"Couldn't find Hue Bridge", Emulated Hue Help w/ Google Home Device

Those are WARNING, not errors… I see them too… so you’re ok on that.

Now, I’m not sure about HABridge… you have one setup? I don’t have that… maybe you should remove it and try

Google Home’s latest app does not support find Hue devices on LAN anymore. They require the push of a button on the Hue physical Hue bridge for your Philips account to find it. Being that emulate_hue is LAN, it won’t connect. I think the only workaround for now was to find an early APK to use but it didn’t work for me either.

On habridge github:

ISSUE: Google Home now seems to not support local connection to Philips Hue Hubs and requires that it connect to meethue.com. Since the ha-bridge only emulates the local APi, and is not associated with Philips, this method will not work. If you have an older Google Home application, this may still work. YMMV.

Thank you Lehuy. But is there any way at all to make Google Home Assistant Device turn on Broadlink SP3 wifi switch and command Broadlink RM Pro?

We should list for people interested:

  1. Android tasker, RM Bridge, or Broadlink android plugin? Y/N
  2. HA Bridge on Hass,Y/N?
  3. IFTTT, Y/N?
  4. Home Assistant Hue Emulator: NO
  5. other?

Hi @HendrixHunter,
I had the same problem very recently. I found that unless you are running HA as ‘root’ it will not open port 80.

My install in on Ubuntu so I had to edit my startup script.
I’m not familiar with your install so unfortunately can’t advise on how you can do that.

Once I had port 80 open on HA my Google home was able to find the Emulated Hue bridge without issue.

are not working, there’s no way Google Home will see it.

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Thank you, I actually have those links working on port 80. But latest news (in this thread) is that Google Home no longer supports emulated hue.

When I changed the name of the Broadlink SP3 switch in the Broadlink App, Alexa device keeps the old name, so I cannot tell her to “turn off the lamp”, instead I have to use the old name “turn off the air conditioner”.

I tried “forgetting this device” on the Alexa app, uplugging Alexa, and restarting my iPhone. She still thinks the SP3 plug is for the Air Conditioner instead of the lights. BUT my RM Plugin running on Android updated to the new name!

Where is this old name being stored?!!!

I don’t have an Alexa or a Broadlink so I’m not sure.

I have the latest Google Home and it still supports Emulated Hue.

Did you have it setup before April?

I’ve tried everything and finally came across the forum posts about the change two weeks ago. My Echoes work perfectly but Home will not find the devices. Port 80, latest HA from Hassbian, correction permissions, etc…

See the habridge mentioned the exact issue on their Github–I pretty much gave up until there’s another fix.

I did have it setup before April for sure! but the post say it’s no longer working but it’s still working and still recognizing my new devices added in HA.

One would have thought if it’s no longer supported… with the latest update, should it stop working even if it was setup before the update? but maybe that’s how it is… I’m not so sure! no way to prove and not sure if I want to redo it :slight_smile: (from the google home app, not from HA; as in forget the devices and rediscover)

I think it’s more so the initial checkpoint. Every user that had it paired before has no issues with adding LAN devices. It’s just the initial pairing process. The closed issue topics on BWSystems GitHub has a lot more info on this issue.

It’s probably just Philips wanting to make sure people have legitimate Hubs and they have more contacts at Google. Or may Alexa next.

Downgraded Apk’s and IPA’s seem to work.

The latest technique is some people are trying the MITM technique to redirect the Hue login back to local network. My thing is for a home automation system that everyone in the house uses, it’s bit to “brute” for use relative to reliability.

Mine works, as long as you have a physical GH it will work

In configuration or customize

OK HendrixHunter, so I installed remixOS on VirtualBox today to use an earlier Google Home APK (Version 1.19.29). So just to confirm, I was in your same situation and could not get emulated_hue to connect using the most recent apps on iOS or Android. It always redirected to Philips login.

But good news, it works. Don’t bother ripping your settings apart. You did everything right. All you have to do:

  • Install the Google Home v.1.19.29 on Android (0r if you have a jailbroken iOS, an early version IPA will work as well)
  • Open Google Home, connect per usual. Philips website will also open but Home Assistant will connect within one minute.
  • You’ll see all of your devices.

And that’s it! You can download the latest release on the same device or even a new device. In my case, I completed the pairing processing inside of VirtualBox and just simply downloaded Google Home in the iOS app store on my iPhone. All you have to do now is login. You’ll be able to add/remove any devices as usual.

Using the older app release is only required once for the initial pairing process.

Check this

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Hey everyone, newbie here and need some advice or direction.
Looking into using a Google Home with a Pi3 running Homeassistant and wondering if the Emulated Hue and the google home integration stays local to the pi3 OR does it hit a philips server much as we can use the IFTTT.com web hook?
Looking to try to keep it all local if possible and was hoping this is the solution.
The reason I ask is that we currently think that this works similar to the way that IFTT.com work using the web hook from Maker. Trying to get away from having togo outside our intranet if we don’t have to.

Thanks for any advice,…

The emulated_hue is strictly local.

Thanks for the quick response.
Also for clearing that up for us.
So to control the lights, the Google Home talks to the Emulated Hue in the Home assistant and this relays it to the lights.
We are wanting to control a local device through its serial or through TCP/IP and would love the idea to redirect what would normally be sent to to and from the IFTT.T.com to the local device instead.

Am I understanding this correctly?

Would you be kind enough to outline the flow of information from the Google Home when we speak a phrase through to it controlling the lights.
For instance is it Google Home>Google Server>Home Assistant>Emulated Hue>lights. Is this your understanding or anyones understanding?
Anyone that could shed some light on this we would be grateful.

I honestly have not done a nmap scan on the Google Home to HA to give a definite answer.

But it should go like: Google Home hardware (LAN) -> Google’s server for speech processing (WAN) -> Commands sent back to Google Home hardware (LAN) - Local TCP/UDP to Home Assistant Event Bus (LAN).

I’m not really sure what device are trying to control. It may help if you tell us what item that is. The emulated_home doesn’t not communicate elsewhere other than on your Home Assistant instance. So you can’t hook use Philip’s server to trigger any IFTTT.

But its probably easier to have Google Home and IFTTT directly to the device and use a webhook to send Home Assistant said device’s state.