☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Okay thank you! I am not really sure what the “position tolerance” does? Does it check before every CCA movement, if the cover was moved manually, and if yes no movement takes place.
I think the problem is not caused by CCA, but by my covers. If they should move only a very small step, my covers integration closes them completely. I will check if an adaption here will be sucessful (in connection with the position tolerance of 3) and let you know.

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I only see the function for force activation for shading, and not force de-activation. Am I seeing it correct?

This should be the same as Force Open. :slight_smile:

Shit … Shading is not working reliably still on my shelly-setup. Could it be due to the conditional settings ? :frowning:

Traces from this morning - neither of the traces led to any movements / actions on the shutter besides opening at 7.00 am

Hi Bosil, your weather forecast for today says rain and that’s why nothing is happening.

FYI: If somebody has problems with hahomatic combined service, check your firmware. The newest firmware for several devices has the issue that tilt is no more working. In this case try a device downgrade (procedure is the same as for update).
All my DRBLI4 devices were not working with actual 1.10.16. After downgrade to 1.8.2 everything is normal again.
Firmware archive: GitHub - jp112sdl/HMDeviceFirmware: homematic device firmware archive

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By the way: If you are experiencing problems with your Workday sensor. There seems to be a possible bug in the core:

Okay, the adaptation in my covers integration did the trick, now everything works fine.

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Great. Thank you for your feedback.

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the workday problem will be fixed in the next core version 2024.6.2

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instead of driving up (based on time at 08:30), my cover drove to shading - also the helper shows wrong information.

alias: "Rolladen: Isabella Tür"
description: >-
  fährt nach Sonnenauf- /untergangszeiten, aber nur innerhalb des Fensters (7-9

  Beschattung ab 18 Grad
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    shading_forecast_sensor: weather.openweathermap
    blind: cover.rolladen_bella_tur
    time_up_early: "08:00:00"
    time_up_late: "08:30:00"
    time_up_early_non_workday: "08:00:00"
    time_up_late_non_workday: "08:30:00"
    sun_elevation_up: -5
    time_down_early: "17:30:00"
    time_down_late: "19:00:00"
    time_down_early_non_workday: "17:30:00"
    time_down_late_non_workday: "19:00:00"
    sun_elevation_down: -6
    drive_delay_fix: 5
    drive_delay_random: 0
    position_tolerance: 5
    shading_azimuth_start: 158
    shading_azimuth_end: 258
    shading_forecast_temp: 18
    workday_sensor: binary_sensor.workday_sensor
    check_config_debuglevel: info
    check_config: false
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_sun_enabled
      - auto_shading_enabled
    shading_position: 10
    time_control: time_control_input
      - prevent_shading_end_if_closed
      - allow_shading_multiple_times
      - ignore_shading_after_manual
      - sunny
      - partlycloudy
      - clear
      - service: notify.persistent_notification
        metadata: {}
          message: "Bella Tür: Beschattung gestartet"
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
    cover_status_helper: input_text.rolladen_status_isabella_tur

Hello, does anyone else have the problem that when the shading engages before the blinds are raised in the morning, they stay up?
So, roller blinds go up in the morning, but should actually go directly into the shading position. Instead, they stay up. On sunny days, no other trigger takes effect because all the criteria take effect throughout the day. This effect only occurs on the east side of my house.

That all seems to be correct, doesn’t it?
The conditions for shading became valid before opening. And then the roller blind moved to the shading position instead of 100%. Or am I missing something here?
It’s not a bug. It’s a feature. :grinning:

The first question is, why only on the east side of the house? Presumably only because the blinds are still closed when the sun is in the east, right? We can’t say that it works in the other directions, can we? So this information is actually irrelevant.

Normally it should work.
See also the post by Gyle.

I would need some more debug stuff, like traces to help you.

Hello i tried to get the shading working. I have updated to version 2024.06.05-01

Cover has been successfully set to the shading position. Then instead of reopening the cover when shading conditions are invalid the cover was closed.
I saw in the log that it has trigger the “open” branch but looks like it use the close position value instead.

I’m missing something or is it a bug ?

Could you please show me a trace?

At this time the shading_azimuth_start was 86* (not >158*) so not all conditions should have matched…

Can you look in the helper to see when the shading was set to true? And show me the corresponding trace?

Hello here is my trace, when the cover was closed instead of being open:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

For me it seems fixed with 2024.6.1