So you only want to lower the blind using the azimuth of 90 and open it again at 193? I can’t see any other sensors. And everything else is apparently deactivated.
Resident does not play a role in shadowing, by the way.
Please do me a favor and show me a trace. Without traces, all I can do is guess with a crystal ball.
Thank you for the reply. I failed the first rule of error handling: restart. It seemed that the cover state was not updated correctly and after a restart everything worked fine.
Now I’m just having issues with the forecast, I think I will deactivate it. DWD says its pouring for 3 hours but the sun is shining
Before I do it with try and error I’d better ask. I have set what should happen after the shading has ended. If it is before 7:30 p.m., the blinds should open; if it is after 7:30 p.m., they should close. Will that work?
door was open → statushelper of the cover changed to ventilation = true
weather condition changed to cloudy (no shading) and triggers the automation → statushelper changed to ventilation = false…BUT the door was still open, so ventilation still should be true!!
weather condition changed again to partially cloudy ( shading = true) and triggers the automation again → cover closed, but it shouldn’t because the door is still open!
Then you’d better try Trial&Error, because how am I supposed to answer that? I don’t think it’s intended for such purposes. But I’m sure you’ll tell me soon. I’m not omniscient.