Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

Thank you for your time in keeping this alive!


Sorry to bother, I couldn’t find anything regarding my following question.
Now, I have enabled hide_sidebar feature and it works great. But I would like to “unhide” it when it’s unarmed to regain full control of my HassIO dashboard.

Any way you, or obviously anyone else reading this, can help me accomplish this?

To be honest, I don’t see much of sense in that hide_sidebar feature running HA 0.102 (i.e not 0.85 or similar) on my tablet as I have “Always hide the sidebar” in HA settings for that user.
Just swipe your screen (or click and drag your mouse) from left edge of the screen.

I know I asked this previously but I never did get it sorted out and just now trying to close out some ongoing HA issues. I find that my alarm warning automation keeps getting turned off somehow. It’s not being caused by HA restarts as I have confirmed that it happens without a restart (so initial_state: 'on' is not the issue here, which is set anyway). This is my only automation that isn’t keeping it’s state over time. My thinking is that it’s happening when I arm / disarm the alarm system. Searching my config files finds absolutely no code to cause this behaviour. Is anyone else noticing this as well?

My automation.yaml only contains code for this alarm as all my other automations are in packages.

- id: alarm_armed_away
  alias: '[Alarm] Away Mode Armed'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    to: 'armed_away'
  - data:
      message: 'Alarm Away Mode Armed'
    service: notify.html5
#    service: notify.pushbullet
  - data:
      message: 'House alarm armed, away mode'
    service: tts.google_translate_say
#    service: notify.google_assistant_broadcast
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_mini

- id: alarm_armed_home
  alias: '[Alarm] Home Mode Armed'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    to: 'armed_home'
  - data:
      message: 'Alarm Home Mode Armed'
    service: notify.html5
#    service: notify.pushbullet
  - data:
      message: 'House alarm activated, home mode'
    service: tts.google_translate_say
#    service: notify.google_assistant_broadcast
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_mini

- id: alarm_arming_away
  alias: '[Alarm] Away Mode Arming'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    to: 'pending'
#  - data:
#      message: 'House alarm activating'
#    service: notify.pushbullet
  - data:
      message: 'House alarm activating, away mode'
    service: tts.google_translate_say
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_mini

- id: alarm_disarmed
  alias: '[Alarm] Disarmed'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    to: 'disarmed'
  - service: switch.turn_off
    entity_id: switch.alarm_siren1_switch
  - service: script.turn_on
    entity_id: script.alarm_lights_off
  - service: notify.html5
#  - service: notify.pushbullet
      message: 'Alarm Disarmed'
  - data:
      message: 'House alarm disarmed'
    service: tts.google_translate_say
#    service: notify.google_assistant_broadcast
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_mini

- id: alarm_triggered
  alias: '[Alarm] Triggered'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    to: 'triggered'
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.alarm_siren1_switch
  - service: notify.html5
#  - service: notify.pushbullet
      message: 'ALARM TRIGGERED!!! {{ states[".")[0]][".")[1]].name }}'
# message: "The {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.friendly_name }} Smoke Alarm has TRIGGERED!!!"  # use this as example to simplify the above
  - service: script.turn_on
    entity_id: script.alarm_lights_on

- id: alarm_warning
  alias: '[Alarm] Warning'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: 'on'
  - platform: state
    to: 'warning'
  - service: notify.html5
#  - service: notify.pushbullet
      message: 'ALARM Warning {{ states[".")[0]][".")[1]].name }}'
  - data:
      message: 'House alarm tripped and authorities notified. Get out of the house'
    service: tts.google_translate_say
#    service: notify.google_assistant_broadcast
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_mini

Any ideas? Based on the above code it can only be occurring due to the alarm code in the custom_component as far as I can tell

I have similar automations and they all seem to work and stay on.
Do I get it right that only the last automation alarm_warning becomes off by itself?
I think there is nothing to do with the integration and would suggest you to create a new topic in Configuration so we could focus on debugging the issue there.


initial_state: true

I’d say “remove initial_state everywhere” but it won’t solve his issue :frowning:

the alarm does not work with the new version of ha 0.103

Let’s not update to 0.103 until I sort it out.

I was naive enough to not check here first so I can confirm it’s not working on 0.103.0 :confused: Downgrading now

That’s correct. This is the only automation out of many that turns itself off.

Ok, will do. Thanks

A new version that fixes this integration after updating HA to 0.103 is available.
I also adds a little bonus


Thank you for removing the panel_title!

Glad it works for you.
I hope to get its look a bit better soon, currently playing with the bottom bit :wink:

Next to updated working fine for me.

Thanks for you work

I installed the update and it works. But now I am locked out of the settings
 Any ideas how to log in?

I got it working again, I didn’t realize that I shouldn’t have replaced my bwalarm.yaml when updating.
Live and learn.


Thanks for the fix! Works like a charm again. Question though, I didn’t notice anything different. Maybe because I use it for just a few days. What’s the bonus exactly?

It’s in release notes. Basically, you can get rid of the panel’s title by setting it to empty string.

yes, as per Readme bwalarm.yaml is not in the same folder as the code.

For a long time I am seeing this in my logs:

Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all entities is deprecated. Update your call to alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away to be instead: entity_id: all

But I never bothered as it is working properly.
Is it a problem, or should I ignore it?
I am using the alarm card from Lovelace to arm and disarm if that helps.
I just updated to your latest version of the alarm, but I am still getting it.