[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

I was wondering what is the meaning of “Trigger time” on the configuration card, which seems to be useful to limit the duration of the siren triggering period… I cannot find (on the UI) how to declare that a switch is a ‘siren’, so it can be switched off when the trigger period is over.

I setup the siren using the ‘Actions’ panel but two main drawback arise:

  1. I need to specify both a ‘trigger’ event to turn on the siren and a ‘disarmed’ event to turn off the siren if the alarm is disarmed
  2. The aforementioned timeout is (obviously) not used to turn off the siren if it is configured using custom ‘actions’.

Am I missing something?

It’s been awhile since I started using this integration and I went into the Actions menu to creat a new action. When I selected “New Action” all I got was a blank screen. I also tried to edit an existing action and I got the same result.

I cleared my caches, reloaded the integration and even deleted it and re-added it through HACS (and without HACS as well. I have been unable to create or edit actions. I am able to edit and create Notifications.

Looking for some guidance in case there is a step I missed.

Thanks in advance

Hi all,

I’m quitte new to HA and also to Alarmo, and I’m so very impressed!! Hopefully somebody is willing to point me in the right direction on the following.

I try to achieve 3 things:

  1. turn my hallway light on for 5 seconds when I activate my alarm,
  2. turn my hallway light on for 20 seconds when I enter the front door and the alarm is active,
  3. turn the alarm on and off with the help of a keypad (RFID) connected to a binairy sensor. (for some reason I can activate the alarm with an automation but not turn it off).

For the first, I created an action which has the condition: “vertrek” (leave), and the following yaml code:

- service: switch.turn_on
  entity_id: switch.double_relay_switch_2x1_5kw
  service_data: {}

For the 2nd one, I created an action which has the condition: “binnenkomst” (entry) and the following yaml code:

- service: switch.turn_on
  entity_id: switch.double_relay_switch_2x1_5kw
  service_data: {}

What is the best way to add the time that will stay the switch on, in my case 5 and 20 seconds?

The last one: I’ve created an automation with the follwing yaml code:

alias: Alarm met keypad bedienen UIT
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bs2_keyb_mkdeur_hal_any_2
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - condition: device
    device_id: 954db429ffc38ff298c04f88b711eeb7
    domain: alarm_control_panel
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.huis_alarm
    type: is_armed_away
  - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
mode: single

Thanks in advance.

For # 1 consider using the state of alarmo

platform: state
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
from: 'off'
to: 'on'

For # 2 I would use the state of the door sensor and check for alarmo on as a condition. You can add a 5 second wait in the action and then turn it off.

alias: New Automation
description: ''
mode: single
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.door1
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
  - condition: state
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    state: 'on'
  - service: light.turn_on

Might be wrong about the alarmo states. Check the available states by using Developer tools - states or alarmo docs.
You also might be able to do it with Alarmo - Actions, but I haven’t done much work with them.

Hi Richt,

First of all, thanks for taking time for me.
I think you mean, put the suggested code in place of

  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bs2_keyb_mkdeur_hal_any_2
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
platform: state
entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
from: 'off'
to: 'on'

If so, I don’t understand it: please let me explain. I’ve got an keypad attached to a binairy sensor (from fibaro). So when the keypad reads a valid RFID it flips the bs from off to on. Depending on the state of Alarmo I would like to arm or disarm it. BTW arming is working, disarming not.

Best regards.

To trigger an automation based on state change in alarmo, please stick to the states as described in the documentation.
On/off are not valid states for an alarm_control_panel entity.
Likewise, you find somewhere at the bottom of the documentation an example how you could automatically arm/disarm alarmo (via alarmo.arm / alarmo.disarm services).

The documentation is not very extensive, but in this case should help you forward :wink:

Hi neliss,

Thanks for the reply, but in the original post I don’t use an on/off in relation to Alarmo, I only use it in combination with the binary sensor. And I really try to figure out to turn off Alarmo with the help of the keypad/binary sensor.

Where am I missing the boat…

As said before, the state of an alarm_control_panel in HA will never become off or on so don’t use that.
Instead, you can use that when turned off iit has state disarmed, in all other states (armed_away, armed_home, armed_night, arming, pending, triggered) it is on.
To simplify your automation, you could make use of the not condtion.

