šŸ”¹ Browser_mod - turn your browser into a controllable device, and a media_player

Interesting. I just tried last night to upgrade my Home Assistant instance from 0.114.4 to the latest - and after a successful upgrade, I started to get some of the usual reboot messages through via Telegram - then the system froze and wasnā€™t accessible.
I was still able to dial in via SSH and restore a snapshot, but the system didnā€™t seem to be usable at all. The log was littered with browser_mod errors (tasks being destroyed etc).
I didnā€™t have time to study the log thoroughly but I will be doing tonight - I just presumed browser_mod and the latest version of HA are not compatible.
Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Hi, I already opened an issue on GitHub facing similar issues after the update

Pls enter your experiences there, so that the mods may have some more hints where to search for the bug

I am noticing the browser_mod component is not working anymore only on my mobile app while it is working as always when using it in the browser of my MAC.
Anyone else noticed it?

Define ā€˜not workingā€™ ā€¦

Probably the device-id is reset after a frontend cache refresh in the app?

Which mobile app do you mean?
For me, browser_mod is not working with companion app.
Thatā€™s why I had to install wallpaper.
I need that for my alarm clock dashboard.

Yes, i mean companion app for androidā€¦ What you mean with wallpaper?

Wallpaper is an android app, especially developed for display mode on phones or tablets. Works really great but due to increasing functionality of the companion app and the available kiosk mode in HA not really nesessary,ā€¦ if browser_mod would work.
On my mobiles it doesnā€™t. Wallpaper without issues, companion app not. I already tested it again on my S10.
And that is really interesting. Iā€™m wondering why.

Same hereā€¦ i hope it will be fixed asapā€¦

You are speaking about WallPanel app I guess.
BTW I have no problem with companion app with browser_mod

Ups, what did I write? Wallpaper :slight_smile: :rofl:
Youā€™re right, I mean wallpanel.

For research reasons I tested on my tablet yesterday and the companion app worked.
On my mobile phone only wallpanel does. Confusing :thinking:

Did you try to clean cache, different browser, reload lovelaceUI on your mobile phone?

yes. more then once

I realized that on mobile every popup is being opened in fullscreen.
I have created a nice popup with rounded corners (border radius) which looks exactly as expected.
However it does look bad on mobile.
Is there any solution on having border radius as 0px only on mobile?

Hi fellas, finally I found what I needed, but there are few things remaining to do:
I have implemented alarm_control_panel and it works as popup now, thanks for browser_mod!

here is the code how to call it:

title: Popup example
  type: alarm-panel
    - arm_home
    - arm_away
  entity: alarm_control_panel.alarm
  name: Test popup
  - desktop_pc
large: true
hide_header: false
auto_close: false
time: 1

That is good thing, the bad thing is I want it to stay ON till correct code is entered and so user canā€™t do anything till then.

Did anyone implemented this?

I have the following setup.

I am using Rhasspy which is using NanoTTS for TTS. I created a new command using Hassio config and when i use this endpoint I can trigger TTS announcements. The audio currently plays through RPiā€™s audio jack. I want to use browser_mod to route the audio to a certain Chrome Browser.

    url: '{{ ipnum }}/api/text-to-speech'
    method: 'POST'
      accept: 'text/plain'
      content-type: 'text/plain'
    payload: '{{ payload_data }}'

My browser_mod looks like


How can I route the voice announcements from the TTS to the Browser ?

I need help!! :triumph: :weary: :woozy_face:

Iā€™m going around in circles trying to get the screensaver/screen off functionality working on my FireHD/LineageOS tablet. Itā€™s running FKB Pro and I want the screen to blank (ideally turn off) when no one is nearby. I am using my alarm PIR/motion sensors as triggers.

Iā€™ve tried two solutions:
Screen off - I have configured FKB to turn off the screen after 300 seconds (which it does), I then have an automation that does a service call to turn on the browser/tablet light based on the PIR triggers. The problem with this is the tablet/FKB stops responding to the service call. I believe there is an Android bug that is causing this and the workaround is to ā€œforce_stay_awakeā€, but that didnā€™t seem to work for me (I also have FKB configured to prevent sleeping while screen is off) :frowning:

So I tried going down the screen saver route - I turned off the ā€œscreen offā€ settings and enabled the screensaver in FKB. I then changed the automation from turning on the light to sending ā€œno_blackoutā€. But this doesnā€™t work :frowning:

Does anyone use the screensaver/screen off functionality?


same errors hereā€¦may be the device that is starting up and still not ready during the boot of the raspy?

I try popup new windows when click the item.

In the Dev. Tool:
Service = browser_mode.command
Service Data =

command: popup
deviceID: ["this"]
card: {
      type: picture-glance,
      entities: [
      camera_image: camera.lila_livemap,
      show_state: false

Good, the popup windows is appeared.

But when I create the script to call in the code as:

      - service: browser_mod.command
          command: popup
            - this
            type: picture-glance
              - input_boolean.room_dining_room
              - input_boolean.room_living_room
            camera_image: camera.lila_livemap
            show_state: false

Bad, execute script.popup_windows nothing to show.
How I can do ?

Read this:

FKB has [Remote admin](https://www.fully-kiosk.com/en/#remoteadmin) function