Bwalarm (akasma74 edition)

I haven’t seen such a warning for ages. Do you get the same when setting your alarm from the panel?

will this work with 0.102 ?

I see that before I had files in config/www/alarm

now some files need to be in

Same for content of directory lib??

No I dont. This happens only when arming the alarm from lovelace.

Finally i managed to increase the font size by setting up a dev environment with polymer …now it looks good.

Let’s see it!

It worked with HA 0.102 in my case.
Long time ago this integration moved to config in /resources/bwalarm and the code in /custom_components/bwalarm/.
No files in config/www/are used.
Please read installation notes and installing it afresh from GitHub might be a good idea.

That’s because this integration is not 100% compatible with Lovelace. Ideally the panel.html needs to be replaced by a Lovelace card, but at the moment I have no knowledge and time to do that.
By the way, I cannot reproduce your error message on HA 0.103.0 and v1.11.1 of this integration.

Any screenshots? I’m about to release a version with a better use of screen space but no tweaks to font sizes yet as it’s a bit controversial - some want it smaller and some want it bigger :wink:

@ Ahmadk ,I am having problems activating the alarm in arm_away, it does not always work for me, if restart has worked for a while and then nothing else, the action in is next.

     - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away

I don’t think it has anything to do with the integration itself, more likely something at your configuration or HA level (as here).

My advice is to add something like persistent_notification to that action to see if it gets triggered at all. That was you’ll find out whether the problem is in the service call or your automation.
And by the way, it’s impossible to help looking only at part of automation :wink:

EDIT: Please ignore my errors… I feel so bad for myself! I was using entity buttons for arming the alarm. Easy for the wife. I just updated the service calls and everything is fine.

I updated this alarm component yesterday (to 1.11.1) and now I can’t arm at all, however nothing shows up in the log at all. I’m still on HA 0.102.2

EDIT: I just downgraded this component back to 1.10.4, restarted and the alarm armed.

What method were you using to arm it?

Automation, Lovelace panel, or side panel?

I’ve had no trouble arming/disarming using an automation.

Yes, more details needed as the only change in the latest release was completely cosmetic and does not affect any functionality at all.

I was trying both via the side panel and from a Lovelace entities card. Neither worked, nor produced any errors for me to share. I guess I can try updating to the latest again and see what happens after a another restart

I’d suggest to clear cache and enable logging before restarting:

  default: warning
    custom_components.bwalarm.alarm_control_panel: debug

If you see anything suspicious/it still doesn’t work, feel free to open a new issue on Github.

Don’t update to v0.103.2 guys, it broke the integration again. I have no further details, I just wanted to post this asap.

This component is not working
Check the Home Assistant log for more details.
This integration: v1.11.1
Home Assistant: v0.103.2

I updated to 103.2 and everything seems to be working fine for me.

103.2 is working fine for me in Docker. What do your logs say?

I’m so sorry, I did not have time to look into it, I rolled back to a hassio snapshot of version 0.102.3 from before the upgrade and everything is working fine again. I’ll try again tomorrow (it’s almost midnight where I am) and see what the logs tell me.

Please do.
I’m a bit suspicious because .3 shouldn’t have any negative impact on the release as the most dangerous thing is .0 release and any patches (.1, .2 etc) can only contain fixes and no new features (not sure about simple bugs though :wink:)
I’m running 0.103.0 and have no issues with this integration and its mqtt functionality.

Guys, I’m currently tweaking the web panel of this integration and have a question to all users:
Currently we have a panel title at the top of the screen and a clock, status and weather below it. If the panel title is not defined or empty, there will be no first bit and it helps saving some screen space.

What if I change it so the panel title goes to that status line and combines with alarm’s status, i.e it would look like House: Disarmed? And it’d be still possible to get rid of that panel title bit by making it empty.

I also think it might be reasonable to slightly change status wording - instead of current Disarmed/Night/Home/Away it could be Disarmed/Armed - Night/Armed - Home/Armed - Away.
This way it would be more intuitive and look better if one wants to have panel title set as Home, for example :wink:

Apart from that, I’m going to replace the fingerprint icon with a normal button as suggested here to make the interface more consistent.

And the rectangular buttons will be replace by round/square buttons similar to those in the original BWalarm :wink: (but they won’t be always transparent)

Any thoughts/suggestions/objections?