Custom Component: Dreame Vacuum

Thanks for the feedback @tasshack, i’ll adapt my card :wink:

I extracted the token through the Xiaomi pyhon script and I could do it with the rest of Xiaomi assets but not with this Xiaomi one.

@tasshack how to trigger automations for low_water_warning? I can only see two states in history, no_warning or “the water in freshwater tank is near empty” … but how to actually use this with automations?

thank you very much

I am sure you know that but token changes every time device has been installed to the App.

Could not update to 2.0.0.b12. Hang forever. Restart HA several times and update again but no luck. Any advice please.

You need to fist remove the integration from HACS and add it again (your entities and history won’t be deleted from HA). This is due to an unicode character in the documentation that causes parsing error.

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Thanks. It works!

thank you very much for all your help (with all people here)

still seems i miss something. or i’m not enough of a HA expert to get it.
does anyone else have low_water_warning successfully implemented in automation?
could somebody share his code?

i have no clue what to type in here

so… value = “low_water” ?
and what is the actual “code” ?

Morning, apologies if I am repeating an earlier post but I read through as many as I could and was not able to find what I was looking for.

I just purchased the Xiamoi S10 vacuum and I am using the Xiaomi Home app but when adding the integration I get the error ‘No Supported Devices found’.

When I use the Xiaomi integration it finds my devices but even this integration is not able to correctly identify which vacuum it is so I am not able to complete.

I have tried the beta version as well but get the same error. Does the Xiaomi S10 come up with a different model number of is there something I am doing wrong where it is not registering correctly in my cloud account?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Mi Robot Vacuum S10 (ijai.vacuum.v17) is not a Dreame device therefore not supported by this integration.

When will S10 Pro Ultra be supported?

S10 Pro Ultra (dreame.vacuum.r9304) is available on Beta.

Hello all,

I’ve almost finish my code for my vacuum but one last thing is resisting.
The context is as follows. I have a dreame and a house with several floors. The prevent having to select the floor and rooms I want to clean each time I’ve created a code which is triggered by an NFC tag. I have one tag for each floor this way I can just scan the one I want before going out.

The last bit that does not work is to reset the map to the ground floor one at the end of the cleaning process so that I only have to click in home for the vacuum to find its way back to the station. The idea is really that I only have to carry my vacuum and don’t have to do anything anymore in the app.

Here is the automation. Can someone find the issue?

alias: Rooms

  • platform: event
    event_type: Vacuum_Rooms

  • service: select.select_option
    option: “1”
    entity_id: select.robot_selected_map

  • service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
    repeats: 1
    suction_level: 2
    water_volume: 3
    - 1
    - 2
    - 3
    - 5
    - 6
    - 8
    - 9
    - 10
    entity_id: vacuum.robot

  • wait_for_trigger:

    • platform: state
      • sensor.robot_status
        from: Room cleaning
        to: Returning to dock
        hours: 0
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 30
        attribute: value
        continue_on_timeout: false
  • service: select.select_option
    option: “0”
    entity_id: select.robot_selected_map
    mode: single

My “wait for a trigger” does not work. I’ve tried with the status, the task status… when I look into the Trace I see that it does not recognize the trigger so the map is set to the first floor, cleaning is launched but it directly reset to the map to the ground floor (0) leading to the end of the cleaning.

Hello @tasshack
Are there any plans about x30 ultra version ? Model :dream.vacuum.r9316h



I’m trying to setup the Dreame Vacuum integration in HA. I have the Dreamehome app, password etc. all set and done.

When I go to HA/Dreame Vacuum, it asks for creds to Xiaomi Miio Cloud, but when I stuff in my creds, it says that login was not possible. Reset my password to a simple one, no change. Cloudserver properly set (DE for Germany).

I read on the Internet that one has to put the Dreame in the Xiaomi home app and not in Dreamehome. Is that true? There’s no such mention on the main Github page.

Dreamehome account support is available on Beta release.


Bro, what …! :open_mouth: I got the beta version, login works instantly, so many entities! You must be a genius! Thaanks so much!

can anyone help with low water warning? how to actually use it?

thank you

You guys are brilliant !