[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Quite possibly - I only have one MQTT device connected (an old phone running an MQTT alarm panel). I switched off the retain setting, and even powered off the device, but still arms on restart.

Not a massive problem - the reason I switched to Alarmo is partly as there is a nice blueprint to link the Ring alarm panel in, so probably won’t need MQTT anyway…

Thanks for the custom component - makes setting up an alarm a breeze compared to my previous manual config.

I would like to use this add on but all my window and door sensors are not binary, they show up like this:

Could someone please tell me how to get around this? I think I have to create binary sensors but I don’t know how…

A few posts above, neliss provided a link to the template page and also gave an example.

Thank you very much moto2000!!
After 2 weeks I finally found the solution, thank to you!

Ride Safe!! :v:

Could you post your esp32 code for this? Thanks.

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Yeah sure: ESP32 Alarm Keypad

Thanks. I’m planning to use a TM1638 and code in ESPHome, but it’s always good to see how someone did something.

I’ve searched github and this topic, but couldn’t find an answer and I’m afraid it isn’t possible or I’m just blind sighted by the setting and overlooking something :wink:

I have a few motion sensors added to the alarm. I can configure them to use for exit and entry delay, but it looks like there is no way to have different settings for different armed types.
For instance: a motion sensor might be used for as entry/exit delay in armed away but not for the alarm armed home.
As far as I can see you can only configure a sensor for all alarm types, is this correct?

Would be great to see your result! Please share :slight_smile:

I didn’t use esphome mostly because I’ve never used it :smiley:

The ESP devices are very cheap (~6$) and fairly easy to program through ESPhome. The API interface with HA is easier than MQTT. In the last few months I’ve built: two IoT thermostats, monitors for my solar water heater and LPG gas meter, a current sensor for the water pump, and now a remote keypad for alarmo, which uses a nodemcu and tm1638. I will share this project after I’ve designed a printed case for it.

Thanks would love to see it, ping me when it’s ready!

Yeah I’m no stranger to ESP boards, got loads here doing different things but I just code in arduino/esp-idf, never used esphome yet

Per sensor you can only define whether it should have exit and/or entry delay. The delay time is defined per arming mode.
If you need the ability to define sets of sensors with different delay times, you might want to partition your alarm into multiple areas. Areas can have different delay times.

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The Alarmo integration works great but I recently I have a problem editing some actions. I have one action which turns all lights off when the alarm is armed. I want to add some more lights to the action but when I select a new entity and try to save the action, I get a warning ‘Verplichte sleutel “entity_id” ontbreekt.’ - ‘Required key “entity_id” is missing’.

I get this error also on other fields where I can choose the entity. I just won’t let me save it.
I hope someone can help.


It is posted now in share your projects, and the case is available at Thingiverse.

I’m trying (and failing) to set up a notification action to play a TTS message at a set volume.

This feels like it should be a fairly simple thing to do, but it’s got me completely stumped. I can get a message to play fine, but it’s the setting the volume part that doesn’t work.

What would be great is a volume slider in the Alarmo UI if it is doing anything with media.

Here is my code which I’m adding using the Alarmo UI (in yaml mode):

service: tts.cloud_say
  message: "The alarm is triggered! Cause: {{open_sensors|lang=en-GB}}."
  entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
  volume_level: 0.7

I think you need to set the volume service like this:

- service: media_player.volume_set
    entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
    volume_level: 0.7 
- service: tts.cloud_say
    message: "The alarm is triggered! Cause: {{open_sensors|lang=en-GB}}."
    entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display

Try it like this:

service: tts.cloud_say
  message: "The alarm is triggered! Cause: {{open_sensors|lang=en-GB}}."
  entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
    volume_level: 0.7

I’m not completely sure it works, but I’ve seen others had success with this. The required format is device-specific and unfortunately the documentation in HA about this is rather scarce.
You can also try to ‘compose’ up the correct service parameters using Developer Tools → Services.
There is nothing Alarmo-specific about the service calls, so anything that works from Developer Tools should also work in Alarmo.

Note that templates are not supported in Alarmo at this point (so avoid using data_template etc.).

Unfortunately this doesn’t work - I get the following message:
extra keys not allowed @ data[‘data’]

Not working I’m afraid. I get this message:

extra keys not allowed @ data[‘data’]

It just seams crazy that the the option to send a message is there, but there isn’t a way to easily change the volume.

Just a little tip:

I’m using actions to send messages to a Telegram channel to notify me and my wife of state changes of Alarmo.
Whenever I armed Alarmo it wrote (in Dutch):

Het alarm is ingeschakeld op Armed away. Genegeerde sensoren:

Even though no sensors were bypassed, the empty “Bypassed sensors:” part was always there.

I changed it using this code:

service: notify.telegramalarmo
  message: >-
    {% if state_attr('alarm_control_panel.alarmo', 'bypassed_sensors') == none %} 
      Het alarm is ingeschakeld op {{arm_mode}}. 
    {% else %} 
      Het alarm is ingeschakeld op {{arm_mode}}. Genegeerde sensoren: {{bypassed_sensors}} 
    {% endif %}
  title: ""
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