☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Can you look in the helper to see when the shading was set to true? And show me the corresponding trace?

Hello here is my trace, when the cover was closed instead of being open:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

For me it seems fixed with 2024.6.1

Did you see it?

        "open_position": 100,
        "close_position": 0,
        "shading_position": 0,

The roller blind has moved to the shading position. And this is set to 0.

ok got it, i changed the shading position from 25% to 0% and for me it was supposed not to be in condition for shading. I will try again to see if i can enable/disable the shading as expected.

Thanks for your help

@Herr.Vorragend see here the helper at 8:30. open=true & shading=true !?

But I need the trace of 8:00.

Shit - already gone for today. Will check tomorrow

By the way: it is possible to increase the stored traces: Automation YAML - Home Assistant

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Hi, I have an error when I try to import the blueprint into my home assistant automation :frowning:

I get the following error :
Invalid blueprint: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘blueprint’][‘input’][‘actions_section’][‘collapsed’] etc…

The error is relly long. I don’t relly know what could happend, I can import some other blueprint without any issue… If someone have an idea.

Thx a lot :slight_smile:

Please update your core version. See latest changelog.

Edit: I have now also included a note in the first post.

Thx a lot :slight_smile:

i have the latest HA Core and Blueprint installed. The shutters do not drive as before the update

One example where the shutter is set to drive down between 17:00 to 19:00 depending on the brightness.

  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.hm_lc_bl1_fm_oeq0257910
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_brightness_enabled
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
    cover_status_helper: input_text.rollo_kinder_sz_cover_status
    time_up_early: '06:45:00'
    time_up_early_non_workday: '08:30:00'
    time_up_late: '08:00:00'
    time_up_late_non_workday: '09:30:00'
    time_down_early: '17:00:00'
    time_down_early_non_workday: '17:00:00'
    time_down_late: '19:00:00'
    time_down_late_non_workday: '19:30:00'
    default_brightness_sensor: sensor.wetterstation_lichtintensitat
    brightness_up: 100
    brightness_down: 20
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
    resident_sensor: input_boolean.rollladen_automatik_schalter
    contact_sensor: binary_sensor.kinder_schlafzimmer_fenster
    ventilate_position: 20
    shading_forecast_sensor: weather.forecast_home
      - ignore_ventilation_after_manual
17:00:00 - Vor 2 Stunden

We have exceeded 19:00 now but nothing happened.

It started the drive down with the non workday time 19:30 but we have a workday now.


The same i observed with the drive up. It will always take the non workday time on workday, too.

I had the same problem this morning. The workday_sensor had not updated, it was still the weekend. I had to reload the workday_sensor integration. Bug in 2024.06.x ?!

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My workday sensor is still off, too

Off means weekend, right? So this seems to be the cause.

That’s right. Simply reload the integration of the workday_sensor. Then the sensor should come on

It is not a CCA bug. :grinning:

Please see: Work Day Integration Issue · Issue #119248 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Will be fixed in 2024.6.2


I agree, right after i just reloaded the workday sensor CCA is working again. So nothing to see here :slight_smile:

Hello, I have now created a cover status helper for all the shutters. It worked once, but now the shading is not working again. I have even more problems now because the shutters are also being lowered at 10 p.m. even though the lux value is still over 2 lux. They should only be lowered when the lux value is under 2 lux.

alias: ES_Ro_Fest_Links
description: ""
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.hmipw_drbl4_00165f29980809_ch2
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_brightness_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
    cover_status_helper: input_text.ro_es_fest_links
    close_position: 30
    shading_position: 70
    default_brightness_sensor: sensor.raspberry_sv_wm_lux
    brightness_down: 2
    brightness_up: 5
    shading_brightness_sensor: sensor.raspberry_sv_wm_lux
    shading_sun_brightness_start: 8000
    shading_sun_brightness_end: 5000
    shading_azimuth_start: 200
    shading_azimuth_end: 300
    shading_elevation_max: 90
    shading_temperatur_sensor1: sensor.raspberry_sv_wm_temperatur
    shading_min_temperatur1: 2
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
    time_up_early: "04:00:00"
    time_up_early_non_workday: "05:00:00"
    time_up_late: "05:00:00"
    time_up_late_non_workday: "07:00:00"
    time_down_early: "22:00:00"
    time_down_early_non_workday: "23:00:00"
    time_down_late: "00:00:00"
    time_down_late_non_workday: "00:00:00"
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled

https://drive.google.com/file/d/10j5SLa3Nt9ZkoB_Ix6gVd83PqtAOV6Cg/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Glr-DKRKuxehTgI-rrONUHag5DuTwfer/view?usp=sharing, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zGoNUOlQ_-byM4O-4TfumJXKOKskGjKc/view?usp=sharing

I cannot access your traces.