[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Replace the first




and you should be good to go.

I should probably change this, its rather confusing.

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hey everyone I unfortunately failed with the search and also the manual.

Is there a service I can call in an automation to check the states of the sensors for an arm-state?

I want to create some kind of reminder at a certain time to close als windows and doors and not to get up when I lie in the bed and arm night.

In HA, services are one-directional. By calling a service you will not get a result back, only trigger an action (like arming the alarm).
You would have to check the states of the sensors directly to see if the alarm is ready.

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What is the syntax for doing this? This seems to do nothing:

service: alarmo.arm
  entity_id: alarm_control_panel.alarm
  mode: away
  skip_delay: true
  force: true

It “runs” without complaining, but the alarm never enables.

You probably need to provide a code for arming to succeed (depends on your configuration).
You can always find back the reason why arming didn’t work in the HA logs (or alarmo-card).

It didn’t solve it, i can send it if ill try it via services or automation but when I try it via alarmo notification panel it wont send the picture

Just shilling my custom alarm keypad which works great with alarmo :grin:

Hi all, first try to use an alarm ever :slight_smile:

this maybe a trivial question but how does one set up a max end time for the alarm sirens to turn off after trigger?

ie if I am on vacation and the alarm is triggered (real event, false entry etc) and the sirens go off, is there a way to make them stop after lets say 15 minutes? other wise do they just keep being on until I get back from vacation…hehe :smiley:

thx alot


  1. You can configure the trigger time (duration) for Armed Away / Armed Holiday to 15 minutes, as a result the alarm will remain in triggered state for that time (unless you interrupt it yourself).
  2. You can choose whether the alarm goes to Disarmed state or back to Armed Away/Holiday state after the trigger time has ended.
  3. You can define the behaviour while the alarm is in the triggered state. One way to do so by creating an action to turn on the siren when alarm triggered, and an action to turn it off when the alarm is disarmed (and/or when Armed, depending on the setting you choose in step 2)
  4. Repeat step 3 for all sirens, lights, notifications you want. It can also be done with automations outside of Alarmo.

Thx so much @neliss for your answer and your wonderful work, its really amazing!

I followed all your steps and it works well apart from one thing that keeps me scratching my head…

when I trigger the alarm via any sensor (contact, motion etc) and in any mode (away, vacation etc) the alarm goes off within 1 second and stops immediately after 2-3 seconds…

I have the alarm entry delay to 20 and the trigger time to ``51` minutes…

what am I doing wrong? im attaching the alarm.storage file :slight_smile:

any info I can add to help debug this?

best and thx so much, very much appreciated!


What do you mean by ‘alarm goes off’ and ‘stops’ ?
The alarm is just cycling between states, so for me it’s more clear to talk in terms of Armed/Triggered/Disarmed etc.

By default the entry delay is only used by motion and door sensors. Opening a window would cause the alarm to trigger without delay time (because this is not how you enter you home).
You can configure the type and behaviour per sensor in the ‘Sensors’ page. Clicking the ‘5 sensors active’ link should bring you there.
There is a ‘Use entry delay’ setting which might be relevant for you.

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thx @neliss and sorry for the confusion with the right terms ill use Armed/Triggered/Disarmed from now on!

ok I think I know what the problem is. I think the siren entity in Home assistant (in using the HEIMAN siren) when triggered turns on and then off after 2 seconds.

googling I see that you can define the duration with the call service command :

yet (and its probably me being slow) in alarmo I can only see a turn on/off option

so im assuming it just flicks the on state of the HEIMAN siren and then it auto stops after 2 seconds

how does one change that, is this done within alarm or a separate automation?



thx again @neliss!

I managed to solve it and putting it here if anyone has a similar problem

I ended up using a script to make the siren go on for a longer period

  alias: corridor siren on
  - data:
      duration: 6000
      duty_cycle: 2
      ieee: cc:86:ec:ff:fe:e5:98:ec
      intensity: 2
      level: 1
      mode: 1
      strobe: 1
    service: zha.warning_device_warn
  mode: single
  icon: mdi:volume-high

thank you @neliss for all your amazing work!


Hi all,

does anyone knows if the Wildcards are available in HA outside Alarmo panel? I read in github that for advanced notification-automation it is suggested to use builtin functionality in HA.

Well knowing which bypassed_sensors are still open can be useful outside Alarmo.

I found in

{{ state_attr(‘alarm_control_panel.alarmo’, ‘bypassed_sensors’) }}

that I can see devices names that are not so usable in my humble opinion.

What I want to achieve is a notification with details of the sensors.

Why don’t use the default from alarmo panel? Because message are in english (at the moment) .

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Hi all

I cant seem to get any actions saved. I complete the entire sections but pressing save does not do anything…anyone knows about this?

also and this maybe related the YAML in entities keeps giving an error Required key 'service' is missing.

here is a full screenshot

would appreciate any help!



Click on the button ‘run’ to select this as your action.
For scripts this is the only available action so it’s a bit cumbersome to have to select it.
But for e.g. a siren switch it would allow you to choose between turn on / turn off.

thx so much @neliss! I feel stupid now for missing that :smiley:

@neliss you work is a godsend , thx so much for you fantastic contribution!!!


is there any chance to get alarmo in popup fullscreen after activation?
for me, there is no point in still having everything visible and accessible on wall-tablets.
also the open windows are written pretty small…


Hello, i got a problem to set volume_level for a tts_google_say notification
I create a new notification with this code in the case action :

service: tts.google_translate_say
  entity_id: media_player.gcast1
  message: Arming
  volume_level: 0.7

But i got this error :

extra keys not allowed @ data[‘volume_level’]

How can i solve this error ?

You can’t! :slight_smile: volume_level is not a supported configuration for tts.

These are the available configuration options: