Cannot change device area or name after upgrade to 2022.2.2

I have started setting up my HA this week.
Everything was fine with the previous updates, and I was adding devices one after another without issues whatsoever.
I’ve upgraded to 2022.2.2 in the morning.
An hour ago I’ve added 2 devices (Sylvania Contact Sensors, one of which didn’t receive manufacturer name and other parameters upon adding to the system), and was not able to update their names or locations, however I was able to update respective entity names & locations.

I’ve tried updating my older devices, still no luck.

I’ve tried restarting the both supervisor, and the server itself, reloading integrations etc., nothing helps.

Video of the bug: link to streamable

Update: I’ve deleted the 2 devices, and still no fix to the issue.


There are a few post talking about this issues with the 2022.2.2 update.

Lost the ability to edit device names - option is greyed out

What I did to get it working again was install the backup that was auto created before updating to
I unchecked the ‘Folders’ and 'Home Assistant configuration" so only the 2022.2.1 core would be the only change.

Thanks! I am marking this solved and will follow up with your posted thread.

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I cannot change device name after the upgrade to 2022.2.2. As soon as I click “update” the window asking “Do you also want to rename the entity IDs of your entities?” does not show. It just hangs or freezes without doing anything. No changes.

If I go in to change the device’s area, it just hangs.

I restored back to 2022.2.1 so I could make the changes I needed.

I would not consider having to put the core back to 2022.2.1 as solving the issue.

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Am seeing the same issue. Looking to see if an issue has been raised yet for this

I witness the same issue here. I first thought it was dure to my tweaking Hue devices but indeed it is widespread to several integrations.

I am experiencing the same issue. When attempting to change entity name and/or area after update to 2022.2.2, the update screen freezes after clicking “update”. This happens across multiple integrations and is not specific to one integration.

Adding a me too. After updating to 2022.2.2, I am unable to update a device’s area. Clicking update causes the modal window to lock up and the area is not changed.

There are open bug reports for this:

Yep same problem here. Finally setting up aftermoving to my new house and thought I must be doing something wrong. Glad to see it’s a bug.

Same problem here.
Any fix on the way?

Same problem here but on all integrations… I can change the area if I update each entity ID separately but that takes way to long when you want to change multiple devices to another room name

Another “me too” incoming. UI hangs after attempting to update device name. No changes are applied.

Try updating to 22.2.3

Is that fix documented in the release notes? I looked for it, but I might have missed it. Sometimes the descriptions don’t click with the problem symptoms for me, not knowing much about the guts of HA.

disabled_by can be None when updating devices by ludeeus · Pull Request #65934 · home-assistant/core (

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Confirming that updating to 2022.2.3 resolved the issue for me.

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Likewise, fixed!

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This appears to have been fixed with 2022.2.3

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Can’t change areas in 2022.5.3