[Custom Component] Flair - Vents, Pucks, Structures, Rooms, IR Units

Hi @RobertD502 are there any articles on configuring my Flair vents with HACS? I was able set one of the 5 vents to open at 8 a.m. and close at 8pm daily. I’m now looking for a way to add a card to the HA home page that shows the duct_temp any thoughts?

So, HACS is only used as a middle man to install the Flair integration. You won’t be doing anything else with HACS to configure your Flair vents. The duct_temp is an attribute of the vent “fan” entity. I would do a google search for custom home assistant cards that allow you to display the attributes of an entity within a card. For example: custom-cards/entity-attributes-card: Entity Attributes (github.com)

I’m new to the Flair system and home-assistant.

I was hoping I could get these vents and pucks and set them up on a private network with no internet access, but from what I’m seeing, this would need to use the Flair API. I’m also wondering if it’s even possible to get Flair working without some outbound connection.

Sorry if this is answered elsewhere. Thanks for the link for HACS btw! Going to be taking a deep-dive soon.

Unfortunately the Flair API isn’t local and needs internet access to function. Hopefully down the line they’ll develop a local REST API.

I’m trying to create a set of Scenes in HA to either open or close all of my Flair vents with one click. Below is the current settings but these constantly error like “Failed to call service scene/turn_on. Entity cover.flair_vent_bobs_office does not support this service.”
Any help is very much appreciated @RobertD502

  name: Flair Vents Open
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Suzanne's Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 1
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 2
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
      current_tilt_position: 0
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Bobs Office
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Media Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
  icon: mdi:air-filter
- id: '1653579265916'
  name: Flair Vents Closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Media Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Bobs Office
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 2
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Suzanne's Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 1
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
  icon: mdi:air-filter

@graybeard Doesn’t seem to be integration related. Looks like the devs made some changes a while back that don’t play nice with covers and scenes (see related post). Looks like it is best to create two scripts - one for closing vents and another for opening vents. Then call these scripts instead of relying on scenes.

thanks @RobertD502 I tried a script as configured below but when clicking run script I get the error popup “Failed to call service script/1653601739455. Entity cover.flair_vent_studio_1 does not support this service.”
Any thoughts?

alias: Open Flair Vents
  - service: cover.open_cover
    data: {}
        - cover.flair_vent_bobs_office
        - cover.flair_vent_suzanne_s_room
        - cover.flair_vent_studio_1
        - cover.flair_vent_studio_2

Figured it out, had to use cover.set_cover_tilt_position for the service, seems to now work,

Either use the tilt position service as you mentioned or use the cover.open_cover_tilt service to open and cover.close_cover_tilt service to close.

Just purchased some vents and installed this integration. Working great so far. Really liking customer service at Flair as well.

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Hi Rob,

Excellent component, thank you so much for your work.
Question for you, the puck seems to have the ability to integrate with certain thermostats and determine what mode the thermostat is in (heat vs cool). I don’t use any of the integratable thermostats, but I would like to be able to manually set the mode via home assistant. Is this possible?

If you don’t have any thermostats integrated into Flair itself, do you still have the option of Auto vs Manual mode in the Flair app? Also, for the set point controller, is the flair app the only option available for you (in the Flair app settings)?

Thanks for your reply.

I do still have the option for Manual and Auto. As far as set point, the app and the puck are the only controls. My goal is to use the auto functionality, the setpoint at the puck, and HA to set the cool/heat mode.

So you want Flair’s servers to control the vents instead of you manually controlling individual vents with Home Assistant? Just to be upfront: using the Auto function to control vents in a Flair “Room” will only work for Flair rooms have a valid temp sensor (Flair puck, integratabtle thermostat/sensors) associated with said Flair room. If this is your scenario, you can definitely use a thermostat from Home Assistant to send the mode (heat/cool/heat&cool) to Flair.

If you go into the Flair integration, click on the device that is for your Flair structure. There you will see all entities associated for the structure “device”. One of those is a climate entity:


Changing the mode for this climate entity controls what mode Flair is in (I’m assuming the Flair app still lets you select heat, cool, heat & cool if you don’t have a thermostat integrated, correct?). In your case, what you’ll want to do is create an automation that uses the mode of your thermostat in Home Assistant and changes the climate entity of the structure to the associated mode.

Perfect, I didn’t notice the structure device. Thanks for pointing out what I was missing.

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When clicking the link on the github article to add the integration, I get the following error.


or when doing it the alternate way, flair doesn’t show up in the search.

I’m assuming you have installed the integration via HACS and then restarted Home Assistant after the installation?

Yes I have. also when doing the alternative method searching for Flair returns nothing.

To ensure everything was properly installed, can you go into the /config/custom_components/flair folder and confirm that all files are there:

sorry, I’m new to home assistant. Where would I find that exactly?