Can not trigger on IKEA rodret events

Just noticed that I can not use the IKEA Rodret on/off events as triggers in an automation. The remote does work fine and also logs on/off events when I check it in the ZHA device details, but I can not choose those events as automation triggers. This works fine with the older Trådfri dimmer remotes.

Anyone else have any luck with these?

if you go to history and pull up the device or dev-tools->states and pull up the states for that device what does it show you (when it’s not offline).

i’m guessing you should be able to trigger off it’s state. and to do that when you choose the trigger, you should pick “state” not “device”

in general you should avoid using device id’s when you can. here’s why:

I have the same issue with the IKEA rodret device in ZHA since i have updated the firmware. Unfortunately i am not able to redo the firmware update, therefor no automation is working any more. Has someone a workarround?

After updating the firmware in my Ikea RODRET (E2201) to version: 0x01000057, I have exactly the same problems.
Can anyone help?

I have one RODRET on the old firmware (1.0.47) and it exposes the button press events, but not the ones that I updated to 1.0.57.

I also have RODRET (1.0.57) and there is no button press event. Turns out the solution is this blueorint (v1.2):

Yesterday I checked and the automations are working.
Full of happines.
(HA Core: 2024.6.4, Supervisor: 2024.06.2 and ZHA)

I reported an issue on this: Missing device triggers after firmware update · Issue #127528 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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I have a freshly bought rodret switch. It pairs with ZHA but shows nothing: firmware, RSSI, etc. are all unknown, and nothing happens when buttons are pressed. I imported this blueprint and set it up to notify me upon button press, but similarly nothing at all happens. Does anyone have hints about solving this?

Works fine for me and always has. What Zigbee coordinator/dongle are you using? Lots of users with at least one specific Sonoff model (and possibly all other dongles using the same chipset) seem to be having issues with the later IKEA accessories until they update the firmware on the dongle.

It’s the fairly common Sonoff v3 dongle, though I’ve had it several years and only updated the firmware after buying it. I’ve been able to pair the Styrgrad 4-button device and the Ikea door sensor without major issue (and I have tons of other zigbee devices that work fine).
I’m actually not sure how to go about upgrading the firmware, though I can look that up. More importantly I’m not sure about risks linked with that, I’d have to make sure it’s worth it.

EDIT: pulled the plug and updated the dongle firmware to the latest version. About to see if anything’s changed.
EDIT: no luck. Nothing changed with the dongle firmware upgraded. Similary a Vallhorn motion sensor pairs without problem, but never detects anything. 2 out of 4 ikea devices that work …
EDIT: actually the Vallhorn started working on its own a few minutes later. The rodret still doesn’t work. I had a 2nd one too, I tried just in case. Same thing (although the 2nd one doesn’t “click” on the power-on button, only on power-off, so it might be even “more” defective, I will return it)

That seems to similar to other’s experiences, with Vallhorn specifically but also Parasoll (the door sensor released at the same time).

What batteries are you using? I remember IKEA specifically saying to only use rechargeable batteries, and people reporting problems when using standard alkaline batteries with Vallhorn/Parasoll. Don’t know if that also applies to Rodret.

I’m using rechargeable batteries from Eneloop. Just experimented some more with the Vallhorn and it seems all right. I’ll leave it a whole night outside to see if there’s any false positives. Now I have everything working except the Rodret which won’t detect a thing. “Working” is also a moving target - for Vallhorn and Parasoll I have battery levels and firmware status, but not for Styrgard.

There may be something wrong with my blueprints or how I use them. I’ve installed the blueprint for the Styrbar switch which works fine on its own (I see the events), to check if this was more practical to handle double clicks etc. The blueprint does nothing, no matter what I set up with it, it never runs (no traces available). Maybe that’s why the Rodret blueprint doesn’t help me? But I don’t see what could be wrong (I don’t normally use blueprints, I have no experience with them).

I ran into the same problem. The RODRET with firmware wasn’t working correctly. The one with the old firmware, was working fine.

After some research I figured out it had something to do with the quirk not being applied for the new firmware. I posted it on GitHub (with a solution thanks to MattWestb). Just rename the .txt file to .py place it in your custom quirks folder and restart HA.

That seems weird. I have the new firmware and the quirk has always been loading just fine. Though possibly the match against the quirk was initially done on the older firmware, and after the firmware update ZHA has simply remembered which quirk was previously matching and kept using it?

That must be the explanation. The RODRET which got updated used to work on my HA installation as well. Last week however, I decided to delete some devices and add them again, then the updated RODRET stopped working.

I’ve now returned the Rodret’s I had, but I might buy another one one day to get to the bottom of this, especially since I found out later on about the trick to pair problematic devices via a different device (some router on the mesh) rather than the controller, and that happened to make my 3rd Styrbar device work better than the first 2 which were working, but didn’t recognise some long presses correctly.
I would imagine the Rodret’s I got might have been on the latest firmware since I bought them just days ago.