Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

Hi Green, thanks for your reply.
Let me see if I can explain this a bit better…

Lets say I’m about to leave the house and I therefore close all my doors and windows.
That means sensor1, 2, 3 are “Closed” but Sensor 4 which is the window I forgot to close will still be “open”. I then arm my Alarm, and then I leave. If a burgler comes by and enters the house through that Window, then the alarm won’t trigger. I don’t have motion sensors in all rooms yet.

So what I try to achieve was not to delay any sensors, because that part makes sense and I already have that working. I simply just want to do a “CHECK” that all sensors that are a part of the Immediate group needs to be in a closed state when arming.

Does it make sense?

It does. If Sensor4 is in the “immediate” list and not in the override, you won’t be able to engage the arm mode. Or at least that’s what I am seeing :slight_smile:

@AhmadK - I think I found the answer - don’t know how I could misread this:

So it states that when triggered it will return back to armed_away after 300 seconds which is the 5 minute window I see. Maybe setting this to 0 will keep it running forever.

@greengolfer, well that was what I hoped for.
Even though the sensors are in the immediate group, the alarm sets when the pin is entered.
Does your alarm warns you if your sensors are in an open state?

Yes it does. I have configured some of my sensors in the override group. When at least one of those in the immediate group who aren’t in the override group is “open” I have a message from bwalarm saying that I can’t arm it.
Hope it is clear

It is - I just don’t understand why mine doesn’t do that. I don’t have any sensors in the override group. All Sensors are in the immediate group except the one at my main entrance which is in the Delayed.

Maybe this is because I haven’t “upgraded” to akasma74 edition and still runs the version from Gazoscalvertos.

That’s correct.

Currently the alarm won’t set if there are open sensors in immediate or delayed groups, but it will set even if there is an open sensor that is in override group.

I don’t think so. Could you remind me what you want to achieve?

I can see no point in having sensors in more than one group unless you give me an example when that’s beneficial.

Oh man… you’re joking, seriously :frowning:

Sorry I forgot to put in a big smiley :blush:
I am on the akasma edition.

Please read this

Add that sensor into override group and set ignore_open_sensors to True via Settings/manually in bwalarm.yaml.

Maybe I misunderstood the concepts behind those terms immediate, delayed and override… but my tests seem to confirm what I am saying.

For me, override is something that come in addition to immediate and delayed. If one sensor is in override (and also in immediate or delayed) then I can put the alarm in away (or home) mode. Otherwise I can’t.

What’s your take on this? What is “override” meaning?


What is it? It’s not a MQTT switch, is it?
And your topics are strange, they should not contain whitespace.

MQTT section of bwalarm.yaml allows you to configure commands the integration (alarm) reacts to, i.e if if RECEIVES ARM_NIGHT to its command topic (weird one again), it’ll set into night mode.
And when mqtt enabled and the integration changes its state, it publishes it in its state topic.
Perhaps you misunderstood how it works as it does not send MQTT commands and receive states, it’s the other way round :wink:

Can you try to have your open sensor in override group ONLY and set the alarm? It should set.
If you keep the sensor open and move its name from override to immediate/delayed group and restart HA, the alarm should display Open Sensors warning if you try to set it via Alarm view (not via Lovelace alarm card).

I’ve already explained above. It’s not my take, I just read the code :wink:

I think it’s an MQTT alarm control panel (basically dumb panel, designed only to interface with a hardware alarm unit that has all the logic).

I initially tried to do exactly what was mentioned in your guide, but when looking at your first screenshot in this post and now I’m actually a bit unsure.

I don’t see the “This Panel” and “Component”?

Just changed during the versions or have I missed something?

That’s correct, there is only one version that corresponds to release tag on GitHub.

Okay so that means I’m good in relation to your version.
I copied all your repo over again and now it seems to be working - don’t know why it didn’t.

Now I just need to figure out why my panel doesn’t show the round buttons when I enable it and why my panel in Lovelace only shows the keypad when the alarm is armed.

I have it disable as round buttons still have rectangular things inside them, pretty ugly imho.

that’s the way it works. it only shows keypad when one need it, possibly to save screen space.

You are actually right :smile:

That makes sense, but I have enabled that the alarm can’t be armed without a pin:

So I thought I should see it here as well - No keypad (lovelace view):

EDIT: I can see others already have written about this and created an issue on your git.

Thanks so far.

I can’t get my keypad to show on my lovelace card. It does work when I open alarm from the side panel. Do I have to configure anything else other than the pin code?

2 everyone interested in Lovelace alarm card - this integration was designed before Lovelace and therefore at the moment cannot be seamlessly controlled from the standard Lovelace alarm card.
I don’t have enough knowledge/time to develop a custom alarm card for Lovelace to take into account all advanced features of this integration. Hence any help in this department is highly appreciated as most of the functionality is already there and I can easily explain what’s missing.

Therefore so far for most of the Lovelace issues I ask users to create a new Feature Request and have no clear timescale when it could be implemented.
Hope it makes sense.

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No, it is an MQTT Alarm Control Panel component. I have it working with the SmartThings Smart Home Monitor smartapp, Smartbridge and MQTT broker add-ons, and the Lovelace alarm panel card. I don’t see the bwalarm interacting with the MQTT broker at all, so I’m wondering if there is an issue with the config, and I wanted to see another person’s working MQTT config in bwalarm.

The topics work as long as they are enclosed in quotes. The MQTT alarm panel was already working in Home Assistant but I need to add an extra layer of security with a passcode so someone can’t disarm the alarm system in SmartThings with a button press in Home Assistant.