☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Take a look at the resident mode. There you can use a helper to close or reopen the blinds. Maybe you can realize something with it.

I plan to install external triggers for opening and closing. Unfortunately, this is not possible via conditions, as these cannot trigger. I would therefore make this possible via booleans. This could theoretically also be a motion detector.

Related with: Add trigger for Windy Days · Issue #8 · hvorragend/ha-blueprints · GitHub

I have been aware of errors with the schedule helper for a few days now. I have already solved the closing part in the local code. Today I’ll take a look at the rest.

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Does anyone have an example of how to organize the helper schedule? Do I just specify the time when the roller blind should be up, or can I specify the earliest / latest time it should go up?

Hey there.

Is your blueprint an Evolution of https://community.home-assistant.io/t/automatic-blinds-sunscreen-control-based-on-sun-platform/573818?


Nope. That is another great idea.


Thanks for the great blueprint. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help. Would be happy to work on this.


New updates:

  - Fixed timestamp comparison bug
  - Faster checking for manual position changes

  - Fixed: Schedule open/close-bug
  - Fixed: Next try - faster checking for manual position changes
  - Separate ventilation from lockout protection
  - Added own lockout protection feature
  - Removed door/window chooser (contact_cover_place)

  - Fixed: Problems with helper json

Please see my latest comment here:

I’ve thought about it a bit and decided against further implementation at the moment. I have enabled additional actions that can be used for this purpose. But I don’t want to add any further complexity.

There are too many dependencies between the rollo status and the execution. If this is executed via an external script, the rest may not work. Or I actually have to rebuild the entire blueprint. And at the moment I don’t see enough users benefiting from this.


New update:

  - Added: External trigger to force opening or closing. Useful for Antifreeze, RainProtection or WindProtection.
  - Fixed: Still timing problems occur when recognising manual drives
  - Added: Additional actions for open, close, ventilation, shading start and shading end

one question regarding this config (lockout_protection feature):

  • windows is open
  • closing-time not yet reached (16:47)
  • closing window triggers “cover down”!?

i would have estimated, that cover-down after window-close is only triggered in the evening, when closing times are reached and all other rollers are already closed, because during day-time this makes no sense, does it?

id: '1707939929383'
alias: 'Rolladen: Wohnzimmer Terrasse'
description: >-
  fährt nach Sonnenauf- /untergangszeiten, aber nur innerhalb des Fensters (7-9

  Beschattung ab 18 Grad
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    shading_forecast_sensor: weather.openweathermap
    blind: cover.rolladen_wohnzimmer_terrasse
    time_up_early: '07:00:00'
    time_up_early_non_workday: '07:30:00'
    time_up_late: '07:30:00'
    time_up_late_non_workday: '08:00:00'
    sun_elevation_up: -5
    time_down_early: '17:00:00'
    time_down_early_non_workday: '17:00:00'
    time_down_late: '22:00:00'
    time_down_late_non_workday: '22:00:00'
    sun_elevation_down: -6
    drive_delay_fix: 0
    drive_delay_random: 5
    position_tolerance: 5
    shading_azimuth_start: 158
    shading_azimuth_end: 258
    shading_forecast_temp: 18
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
    check_config_debuglevel: info
    check_config: false
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_sun_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
      - auto_lockout_protection_enabled
    shading_position: 40
    time_control: time_control_input
    contact_sensor: binary_sensor.fenstersensor_terrassentur_contact
    ventilate_position: 85

Please try an update. I have committed a quick fix.

It looks like that we must use the cover status helper for lockout protection.

Moin zusammen,

seit heute bekomm ich für jede meiner CCA Automatisierungen folgende Fehler angezeigt:

Hab die letzten Wochen die DWD Integration für den Forecast im CCA benutzt.
Hat jemand das gleiche Problem? Wurde da evtl. was aus dem DWD entfernt?
Woher nehmt ihre die Forecast Daten für CCA?

Oops, sorry for writing in German. I’m probably not quite awake yet. :wink:

Hmm, that’s strange. Please check the developer tools to see if DWD supports the get_forecasts service.

Did it work before? Has there been an update to the DWD integration?

I need the forecast for shading control.

I have thought about it a little.
I plan to introduce a list of checkbox options to customize the blueprint to your own needs

So if DWD is really broken, I could use it to bypass the forecast service and the results query.

See: Add checkboxes for different features · Issue #5 · hvorragend/ha-blueprints · GitHub

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Under Services get forecast I can choose the entity weather.nuernberg think there are only entities shown that are supported. There was no update to the DWD integration the last days.

Great thanks for the blueprint! Is there a possibility for Cold weather?

I think of:

I the temperature outside is minus degrees, slightly move the cover up and down every X minutes to avoid freezing? Is this a usecase? I mean this could perhaps be a checkbox “Winter mode” → and then it will be moved if the temp is <0 ?

Thank you again for your blueprint!

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I’m sorry, but that would go beyond the scope of programming. Far too complex and too individual. But with my conditions and the force-up feature, you can implement a kind of winter protection in your own automation.

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Hi there,

Thank you for creating this amazing blueprint! I have a couple of questions about customizing the ventilation mode:

  1. Delay for Opening and Closing: I’d like to add a delay when opening and closing the cover. It seems the “Fixed Drive Delay” option isn’t currently being used by ventilation mode – is it possible to implement this feature?
  2. Ignoring Cover Down Schedule: Could the cover down schedule be ignored if the window remains open while the ventilation mode is active?

I’d appreciate any insights you can provide. Thanks again!