[Custom Component] Alarmo - browser managed alarm system

Hello, I have yet to try Alarmo.

The reason is that alarmo is “unofficial” and not easily installable.

I thank the developers for this app and wanted to know

Why is this app not on the official store?

I recommend to install HACS and then install Alarmo (and alarmo-card) via HACS.
There are videos around on how to set it up,
The main benefit of HACS is that it will be easier to update Alarmo when new versions are out.

You’re welcome.
I created Alarmo because I was missing a way to configure and maintain an alarm in HA in a simple way using already installed sensors.

This project is not official because I am not working for HA/Nabu Casa. And they propably don’t agree with (some of) the design choices I made, so it would have to be made quite different before it could be official.

It is not a problem that this project is not official. The project curently has (at least) 9880 users who rely on my work for securing their house.
I take this seriously and I am devoted to keep maintaining it.
You can make a small donation to keep me motivated to keep maintaining this and work on new improvements.
You can report issues if you encounter problems or miss features as well.


Thank you for your reply.

It is my belief that.

  1. This project is useful, active and popular enough to warrant integration into the official repository.

  2. Working towards putting Alarmo on the official store should be a priority for HA/Nabu and the community.

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While I agree that Alarmo is a great and valuable project, please note that there is no “store” it could be put into. It would have to be included in Home Assistant itself (“Core”). In addition to everything Niels (neliss) wrote, this would also mean much slower updates, as every pull request would need to be reviewed by a core dev before merging.

I update my home assistant twice a year, home assistant is for most people a fun week end project.

And more importantly a useful tool that should be quick to set up and unified.

Core Dev reviewing code with a purpose is a good thing for everyone.

I think Alarmo has significant interest in making the App available on the official store.

:arrow_up: This is a HA community issue. :arrow_up:

Ikea is coming up with 10$ zigbee door sensors and we will see more and more from others.

We need a solution for this.

@frenck thoughts?

Hello and thank you, a lot, for this great custom component!
One question for creating notifications: is it possible to name the area_id of the triggering sensor in the open_sensors attribute of the alarmo entity? I need the area of the binary_sensor instead of the area of the alarmo entity.

I would like to switch from my manually set alarm control panel to Alarmo but couldn’t realize this yet.

In my manual setup I used:

service: tts.google_cloud
  entity_id: media_player.alle
  message: >-
    Alarm durch {{ 'Tür-Fenster-Kontakt' if trigger.id =='tfk' else
    'Bewegungsmelder' }} im Bereich {{ area_id(trigger.entity_id) | replace("_",
    " ") | replace("og", "Obergeschoss") | replace("Kuche", "Küche") |
    replace("eg", "Erdgeschoss") | title }} ausgelöst. Sirene und Notruf in 20

But using Alarmo the automation is triggered by the UI and not by the sensor itsaelf so this can’t work…

Thank you for helping me!

No ideas?
Thank you for helping!

Not sure if I understand you correctly, but you can use {{open_sensors}} in your message?

This project is so amazing, it is easy to setup and very powerful, I bought Ring Keypad v2 to use with it and they worked quite well, better than any commercially available solution I can find, which turns out to be either too expensive or too inflexible.

I felt like this should built into Home assistant for its awesomeness.


Yes, but i want to extract the area_id of the triggering sensor, in my case the name of the room where the trigger (open_sensor)is located…

It seems in the source code here:

You seems to only get friendly name of the sensors.

I can think of 3 possible options:

Guys, just a quick question:

Is it possible to fire different automation for HOME and AWAY and so on?

I am using automation when “triggered” but the state is triggered also for any modes.


We just had a (for us) a major problem. We armed and while arming we walked out.
The electric garage door decided that it couldn’t close fully and opened again, so it was not closed when the arming wanted to go to armed. Alarmo decided to disable the alarm.

So we had no functional alarm and the garage door was wide open.
My previous alarm would go in alarm state, which would have prevented our problem.

Can this behaviour be changed?

I just added an extra notification for when arming fails, but I think the default behaviour is wrong.

Check the sensor tab, pick the garage sensor and click advanced settings.

And while I am here I have to say that this component is incredible. When I started with HA in '18 I wrote dozens of pages in yaml and had like 30 automations for my selfmade alarm. I was afraid of changing stuff because I hardly understood the logics behind everything years later ;D
It worked flawless until recently when I moved from my Pi3 I gave alarmo a chance. Best decision ever!
It is so comfortable and works perfect for me! Thanks!


I’m sorry to hear this.
Please elaborate on your proposal for improvement.

My previous alarm would go in alarm state,

What do you mean by ‘in alarm state’?

The armed state should indicate the perimeter is secured, which cannot be reached with an open door. Hence Alarmo will not proceed to armed state if this is the case.
Alarmo returns to the disarmed state instead (after the exit delay expired). There is a ‘failed to arm’ event available for triggering notifications or any other action in this scenario.

There is no default handling of the ‘failed to arm’ event since I consider this user-specific.
Similarly, there is also no default handling for the triggering of the alarm since I consider this user-specific as well.

I recommend combining Alarmo with a siren and/or phone notifications as bare mininum.
The ‘actions’ panel should simplify setting this up (and I know it is very limited/basic) but you will have to do so yourself.

Commercial alarm systems generally allow you to select an option for each input that allows the alarm to bypass it if the input is not ‘secure / closed’ at the time of arming. If we had this option, Alarmo could have still armed, but excluding that particular input for the during of that arming period (ie: next time you try to arm, it tries to include that input again).

Look in advanced settings for the particular sensor and you may find what you want there. There are options to allow arming to proceed and take input later if they become available / ready.

I use a different flow in node-red to handle all state changes and I notify if something is open. You could run this check during arming or anytime.

Yeah, I thought it did exist.

@Onl1ne1373 , have a look at this to see if it’s what you want to solve your garage door issue.

Thanks for your inputs! Found the advanced settings and I could not find a option to solve this.
There are nice options for motion sensors that take to long to go to a rest state.
But I am missing a option that it should trigger the alarm at the end of arming without bypassing.

I understand that you say that it cannot go from arming to armed if the sensor is not bypassed. But I think this should be decided when you start arming, not at the end of arming state. Going from arming to armed state with an open sensor that has no advanced options should result in a alarmed state, so triggering the alarm. Yes, you can add an notification action for this, but I will explain why this doesn’t work for me:

Everybody in my house has iPhones with Homekit and I exposed Alarmo to Homekit.
We have Ring Keypad V2s at the doors which notify the user if a sensor needs to be bypassed when you enter your code.
If alarmo goes to alarmed state, the Apple Home App notifies everone.
This works very stable until this situation. Now everyone needs the Home Assistant app with remote connection. I do have that, but since I have a new phone I had to change the notify action and I did not.

Other alarm systems I had would just go to alarmed state and you would know something is wrong.

Do not get me wrong, I love Alarmo, it is a great piece of software.
But I think this is a niece situation nobody tests and could do with an extra option.

Use a automation with state trigger that trigger when Alarmo state changes:

If you want to know the status of Alarmo in your automation when it is triggered by something else, put it in condition: