Can't access homeassistant

Out of a sudden my homeassistant became inaccessible.
I log into it through and now i’m getting


ssh is working fine
i can ping my and my ip
I can access portainer and all other services running on docker

The homeassistant logs show some errors, but I can’t see if any of them is causing it:

any help will be very appreaciated, as I have no idea what I can do to fix this

i’m also not sure if this can be a firewall issue, i’ve tried to check and enable everything and the error persists

Look like your IP was ban, you can ssh into it, and configure configuration.yaml to disable the ban for now and try to fix it.

I already had my ip under trusted_proxies

I also included it in ip_ban_whitelist, but the problem persists


I’m also getting this error on the log, so I might have added it wrongly?

2023-04-02 14:05:19.750 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Invalid config for [http]: [ip_ban_whitelist] is an invalid option for [http]. Check: http->http->ip_ban_whitelist. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 33). Please check the docs at HTTP - Home Assistant

Now I added ip_ban_enabled: false and the error went away, but I still can’t access HA :sleepy:

The log looks like this:

You also need to clear the ban IP.

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I don’t have an ip_bans.yaml in config

do you think that’s the problem?

Try to restart your home assistant machine, clear your cache or check your page in private/anonymous mode. And see if the log file has some information.

There is a mismatch with your IP, do you really have two network?


i’ve restarted and recreated it from portainer, and also tried to check through different devices and anonymous… still not going through

it was a typo, the right is
thanks for catching it

although I removed this ip_ban_whitelist as it was generating errors and added ip_ban_enabled: false

the error about ip_ban went away, but still cannot access HA

Was it working before, what is the url your are using to connect? Nothing about the problem in the log file?

it was working, and then my server went through some problems that I solved through fsck.
after fixing the server everything was back to normal except for HA

the url i’m using is

Should I try reinstalling HA from scratch? i’ve treated it as the last resource as I have never done it before and don’t know exactly if I will be able to recover everything as it was

How about the status on the observer site at port: 4357

I can’t access this
i’m running HA core, if that matters

It just connected.
I’m not sure the exact reason, as I was trying different things

Last thing i did was to re-try disabling the firewall and rebooting… could be this :thinking:

Thanks a lot randomsnack! I really appreciate the time you dedicated to give support to a stranger! :slight_smile:


@markjohn can you please mark the answer that solved this for you as the solution?
That way this topic has more value for fellow HA-users who search for the same thing + no time/energy is wasted by others trying to help you.

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