Home Assistant Community Add-on: motionEye

No just the add-on by frenck. All on the same nuc.

I’ve got a problem with motionEye. It used to record both movies and pictures. Something happened after an update and it only takes pictures now. It doesn’t record movies any longer.

I have one of my cameras on continuous movie recording and the other one on motion triggered. Neither of which is recording any movies.

Any suggestions on where I should start to debug this?

My apologies if this has been asked (and answered) before but I cannot seem to find it.

I have some Wyze cameras with the RTSP firmware working just fine in the MotionEye integration on my HA install (RPi4 running the HA image).

Is it possible to pull these in as camera entities in HA to use on Lovelace dashboards? I’d like to be able to click a camera object on my Floorplan and see the live feed the clicked camera as well as use them to detect motion to participate in automations, like for install a Wyze detects someone pulling into my driveway and I have an alert happen.

I’ve seen examples, even had a basic version running, to use MotionEye’s webhook feature, but I am more after an actual camera entity in HA.

If it’s not possible, then at least I know so I can stop wasting my time looking for the answer lol… I’ve already spent so much time on this hurdle

Thanks in advance…

Why do you need to involve motioneye? Just add the rtsp camera to home assistant in the usual way.

I assume that ME is the bridge between Wyze and HA since these cameras do have a way to provide still images.

So for instance I found something this on another post:

  • platform: generic
    name: Front of House
    still_image_url: no idea what goes here for a Wyze
    stream_source: rtsp://user:[email protected]/live

I thought that the “Still Image” url from MotionEye’s setup could be plugged into there, but that doesn’t work. This is where I have it in my head that ME has to be involved. But if I’m wrong, that’s fine, hence my post asking for help/clarification

Right I see. Y’know I thought HA had a wyze integration already. A quick look around reveals that may not be so. But there is this thread Configure Wyze cam RTSP on dashboard? and that is just the first search item :slight_smile:

This is what i use


  • platform: generic
    name: Back Garden
    still_image_url: you need to get the still image ip address from motion eye
    stream_source: rtsp://user:[email protected]/live
    verify_ssl: (true or false)

if i remember there is a section that gives you the ip address for the image in motion eye, once you get the ip address, configure the camera in your configuration yaml file like above and restart, next go to lovelace then configure ui, choose a new card, select the picture entity card, and fill out like the pic below.

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Hi, my apologies if this has been asked… can someone help me with action buttons? I would like to know if it is possible to move a ptz cam with motioneye, from that point I should use webhooks but I just don’t know where to start! Thanks to those who can help me

Sorry if asked…

Trying to get working two android phones with motioneye. Live streams are fine but stored video files are “green” (there is a picture but it is green).

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Ok first step taken, to implement the action_buttons just insert a code in the addon configuration page:

  - type: light_on
    camera: 1
    command: "curl -s > /dev/null"

for the command: the ip must be that of the cam or HA? and the rest of the string, do I have to replace (e.g.) light=ON with UP? and /dev/null is only an example?

Sorry but, for these things, I’m really a noob


First of all thanks for this awesome addon @frenck !

Is it possible to have the sidebar item available for users as well? It’s only available for admins if I tick the “show in sidebar” option.

I’ve tried creating a panel_iframe in configuration.yaml but I ended up with nested UIs (I’m using Nabu Casa cloud to access my HA instance)


That is the camera.

> /dev/null

That is redirecting the output to the big bitbucket in the sky. Leave it like that unless you want the output somewhere else.

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nickrout, thanks… but if i want to perform the up action, should i replace on with up and leave light?

This is not a home-assistant question I think. You will have to work out the commands for your owh camera.

See also https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneye/wiki/Action-Buttons

FWIW I got green videos too. After changing to H.264 (not H.264/V4L2M2M) and switching to higher resolution it went to its normal b/w “color”. I suspect it probably had to do with changing the codec and not the resolution.

If you google for “V4L2M2M green” you’ll get a bunch of reports.

Hi, I wonder if someone could help? I’ve been trying for days to get the motioneye addon to save files to a usb drive connected to my tplink router but I’m either getting some settings wrong or it’s just not possible!
On the router the settings are:
Router IP:
Network neighbourhood name: TPLINK_1TB_HDD
Device volume name: sdb1 (I have 2 devices plugged into the router)
Folder I’d like recordings saved to is /Home recordings/Front Door

I’ve also got authentication set up but that’s pretty self explanatory! I’ve tried settings in more ways than I can remember with slashes without slashes etc. etc. But it just says ‘cant mount drive’ or something along those lines. Can anyone help me with what to put where or a guide please? Thanks

Edit: as a side note I can get it to ‘upload media’ to this drive via FTP but I’d rather it saved it there directly so it can manage the files itself!

I assume you want to use SMB, please provide your config in motionEye.

Thanks for the reply.
Yes I thought SMB was the only option for a network share?
Do you mean this config?
motion_webcontrol: false
ssl: true
certfile: fullchain.pem
keyfile: privkey.pem
actionbuttons: []

I meant that configuration:

Oh sorry it’s here: