I am trying to create a sensor that tracks my consumption of wood pellets which I use for heating. The stove has an API which I have been able to access by adding a sensor to the configuration.yaml. It reads the total consumption of pellets since the stove was installed:
# Loads default set of integrations. Do not remove.
# Load frontend themes from the themes folder
themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes
# Text-to-speech
- platform: google_translate
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml
- platform: rest
state_class: total
name: "ETA Gesamtverbrauch"
scan_interval: 120
resource: http://192.168.543.12:8080/user/var/40/10021/0/0/12016
value_template: '{{ value_json.eta.value["@strValue"] | replace(",", ".") | int }}'
unit_of_measurement: "kg"
I understand that I have to use gas consumption in the energy tab but my sensor does not show up there. (I am able to read the value in different tiles though)
Could anybody kindly help me with adjusting the sensor?
Thank you!
I think you might need device_class: gas
, but that requires unit_of_measurement: mÂł
. (You also need state_class: total
or state_class: total_increasing
, but you already have that.)
If you really want to do it, you could add a template sensor to set the unit of measurement to mÂł and device_class: gas
(and state_class
, to enable long-term statistics for your template sensor). You would need to remember that 1 mÂł in the graph equates to 1 kg of pellets, though.
Thank you!
I have tried this but it is not recognized in the energy tab:
- sensor:
- name: newPellets
resource: http://192.168.543.12:8080/user/var/40/10021/0/0/12016
value_template: '{{ value_json.eta.value["@strValue"] | replace(",", ".") | int }}'
unit_of_measurement: mÂł
device_class: gas
state_class: total
Try waiting an hour after adding the sensor. I’m not sure if it can show up before the first hourly long-term statistic data points are available.
Ah, I just got an error (even though it originally passed the config check): Invalid config for [template]: [resource] is an invalid option for [template]. Check: template->sensor->0->resource. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 31).
It seems it does not like the resource but I have no clue how to add the rest API differently…
Ah, sorry, I didn’t read your config thoroughly enough.
You need to keep your rest sensor and use that in the state
template in your template sensor.
Actually, now that I think about it, RESTful sensor already supports everything that you need.
Try this:
- platform: rest
name: "ETA Gesamtverbrauch"
scan_interval: 120
resource: http://192.168.543.12:8080/user/var/40/10021/0/0/12016
value_template: '{{ value_json.eta.value["@strValue"] | replace(",", ".") | int }}'
unit_of_measurement: "mÂł"
device_class: gas
state_class: total
You can use this if you are OK with seeing mÂł everywhere.
If you want to use the correct unit of measurement (kg) and only fool the energy dashboard into thinking it’s gas, you’ll need to use the template sensor.
Yay, I have the sensor in the energy tab now 
Are you sure I can get “kg” in the energy tab? For me, during setup it says the only possible measures are CCF, ft³, m³, GJ, kWh, MJ, MWh, Wh.
Plus, I think I did not get the template sensor right:
- platform: rest
name: "ETA Sensor"
scan_interval: 120
resource: http://192.168.543.12:8080/user/var/40/10021/0/0/12016
value_template: '{{ value_json.eta.value["@strValue"] | replace(",", ".") | int }}'
unit_of_measurement: "mÂł"
device_class: gas
state_class: total
- sensor:
- name: "ETA Gesamtverbrauch"
state: states('sensor.ETA_sensor')
unit_of_measurement: kg
device_class: gas
state_class: total
Your template sensor would need to be like this:
- sensor:
- name: "ETA Gesamtverbrauch"
state: '{{ states("sensor.ETA_sensor") }}'
unit_of_measurement: "mÂł"
device_class: gas
state_class: total
while your rest sensor should have unit_of_measurement: kg
and no device_class
. You would use the template sensor for the energy dashboard only (it will think it’s gas, in m³) and use the rest sensor with the correct unit of measurement (kg) everywhere else.
I am pretty sure you cannot.
I should have chosen better wording here.
Well, would have been nice if kg were possible 
I have tried again, but the template sensor does not show up as an option in the energy tab:
- platform: rest
name: "ETA Sensor2"
scan_interval: 120
resource: http://192.168.543.12:8080/user/var/40/10021/0/0/12016
value_template: '{{ value_json.eta.value["@strValue"] | replace(",", ".") | int }}'
unit_of_measurement: "kg"
#device_class: gas
state_class: total
- sensor:
- name: "ETA Gesamtverbrauch"
state: '{{ states("sensor.eta_sensor2") }}'
unit_of_measurement: "mÂł"
device_class: gas
state_class: total
Does the template sensor have a state? If yes, I don’t see why it shouldn’t work.
Check if you see an error here

Maybe you need to wait again.
I don’t think it is possible with Energy dashboard, but you can certainly make custom long-term statistic graphs with something like apexcharts-card.
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Ah, there was a whole bunch of unused sensors from playing around in the statistics section. I think I have had the name for the template sensor before and it was still counting kg.
Now it works! Thank you!!!
Is this the only place where I have to delete sensors from my experiments? 
If you can no longer see the old sensors’ states

then you only needed to clean up long-term statistics.
Short-term history will get purged automatically after a few days.