Second problem: when defining an action, you need to provide a service name, but also an entity_id (or device_id) for which the service needs to be performed.

The following example should help you forward (although I didn’t test it):

alias: Alarm met keypad bedienen UIT
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.bs2_keyb_mkdeur_hal_any_2
    from: 'off'
    to: 'on'
condition: # execute this rule in all cases except when alarm is disarmed
  condition: not
    - condition: state
      entity_id: alarm_control_panel.huis_alarm
      state: disarmed
  - service: alarmo.disarm
    entity_id: alarm_control_panel.huis_alarm
      code: '1234' #code for disarming (you can leave it out if not needed)
mode: single

Note that HA also has a panel which you can use to create automations without YAML.

Hi neliss,

Thank you so much you code did the job!!


Hi! I have been using this integration for a while, but only from the app and controlled by me coming home / leaving (and (dis)arming) the alarm using automations. I now have the Linkind Zigbee Keypad with Zigbee2MQTT and I want to use it directly with MQTT in Alarmo.
Can anyone help me figure out what I have to configure?
I really don’t know what topic’s and payloads I have to define…
This is what I receive when I set an alarm state on the Keypad with a (test) code:

Thanks in advance!

Don’t know if this will help, but I’m using the Xfinity (Comcast) Home Security Keypad and here are a few of my notes.

I don’t think it is possible to do directly.
Alarmo will expect a payload on the command topic like such:

{ "command": "arm_away" }

for arming, and this for disarming (assuming you have a pin configured):

{ "command": "disarm", "code": "1234" }

You would need something like Node-Red to convert the MQTT traffic from zigbee2mqtt to what’s needed for Alarmo.
Maybe it is also possible via HA automations, since you can trigger on incoming MQTT data, in the same automation you could publish to the alarmo command topic.

An alternative would be to not use the MQTT interface, but connect the HA entity representing your keypad (must be some alarm_control_panel or sensor device) to the alarmo entity via service calls. An example of this you can find about 5 posts up.

Thanks for the replies! I don’t use nodered, but there’s a lot of info I’ll be looking into any further! I had something strange: I have 1 user with a test code, when I use that it doesn’t work. When I arm/disarm with 1234 (not the test code) it doesn’t work. Is this defined somewhere else in the config or something?
I have filled these fields based on the messages that where coming in:

I am also trying to get Alarmo triggered (and send a confirmation) from a keypad. In your screenshots is only a part of the used string / commands visible, could you sent the entire string so I can try to test that out?
Did you get this to work with personal codes? I see you use nodered but I try to get it to work without.
Help is really appreciated! Thanks!


I also use the Linkind Zigbee keypad and Alarmo. This blueprint worked perfectly for me Zigbee2MQTT - Sync Keypad and Alarm Control Panel States

Installed correctly and the board works but, if I add an Entity sensor in Alarmo, the board stops changing the mode and if I remove or disable the entity, it will work again
What am I doing wrong?

I solved, my mistake, I had not set the correct Device Type

Hello to all, i have a question regarding ability integrate Alarmo with security company console. Is there any chance to connect HA Alarmo with them? I believe that I could use [SIA Alarm Systems - Home Assistant](SIA integration). Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.

@eavanvalkenburg - could you please answer ?

The Alarmo card in Lovelace tablet shows the incorrect translation of the “State” and I would like to change it, is it possible?

To overcome this possibility, I made a more practical tab that shows 4 buttons but does not change the color and status of the single button; if I enable arm_mode:, all become red and if I disable arm_mode: null, all become green.

Some advice?

type: horizontal-stack
  - type: button
      action: call-service
      service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away
      service_data: {}
        device_id: 287c6016381b18375df499956dd9f8f5
    entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    icon: mdi:shield-lock-outline
    name: Armata
    show_state: false
  - type: button
      action: call-service
      service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_home
      service_data: {}
        device_id: 287c6016381b18375df499956dd9f8f5
    icon: mdi:shield-home
    entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    name: Protezione
  - type: button
      action: call-service
      service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_night
      service_data: {}
        device_id: 287c6016381b18375df499956dd9f8f5
    entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    show_state: false
    icon: mdi:shield-moon
    name: Notte
  - type: button
      action: call-service
      service: alarmo.disarm
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
      target: {}
    entity: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
    icon: mdi:lock-open-variant-outline
    name: Disarmato