Calendars & Todo-List

I would really love it to see, when the local-To-Do List (new feature since 2023.11.0) could be linked with the local calendar.
For example, create a Todo-List entry from / within a Calendar-Event - or create a Calendar-Event from a Todo-List Task.

The underlying implementation is effectively the same thing so this is possible. Perhaps if we add a “due date” to do lists then it would make sense to also expose the todo items as a calendar entity.


Personally, I do not see an “Event” system and a “ToDo” system the same.
An event takes place at a certain date/time. A calendar is perfect for that.

A ToDo can take place anytime but needs a due date, one could assume the start date is the created date but that is really not sufficient as it should also have a start date and/or dependencies on the completion of other ToDo’s.

Example … I have a ToDo to mow the lawn. If you set end date then OK, you can push that onto the calendar as an event to take place on the end date. I may mow it earlier but now I am only going to see it in my calendar on the specific due date which seems wrong. Furthermore, I may have three other ToDo’s… sharpen the blades, get gas, change oil … that all need to happen before mowing the lawn.

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I’m saying the local Todo and local calendar are literally implemented both with the ical python library and are the same rfc 5545. They are exposed as todos and calendar entities, but it’s possible to have the Todo integration also have a calendar entity for example with the same object represented on both. This seems to match your example if I read it right.

Google calendar puts the Todos on the due date as an all day event which seems reasonable. You can ingore the calendar view if you don’t want to use it.


That’s OK. We are speaking different languages.
I get it.

The ultimate statement is this … “Google calendar puts the Todos on the due date as an all day event which seems reasonable”

Not really but I get it. So this is merely a list that flows into calendar (not yet) for any actions.

Then please explain the need for ToDo lists … when everything can just be put into calendar?

In other words … as I said:

Calendar = Events
ToDo = Some “Event” that needs to occur by a specific date, to be started after some date, and relies on some other ToDo’s.

There is no reason to implement the current ToDo as 100% x 10 can be done with Calendars.

Cool. I’m not sure if you’re downvoting this feature request or saying something else (removing todo entities entirely since they are useless?)


The feature is important and one step (not the solution).
Calendar is not what I want for many things.

Maybe confusing but Calendar is great for what it does.
ToDo should not be everything Calendar does>

It should be designed to be what is expected.

Calendar = Events
ToDo = Tasks

I am simply saying … Tasks have a start date, end date and depend on things
Events just happen

In the rfc5535 Todo spec todos can have a start date time and a due date time, plus other fields (for example a description). So yeah agree there that those fields exist in general.

Separately, you can put those on a calendar if you want to. Clearly not everyone wants to :slight_smile:

Hey guys!
I think you are both right. Calendars and ToDos are used for different things, but there are people who like to time-block ToDos.

Personally, I add ToDos to a day, but if I know that a ToDo is meant for a specific time, I add that as well, and if I know the duration of that ToDo… even better, I add that too.

Adding a list of lists of ToDos is a step in the right direction. Now I can separate my groceries from home stuff in HA. :slight_smile: Hope to see more of this feature… Cheers!


I agree in principal that tasks and events are different entities. The problem I’ve always had with todo lists is that mine are rarely time-bound - just a list of shit I need todo that grows longer, becomes overwhelming, and then ignored. Maybe there’s a solution in merging the two that would help me - a calendar showing scheduled events, task deadline dates, and a manageable list of tasks I should accomplish today. ToDo list is seperate - prioritized list of tasks and dependencies; but integrating today’s top three tasks, based on prioritiy and dependency etc., into my HASS calendar would be helpful…

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I think related to this conversation…
We have an integration that populates our to-do list. We use it for grocery lists, movie’s we’d like to see, meal suggestions, etc. None of these have due dates but it would be great if there was a state or property exposed which would allow me to act on when a particular list changes.
For instance, I could write an automation that sends a notification to my phone if my spouse adds an item to the movie’s list.
Another where if I remove items from the groceries list send a notification, or perform an action against another device.

I 100% agree with the concept of being able to calendar-display Local To Do List Items. My personal preference is to be able to display the to-do list mixed with other calendar items that are hard blocked, to help me decide when and for how long I can get stuck into something. I might not be able to get the item accomplished today, but being able to stick it on my calendar for this otherwise unscheduled hour or two, and again tomorrow, etc. would be great.

I see two possible routes to implementing this:

  1. Maintain a reference from a To Do List item to a calendar entry dynamically, and vice-versa. Most flexible and reuses the most code elements as far as I can tell, but CRUD’ing the link/reference between the two entities could get ugly quickly.

  2. Adding a multi-value fieldset to a To Do List item for “when to work on this” that could take all of the properties that a calendar entry can. Then these can be displayed on its own separate calendar display, or combined with other “normal calendar items” (meetings, vacation, etc…)

Either way, I think it is important to be able to react to not only To Do List due dates, but the “work on this” time blocks as well. For example, I would love an automation to set my phone to “do not disturb” when the work on this block starts, take it back out of dnd when either work block is over, or I mark the task done, whichever occurs first.

Now that the todo lists have date/time as well (thanks so much @team!! :slight_smile: ) i would place the following request: →

As a user of todo lists and calendars

I want to see the todos that have a date/time attached in the calendar as either whole day events (if there is no time) or at the correct point in time. -

So that I have a nicely integrated environment and can stop using the overkill clumped other apps out in the todo jungle and use only the Home Assistant local todo list! :slight_smile: