that’s a false-positive. You can create your own package by following the instructions. You can download everything from the original source and compile yourself. I’ve done it on my personal PC, I can assure it it clean :slight_smile:

Too bad I am not a programmer, would love to help and create a Hassio Addon to use with all Broadlink remotes. I believe they are the best alternative to use with IR and RF.


is there anyway to work this broadlink manager to be used on Ubuntu 18.04.
Please guide

You save my day mate!
I have a RM2 Pro Plus_300 and like many other user here I couldn’t get RF codes with Hassio call-service or Broadlink Manager.
Your procedure is a bit tricky, but it works perfectly!

I hope that a simpler method will be found in the future, let me know any update.