Condifional card: create-element-base.ts:219 card undefined Error: No card type configured

Hi, i want to use the conditional card, to hide soemthing when an entity is not avaible

I have example below, it works, but when its unavaible, i also see this error in the chrome log…

      - type: conditional
          - entity: climate.weau
            state: "available"
          - type: custom:decluttering-card
            template: header
              - content: '##### Header'


How can i make the error away, of the entity is not avaible? maybe somekind of default card?


I think it should be a dictionary not a list (no hyphen):

          type: custom:decluttering-card

EDIT: But you said it works sometimes, so that’s probably not the reason

aha, that is it, thnx for the fix :slight_smile:

is it also possible to define multiple cards?

edit: seems not possible yet…

As it says in the thread you linked, just use a vertical-stack as the conditional card that wraps/stacks the others

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