Home Assistant Community Add-on: motionEye

hi @hede0n, did you managed to have action button (in my case for PTZ)?

Still trying to get action buttons working. I’m not sure if it is supported.

Use a webhook. motionEye has the ability to call one, HA has the ability to receive webhooks.


Hi guys,

back to the origin I want to add camera from motionye against inbuilt service on my dafang.

I added this component:

  - platform: generic
    name: Soggiorno
    stream_source: http://192.168.x.x:8081
    still_image_url: https://192.168.x.x:8123/api/hassio_ingress/xxxxxxxxxxx/picture/1/current/

but it doesn’t show anything. No image and no stream.

Where am I wrong?

Any luck? I too would like to integrate them into motioneye

This got the camera registered for me… But Im getting a text msg on the camera display in MotionEye “Unable to open the device”

One step forward…

So here’s the conundrum
Here is the URL that HA used to dispay output… which works… it matches the Reolink documentation rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_sub
But motion eye will not recognize the camera
But when I use this…

Motion eye will recognizes the camera… but will not display because it cannot open the camera

Using rtsp:// IP Address /
gets the camera recognized as well… but still no Image

Ok… So here’s the problem the combination of HA/MotionEye are just BUTT ASSED SLOW!

I got it working… but at every “Apply Changes” you get a blank camera… and then sometime later…BAM the camera appears…

So possiably it was working all along… but I just wasn’t waiting the 45 seconds for the thing to cycle the changes!

So… For ReoLink cameras…
Log into MotionEye

  1. Select Add new Camera
  2. In the Camera dialog use rtsp:// YOUR IP ADDRESS:554/ as the cameras IP
  3. In the camera dialog Username/Password fields enter the username and password you used in the reoLink application.

That should get you into the motioneye configuration…
I’ve set my frame rate at 5 streaming quality at 25% and my resolution at 800x480…

and I’ve touched NOTHING ELSE… I have all three of my cameras up and running’ish

I’m gonna go get a beer now!
All things being equal… I like the display using the picture entity card better… but just cant get a way to detect motion


Thanks for the add-on, looks great!
I’m trying to add camera’s from MotionEye to Lovelace, which has support for camerastreams.
As far as i understand i need to add a camera as an entity to HA to accomplish this.
Can anyone back me up on this? I’ve been looking for instructions on this, but i’m hitting a brick wall.
Only thing i can do is add a static image, but a stream would be much nicer.

Thanks in advance!

Any idea what causing this? Im using Dahua DH-SD29204T-GN, i can reach from tinycam with same credentials.

Did you ever figure this out?

In my fooling around I found this too… use a stripped down url to your camera… thats what got mine to recognize the camera fully… I used rtsp:// YOUR IP ADDRESS:554/ (554 is the streaming port for my camera yours might be different) I think its camera specific. The post up top used a different url and got it to work… but when I used it I got what you have… no image… which is confirmation that its talking to the camera… but cant parse out the need username and password…

Try to reduce the video resolution on Motioneye

I tried down to 320px resolution with no luck. Thanks for reply

The Reolinks don‘t work very well with Motioneye when using the rtsp stream. Use the rtmp stream instead. But this involves editing the camera cfg file. There are instructions on net.

I’ve used a few search terms and didn’t find anything, so apologies if this has been previously covered;

is there a way to arrange the order in which the cameras show up on the web ui without having to delete and re-add cameras in the order I want them?

I finally find some Dahus instructions that worked:

Here you go:
Its’ in German, but you should be able to translate it with Google.

I’ll answer my previous question on how to add a MotionEye stream to Home Assistant since i’m probably not the last to look for this infomation :slight_smile:

  1. In configuration.yaml you add: (if you enable streaming for your first camera in MotionEye it picks port 8081, reference your MotionEye interface to make sure, change localhost if MotionEye is not on the same system as HASS)
  - platform: mjpeg
    mjpeg_url: http://localhost:8081/
    name: frontdoor
  1. Reload HASS
  2. Add an picture-entity:
type: picture-entity
camera_view: live
entity: camera.frontdoor

Hi, can you please tell me when did you find this function?

I have your same issue and i want to monitor my cameras.

Thank you

Sorry, I stopped using this and went to other solution instead. I never managed to get more than 4 cameras working at the same time.

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