☀️ Cover Control Automation (CCA) - a comprehensive and highly configurable roller blind blueprint

Hi All. I’ll start by saying that I am loving this automation blueprint. It’s somewhat complicated, but worth it.

I have daily automatic opening and closing, and automatic sun protection working fine. But the sun elevation control does not work and I cannot find out why. (I might have to learn analysing traces)

Under sun elevation automation, it says " Important: If you want to use automatic shading, the sensor must also be specified here. Regardless of whether the basic sun control is used.". But where is “here” in this case? I have sun.sun configured in the only input box that there is.

I can provide a trace of course, if need be.

Thank you!

Hi, I cant find the answer in the topic, how can I disable opening of the curtain in my case based on the brightness? Set to 0? to 10000? I only want closing in the evening and opening in the morning based on time only. Thanks

I’m having a similar issue with sun elevation. I’ve exposed elevation through the sun.sun device and selected it in the blueprint but in shutters open and close far too early, seem to be triggered by the timer. I’ve set elevation to -4 for closing and -1.5 for opening.

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Just realized, that sun shading was not enabled for the cover. I think everything is working as designed.
Sorry about that.

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I have changed the file name for the beta version. It is now available at the following address.


I will respond to the open posts shortly.

Replying to my own question with a trace and config:

alias: CCA Wohnzimmer links
description: Cover Control Automation
  path: hvorragend/cover_control_automation.yaml
    blind: cover.wohnzimmer_links
      - auto_up_enabled
      - auto_down_enabled
      - auto_sun_enabled
    open_tilt_position: 100
    close_tilt_position: 0
    time_up_early: '08:00:00'
    time_up_early_non_workday: '08:00:00'
    time_down_early: '21:30:00'
    time_down_early_non_workday: '21:30:00'
    time_down_late: '21:30:00'
    time_down_late_non_workday: '21:30:00'
    cover_status_helper: input_text.cover_status_helper_wohnzimmer_links
    drive_time: 57
    cover_status_options: cover_helper_enabled
    sun_time_duration: 600
    sun_elevation_up: 0
    auto_up_force: binary_sensor.raffstores_sturmschutz
    default_brightness_sensor: sensor.gw2000a_solar_lux
    tilt_delay: 2

While looking for the cause, I noticed that there is no “sun_elevation_down” value in my config. Could have anything to do with it?

It’s a rather long thread so I couldn’t read it all, but I am very keen to move my shutter automation from Homee to Home Assistant, using this great blueprint.

The one thing I could not see in the options is the ability to track the slat rotation angle with the sun so that there is always shade. I believe that currently, there is only one fixed angle. I’d love to have this as a dynamic setting as it works in Homee.

Hey Guys,
don´t know if i oversee something but it tried to configure my ikea PRAKTLYSING blinds with this blueprint. The thing is that i don´t wont to open or close them completely. They should go down to like 50% in the morning, later to 25% and be completely closed when nobody is @ home. In the night they don´t shoult be completely closed… Is this possible with this Blueprint or does anybody know one, which fits my needs better because this one is originally build with the thought of external roller blinds. I couldn find the right configuration…

No, then the default settings are used.

Others have also answered your question. Is everything working for you now?

I don’t know the hardware. But I know of no reason why this should not work. However, the roller blind must have the “current_position” attribute.

Have you tried it at all?

That’s right, it doesn’t exist and unfortunately won’t in the near future. Sorry.

crandler has already answered your question. That leaves nothing open, right?

Brightness and solar elevation control is performed during the times ‘time_(up|down)early’ and ‘time(up|down)_late’.

In your case, you have activated the time control and set the values as follows:

  • Down Early = 21:30
  • Down Late = 21:30

A sun elevation change can only be performed between these two times.

Of course, this is not possible in your case. Absolutely impossible.

Why did you put these times so close together? What was your intention?

It was triggered correctly and the correct area in the automation was started.

But then CCA came to your own shading end condition. This did not apply.

      - condition: state
        entity_id: binary_sensor.regensensor_solar_water_leak
        state: 'on'

An ON is expected, but the binary sensor shows an OFF.

Side note: I also saw the other additional conditions. I don’t know if a wait time with FOR is taken into account. I have never tried it.

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This can have so many causes and I can’t imagine that you have the same problem.

I can help you, but for that I need a trace of the matching trigger.

Yes i have! Its the first “blind controlling” for me, so all the options are overwelming. But if you say all the things i mentioned are possible, i´ll try harder to get this working!

Understood. Looks like I need to combine CCA with the Adaptive Covers custom integration to achieve this. CCA does up and down, AC does rotation tracking. Just not sure about the best way to achieve this.

Thank you very much!

I’ll try to explain why it came to my problem and question… First of all, the blueprint is quite complicated. I started working with it by configuring basic opening/closing at fixed times, then figured out how to set up the helpers, then figured out how to set up shading, and only then started trying to open/close with sun elevation. I thought I knew enough, understood enough, and never went back to reading the descriptions in the Time Control Configuration part where it says:

The earliest time at which the cover may be opened. The cover will be opened if AFTER this time the defined brightness or sun-elevation value is high enough. (NOTE: If a resident is defined, he must also be awake).

Again, thank you very much for the help. And to anybody reading this topic and looking for help: I recommend to read EVERYTHING very thoroughly and read it again if you have to! :wink: