Controlling z-wave devices

Hi. I am very new to Home Assistant and have been reading the documentation and forums but I’m stuck.

I’m running on a Pi3 with a Razberry board.

I have got Home Assistant running and also the Z-Wave component. If you look at the attached image you can see Z-Wave and on the right Light and Switch. The devices under Light and Switch are Z-wave devices and I can control them from here. These were all configured automatically.

The question I have is how do I control my Garage Door Controller and put it under Switch?



I don’t have a garage, but as far as I know it goes in the covers component.

Did you include it the garage door controller using secure inclusion? In the Z-Wave control panel this means using the “ADD NODE SECURE” button, not the “ADD NODE” button. Sometimes Z-Wave garage door controllers require this. You will need to set a network key to do this.


There are four steps required at the moment to control a Garage door opener from HA:

  1. Install the Dev version of OpenZWave:
    Hassbian :

sudo -u homeassistant -H /bin/bash
source /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate

pip3 uninstall python_openzwave
pip3 install --upgrade cython==0.24.1
pip3 install --no-cache-dir 'python_openzwave==0.4.9' --install-option="--flavor=ozwdev"


  1. Add a network key to you zwave: config
  2. Pair the controller with “ADD NODE SECURE” from the ZWave control tab.
  3. Add the cover component.
#Enable Z-Wave:
  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0
  device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml
  network_key: !secret zwave_key

  - platform: zwave

That is how I have my Linear NGDZ00-4 Garage Door opener configured.

I just saw that you are running and there is no way to build the Dev version of OpenZWave at the moment.

If you need to use the Garage door opener, I suggest switching to hassbian.

Thanks for that!

I’ll try running hassbian and give it a try.

There is an older thread that mentions this controller, and they are using it like a switch w/o Barrier support: Aeon Labs ZW062 Garage Door controller - stateful commands. I also have a Linear (broken one) so that threw me off. Maybe there’s a newer version that disable that behavior. The device does support the Binary Switch class for some reason.


I am using the Linear and know the way to get it to work was to install the OZW Dev as discussed here:

I was assuming to get the Barrier Class support the same would be required.

Yes, when it’s running under Z-Wave-Me it sees it as a switch. It also doesn’t fully complete the interview and it’s the BarrierOperator that doesn’t complete.

I am trying hassbian and I’m following this thread Home Assistant and Razberry to get things going.

Well, I can see it as a switch now but it will not turn off - ‘on’ means the garage is closed.

There is also a Cover that has appeared - Aeotec ZW062 Garage Door Controller Switch

I’ll check out the other thread mentioned by freshcoast