[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

@paddy0174 Thanks, I hadn’t seen that. I went through a script suddenly to adjust the volume.

Also, I’m facing another problem: I want to have 2 different actions when I turn off the alarm from night mode or away mode. It works for other functions but not for deactivation.
So, in a script that would be launched during deactivation, how to recover the previous state of the arming to use an if/then according to the night mode and the away mode

Thanks a lot

I wouldn’t do it in one automation. :slight_smile: It’s kind of a logical difference, you know. :slight_smile:

One automation that gets triggered by the state from: armed_night and the other has a state trigger that goes from: armed_away.

Like this maybe:

  - id: alarm_off_from_armed_night
      - platform: state
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
        from: armed_night
      - service: homeassistant.turn_on
        entity_id: something

If you really need to get it in one automation, you’d need to configure a choose action. Something along the lines

  - id: alarm_off
      - platform: state
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
        from: armed_night
      - platform: state
        entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
        from: armed_away
      - choose:
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
                from: armed_night
              - service: homeassistant.turn_on
                entity_id: something
      - choose:
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarmo
                from: armed_away
              - service: homeassistant.turn_on
                entity_id: something_else
          - service: ...

As I said, I’d do it in seperate automations. Seems more maintainable to me. :slight_smile:

Just run the two separate services in a script / automation action. Firstly set your volume, then send the TTS message.

Or using trigger ID’s.

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Damn it, I always forget that “new” stuff… :crazy_face: Thanks for reminding me as well! :wink: :+1:

Hey I’ve seen a couple of comments on this thread about disarming with voice assistant (In my case alexa) Has anyone successfully done this?

I have the Alexa plugin and running Nabu Casa, TTS works fine but I’d like to be able to disarm too.


Create a script in HA and expose it to Alexa… not sure how that function works for Alexa but it does for Google Assistant.


    alias: Disarm House Alarm
      - service: alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm
        entity_id: all
          code: 1234

In the HA settings for Google Assistant you can select to require a passcode in order the run the script so after saying ‘hey google, disarm house alarm’ it will ask for a passcode, which you setup in the HA settings under Google Assistant. I’m guessing there is something similar for Alexa.

How do you go around the fact that disarming it in non-triggered condition is the same as disarming it after it got triggered?

When the alarm triggers stuff starts to happen around the house so if I turn it off I want the house to go back to a usable state.
On the other hand if I just disarm it in the morning or when coming home all those actions are not needed.
I could evaluate probably in the script/automation called but it would be useful if these events were separate or am I missing something?

I’m planning to add the option to define actions for the ‘un-triggered’ condition (so after triggering) in the next release of Alarmo (hopefully next week?)
For HA automations you can define a from/to combination in the trigger to for example only handle transition triggered->disarmed.


i don’t know whats wrong with my setup.
after a few minutes (after last page refresh) the open sensors does not show up when arming.
tried it on multiple devices. all the same. even with android12

my camera stream on the other hand is constantly updated…

how can i fix this? :confused:


Hi all

was wondering if anyone has a neat system to wake you up at night when the alarm triggers and you are not home…haha :smiley:

to be more detailed, I know you can get notified when away from home when an alarm is triggered but when your sleeping but that dosent really wake you up :smiley:

is there a neat way anyone uses? ie maybe on the iPhone launch a alarm sound or another thing I can think of?



I’m using this alarm and it seems to work great, especially with the Ring v2 keypad blueprint! Tnx @neliss

One question:
Sometimes I already open the front door before arming the house. This off course makes me bypass the front door sensor because it is “open” while arming. This wil bypass / ignore the front door, but that’s not prefered. Is it possible to only bypass it while arming?
Something like "Allow open while arming?

You can use the critical option for iOS notifications, this will bypass any silent mode. You can add this by changing to YAML mode.

service: notify.notification_smartphones
  message: 'Het alarm is geactiveerd! Oorzaak: {{open_sensors|lang=nl}}.'
  title: Alarmo
        name: default
        critical: 1
        volume: 1

@sammyke007, you can find this in the advanced option of a sensor by “automatic bypass”.


I know, but doesn’t this keep ignoring this sensor?

Well i’m not sure about that, was just thinking the same…

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@anon36468094 perfect!!!

thx so much


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As expected, bypassing the front door, keeps it bypassed untill disarmed. So arming while opened (bypass) > close door > open door eg. 5 mins later doesnt trigger the alarm.

EDIT: it works as it should, sorry!!
I was testing with arm home, but with arm away the front door indeed is allowed to be open while arming. My mistake!

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Help with the Alarmo MQTT Comand Payload.

I am trying to arm my alarm using MQTT. I have Alarmo MQTT on and MQTT is working in my installation.

I checked the Alarmo documentation and I am publishing the payload at alarmo/command and I am using this payload format:

  "command": "<my command>",
  "code": "<my pin or password>"

I have a Test user set with this PIN 1234 and I am directly publishing to alarmo/command, but nothing happens.

What I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!

Edit: It is working now.

If anyone is facing problems with MQTT commands not working in Alarmo, turn it on in the Alarmo configuration and restart HA.

It looks OK to me.
Perhaps the arming fails due to a sensor?
You could subscribe to the event topic to get feedback in case the arming fails.
Otherwise the logs should also display something.
Did you try arming without MQTT? Does this work normally?
Note that in the general tab, there is a setting ‘enable MQTT’, I assume it is enabled?

Thanks, @neliss!

I can’t explain, but it working now. I had the same browser window open and just clicked Publish again, and it worked. The only thing I did was restart HA. Maybe that was it.

If anyone has an Zibee Xfinity Keypad/PIN Pad running on ZHA and wants to sync it with Alarmo, I created an Automation to do it.

It allows full synchronization between Alarmo and the Keypad and also sends notify notifications with Alarmo Arming/Disarming status, and Arming errors (wrong password and sensors triggered)

Here is the link to the full automation:

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