Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

Could you tell us more about virtual alarms and multiple partitions?
So far there is no zones and the only option is to define separate sets of sensors for Home, Away and Night modes.
The possibility of adding these features depends on how important it is for the users.

Do you know if the HA devs are aware something is wrong? Is the problem not specific to bwalarm, is that what you are saying?

To be honest, I don’t know. My suggestion was to stick to working version of HA.

@Dawnes @whyitsbob @joelones @John_Schutte @sh00t2kill do you care creating a new HA issue (as I can’t afford updating my HA instance atm)?

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I think that, in a complete alarm setup for an home automation system, a zone managment and a multiple partition management features is near to be mandatory.
Especially in a bigger environment that involve separate flats or buildings alla under the same home management system.
Obviosly this is a free project and this cannot be asked, but only suggested to people that are able to contribute. :+1:

Quick one. Is it possible to change only the name on the buttons for the Alarm Card?
So instead of ‘Away’ and ‘Home’, it could be ‘In’ and ‘Out’?

I actually moved away from Zipato to home assistant a few years ago. That is the one thing I noticed is lacking from Home Assistant. Zipato allowed you to set up multiple different alarms with each having their own alarm modes within them. This allowed people to set up let’s say Apartment complexes and run the alarms all in one system.

The different zones is kinda similar to the different sensors being set up for each mode in Home assistant. The only advantage I seen in zones is reporting what area is tripping the alarm instead of sensor. This can be accomplished in home Assistant but it was more convenient with zones.

The only item I seen missing that would be nice is cross grouping between sensors. This helps prevents false alarms from triggering. All that is you would group sensors and set a time limit between them to see 8f the alarm should go off or not. For example you have two motion sensor in one room and one detects motion. With cross grouping you can set let’s say 30 seconds and if that second motion sensor detects motion the alarm would trigger otherwise it would not.

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@ExTrEmE @schildgenb thanks for the information.
I have to say that I don’t personally know anyone who manages separate flats or buildings using HA, it’s a bit risky :wink:
On the other hand, I know people having 2 separate objects to guard (a house and a shed/garage) and I know it can be done in theory, but cannot test it right now.

Zones and cross grouping is interesting, I’ll give it a thought.

@Yoinkz if you’re talking about native view of this integration (and not Lovelace Alarm card) then the short answer is not at the moment. Does that really make sense?

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@AhmadK my case is a “classic”: single large property with garden, 2 floor building with two flats (one mine, one my parents) and an adjacent former carpentry now a big garage deposit.
Actually I’m on zipato ad I use multiple partition for each one, with auto arming-logics, one “health care” parition (inverse alarm logic, silent alarm when no moves inside my parent’s flat for more than certain time :older_man: :older_woman:) and so on; I know it’s not a real safe solution (real alarm is obviously better), but it works form my needs (accepting the risk of jamming).
I want to move away from zipato but the big lack of various vendors is exactly the virtual alarm feature. >Thanks to bwalarm, there’s something near my needs, but actually not applicable (I can’t setup a single partition for the whole building).
So for now I have to wait.
Obviously one solution could be to buy one rpi for each building portion and run an instance of hassio on each one… but in this case I should buy three aeon stick, three conbee, three rpi… and three system to maintain :sweat_smile:

Cross grouping is very useful, I can confirm…it can avoid many false alarms.
Zones is useful too, exactly for the same reason just exposed by @schildgenb

I see.
Still don’t quite get what’s a partition.
Is virtual alarm = multiple alarms controlled by one system?
Will have a look at their website when I have time :wink:

Yes with Zipato’s system you can have multiple alarms set up and each alarm will have its own settings and users. There’s also multiple different types of an alarm. You would have silent alarm, battery alarm, normal alarm and health care. The silent alarm is set up the same as a normal only just only notifies you instead of setting off the sirens. The battery alarm was to notify you when a devices battery was low did not have much luck with this one working. The health care is used like mentioned above for health and safety purposes.

Will an issue for a custom integration be automatically closed though?

I created one anyway. Issue #30540.

Thanks for that. The issue for this integration won’t be automatically closed if they close your HA one as far as I understand.

Hi AhmadK,

I think it is the default Alarm-Card in Lovelace?

according to the documentation there is no option to change buttons’ labels.

however, there as a custom alarm panel card that might be configured (haven’t tried it myself though).

My question stands - does that change really make sense? I mean, is it valid to replace Arm Home with In and Arm Away with Out?

I understand what you mean and probably no, it doesn’t make sense to change it. In my case it it because the text-size does that the two buttons are dropping just below each other, which then pushes my card below even further down. So now I can’t see all of it on my Tablet.
But I think I got it nailed by just using the “states” and then only use - arm_away. That is the only state I use - so for know that will be my Fix :slight_smile:

Thanks for a quick reply as always!

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@schildgenb and anyone else interested in cross grouping between sensors - have a look here.

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To anyone who wants this component to work with HA 0.103.0+ AND MQTT enabled.
The master branch is fixed now, but actually all you need is this file - just save it to custom_component/bwalarm/ overwriting the existing one and it should do the trick.
I’ll include that fix in the next release.

Special thanks to @John_Schutte for his help!


It’s most definitely your theme not supporting this. Try the default HA theme, the sliders will appear

Thanks for fixing. Has this been tested on 104.x?