I got at least a kind of solution.
I found the api and with rest in the configuration file I can now get every information out of cumuls.
So without mqtt
sorry to bother you with this question, but if possible, I need some help to correctly configure my Home Assistant to show CumulusMX data sent via MQTT.
I have a Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station connected to an independent Raspberry Pi 3B which runs CumulusMX just updated to the last available version; this system runs from about 16 months.
Only today I decided to try to show the weather data into my Home Assistant which runs on a RPi 4B; MQTT broker is already installed and configured and it works fine with other devices on my home network.
I updated the DataUpdateTemplate.txt file in the CumulusMX RPi with the content you suggest; however if I add the suggested yaml code fragment to my configuration.yaml file, I receive many syntax errors, one for every row following the first.
This is what Home Assistant shows me in a floating window if I try to quick reload the yaml configuration:
Failed to reload configuration
Cannot quick reload all YAML configurations because the configuration is not valid: Integration error: value_template - Integration ‘value_template’ not found. Integration error: name - Integration ‘name’ not found. Integration error: unit_of_measurement - Integration ‘unit_of_measurement’ not found. Integration error: icon - Integration ‘icon’ not found. Integration error: state_topic - Integration ‘state_topic’ not found. Integration error: platform - Integration ‘platform’ not found.