Conbee II not able to integrate [Win10[Virtualbox[Linux + Ubuntu 64[Hassio]]]]

I have now got a running hassio for the past weeks.
Hue, smartthings Lifx and other devices have been connected successfully.

To avoid any confusion:

However, im now trying to move from having external bridges for zigbee to a Conbee II stick.
There seems to be a problem where HA cannot find the device.
I have set up the usb stick in virtualbox:

Im able to access the phoscon app:

But authentication always fails:

I have tried searching for an answer for the past week, but been unsuccessful.
Is there anyone who has experience from this on a similar set up?

Thankful for any help!

You have to press the “Authenticate App” button in the phoscon app, when the “Link with deCONZ” window opens.

Windows is a bad idea for home assistant! :-1:

Agree on Windows being bad :crazy_face:

Try adding this to your configuration.yaml, where x is the ip of deconz and y the port of deconz.

  host: x
  port: y

After adding this, restart home assistant, and try to configure it again over the GUI.

You also need to add this under–>Dashboard–>Deconz–>Config.

You can find your device address under–>System–>Hardware

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Thanks, i already tried that, but didn’t work.
Hmm, i don’t really have any options since the computer is running other stuff in addition to HA. Surveilance etc.

Buy a Pi and install home assistant there :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thank you. Maybe i should have written a little more details. I have this in the config:
port: 8090
Im not the best at these things. But by looking at this picture, would you say i got it right? Or should it be the ip in the upper right corner?

Thank you, ive added the text to Deconz. But how do i know its ttyACM1 and not one of the following?

Cant really see the device address, hmm

Doesn’t look like recognizes your USB passtrough. I think you may need to add the stick as a serial device in virtualbox not as USB. See the linked topic for an Aeotec stick.

Thanks again. Any idea what to add in the path/address field?

Don’t know, maybe the path you want to have it in the VM “/dev/conbee”?

Given you’re already using VitualBox, I think you should start by creating another VM just for HA - an Ubuntu VM, not a Win10 one. If you have an existing VM running “other stuff”, leave it alone. If you run HA under Windows, it will be the first question for any problem you encounter (as you’re already getting). If you run HA under Ubuntu, you’re the same as a lot of people out there, so they won’t be blaming the OS you’re using.

Hi Michael. I think there is a missunderstanding. My set up is the following:

The windows reference is just to inform that this is all running on a windows PC (if that makes any difference).

Thanks for pointing it out! Ill update the initial post.

Did my suggestion not work?

Ive tried several combinations, but each time i try to start the machine again i get this:

I think you’re troubleshooting the wrong problem. In your screenshots Phoscon shows your Conbee II including firmware so it recognized it perfectly fine. You’re “just” having problems with the conenction to HA.

Are you sure? For me it looks like he is accessing the ConBee stick from the Windows machine and not from inside the VM, however I’m not sure. @alexus how and from which machine did you access the Phoscon interface?

Accessing it from a windows computer isn’t an issue, as long as @alexus installed the hassio addon and deconz is running inside the VM.

What I mean’t was where he installed deconz. It’s not really clear for me, where deconz is installed. From the posts it doesn’t look like he configured the deconz addon. Also it looks like the device doesn’t show up in the system information, so how would the addon be able to use the stick if it is not recognized?

Hi Alexus,

I’m not going to answer your question - but you have my sympathies as I went around and around with Conbee and a W10 machine running a Linux VM in terms of being able to pair my lights and switches. I am not convinced the Conbee plays well with this set-up, as I’ve not had any trouble at all with my Z-wave stick.

To address your specific problem - are you running your VM with a fixed IP address on your network? If so then your conbee should have the same IP Address as your HA instance.
