I have just received a Broadlink RM4 Pro, which is listed as compatible here. I can make it connect to my network, but after trying to integrate with HA, I receive the following error: “Device not supported”.
I tryed a few additional things, like to click in 3 dots in Broadlink App and unblock it, si it can receite other connections. I also read about not completing all configuration with the app, just giving the SSID and password… None of the above solved the problem…
Is it a known problem? Is there smething wrong with HA that may be corrected in a next version? Or may I be doing something wrong or there is kown incompatibility?
Thanks to anyone who may help me on this.
PS: If there is a more adequate category , please let me know, then I can edit my post. Thanks
I tryed to find it with no success. Maybe someone can give a hint.
In the internet I found some references, but it didn’t worked for me. Mayb you have more luck:
It’s not a solution, it is a workaround. Find the error code in your log (In my case it was 0x653c and the the model is a RM4 Pro, proceed accordly). Then, SSH to HA:
After that you will be able to integrate (no restart needed). Keep in mind that if you update HA, it will stop to work. Restart should be ok.
I have a RM4 Pro that I just received and installed from Ali Express also and I am not able to add it to HA even after I installed the patch above and restarted the server. It is unlocked from the app and I still get Device Not Supported when attempting to add device to HA integration.
pip3 install git+https://github.com/felipediel/python-broadlink.git@patch-23 --force-reinstall --no-deps
Collecting git+https://github.com/felipediel/python-broadlink.git@patch-23
Cloning https://github.com/felipediel/python-broadlink.git (to revision patch-23) to /tmp/pip-req-build-t624pdxf
Running command git clone -q https://github.com/felipediel/python-broadlink.git /tmp/pip-req-build-t624pdxf
Running command git checkout -b patch-23 --track origin/patch-23
Branch 'patch-23' set up to track remote branch 'patch-23' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'patch-23'
Using legacy setup.py install for broadlink, since package 'wheel' is not installed.
Installing collected packages: broadlink
Attempting uninstall: broadlink
Found existing installation: broadlink 0.16.0
Uninstalling broadlink-0.16.0:
Successfully uninstalled broadlink-0.16.0
Running setup.py install for broadlink ... done
Successfully installed broadlink-0.16.0
I have a Broadlink RM4 Pro from last december and I get the same message “Device not supported” when trying to integrate it in HA.
I did everything with no success, so I gave up and use the evil thing only with it’s app
…until an expert would solve the integration in the future.
Thanks everyone for your comments and please, brainy experts, work on it!
Would be keen for more info on this when it gets updated.
Going through the same thing.
And when I add it this way I dont actually get to see the temp and humidity sensor either.