Composite Device Tracker Platform

I’ll check it out and let you know.

Did the “driving” mode not get included in this release?

I downloaded v3.0.0 and that option is no longer presented in the config flow.

No, I implemented it after that release. It’s still in a branch/PR that builds on 3.0.0.

OK, so if I install the “driving” branch then the changes for 3.0.0 will also be included in that too plus the driving state option?

Yes, that is correct.

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Released 3.1.0b0

Add configuration option for specifying a driving speed threshold. If specified, and the speed of the entity reaches or exceeds that threshold, and the entity is not in a zone, the state of the device_tracker entity will become driving.

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can almost bring back my former templates to the system…

i recall we had possible stationery, walking, bicycling, driving in Life360? or was it
[‘Automotive’,‘Cycling’,‘Walking’] in the iOS app…

admit I forgot about this during the move to use Composite all over (as sole tracker for my person entities), and am not sure Composite sees those options/uses them.

Life360 did have the option to make its state driving. Don’t know about the others.

Composite only uses GPS for inputs that have GPS data, and then the device tracker component level code decides what to make the state. Now composite has the ability to force the state to driving if the new option is used and the conditions indicate it should.

Released 3.1.0

Per 3.1.0b0 above.

Released 3.2.0

Similar to the person component, do not record the entities attribute in the database. Also, the value of the entity_picture attribute is typically big and doesn’t often change, so don’t waste space in the database for it either.

Per request in issue #56, an option to specify a local entity picture has been added in PR #65. If anyone tries it out, I’d appreciate feedback.

It looks for files in <config_path>/www (typically /config/www, aka /local). The UI presents a list of existing files to choose from or allows a file to be uploaded. YAML configuration allows either a file in “/local” or an URL.

Currently it looks for any files in <config_path>/www (typically /config/www), but I also plan to add an option to upload a file from the browser (which would then be stored in that same folder.)

NOTE: I should also mention, this uses a feature new in Python 3.12. If anyone is still using Python 3.11, please let me know.

NOTE: Oh, and, for now I haven’t updated nl.json, only en.json. Once it becomes a bit more stable, I’ll work on updating nl.json.

EDIT: Per the above, this would mean Composite would more than likely require HA 2024.2 or later, since that is the first version that ships with Python 3.12. If this is a huge issue, please let me know. Otherwise, when I finally release this, I’ll probably bump the major version number given that there are likely still many people using earlier HA versions and might not be ready or willing to upgrade.

EDIT: I was able to remove the Python 3.12 dependencies. :smile:

Released 3.2.1

Reloading the YAML configuration can cause an unhandled exception in the speed sensor. This fixes that bug.

Released 3.3.0b0

Previously it was possible to have a composite entity use the picture from one of its input entities. This release adds an option to use an image file instead, or for YAML configuration, an URL.

For an image file, it can either be one that is already on the system in the “/local” directory, which is actually <config_path>/www (typically /config/www.) Or, when using the UI to configure the composite entity, it is also possible to upload an image file (which will then be stored in “/local/uploaded”.)

EDIT: Oops! I forgot to update nl.json before releasing. I’ll try to do that soon!

Has anyone tried 3.3.0b0? I’d like to release it fully, but I’d like to get some feedback, good or bad, first. Thanks!

Released 3.3.0

Previously it was possible to have a composite entity use the picture from one of its input entities. This release adds an option to use an image file instead, or for YAML configuration, an URL.

For an image file, it can either be one that is already on the system in the “/local” directory, which is actually <config_path>/www (typically /config/www.) Or, when using the UI to configure the composite entity, it is also possible to upload an image file (which will then be stored in “/local/uploaded”.)

sorry missed your posts… already answered in the repo, will add some here too:

thx for the update, I’ve easily managed to set entity_pictures via the UI now, which is nice indeed.

I already had them (and used customize pointing to the /local/images/etc),

now we can browse/upload/yaml them, how nice is that!

2 things I could see making it even better:

  • browse images, but also offer a type box that immediately matches the input, like any other select/search box in HA. Currently it browses my complete www folder, and that is rather extensive, so scrolling takes a bit…

  • have a preview of the image, like we have in the Zones image configuration. I makes it a lot easier to pick the correct image, especially when one has several images for the same person (eg for various other purposes)

other than that: a big thumbs up, yet again!

Released 3.4.0b0

Add support for iCloud3’s last_located attribute.

Can you give an example of what you mean? I’m using a standard “selector.” If you’re referring to an entity selector, that’s a special kind of selector that only works with entity IDs. I’m not aware of a standard selector that accepts a list of string options that allows the user to type what is effectively a search of the list.

Not sure what you’re referring to. Please provide more detail.

Great idea. No idea how to implement it.

yes, I guess that is what I meant. but also in the dev tools states, each column allows to type, and it starts selecting based on that input

or the integrations search, there are many different search boxes

wondering why the DLNA pops pop… it has an entity named Marantz…

the image selector on the zone Area configuration does this:

and when browsing for an image, opens the computer file manager in which we can see the images (and preview)

haha, well if you have no idea, I think we’re out of options…
thx for all your efforts!

That’s a frontend function.

Frontend function.

Those are not image files but Material Design Icons, and showing those is also a frontend function.

A function of your computer’s file browser.

In order to do what you’re asking, afaik, it would require special handling in the frontend. Again, I do not know if there is a way to do this from an integration just using standard HA features. And I doubt most users even have image files already located in the www folder, and even those that do, probably do not have that many and the files are probably named in such a way that selecting the correct one should be fairly easy.