[Custom Component] Flair - Vents, Pucks, Structures, Rooms, IR Units

Just made the initial release. Control your vents/rooms and pull in data for pucks, vents, and rooms. See the documentation for full information. Can be installed via HACS or manually.


Thanks for doing this Rob you’re a legend!!! If there’s a way to set the Room’s status to Active or Inactive, can you advise. Thanks!

As of now there isn’t. This has been added as a future milestone (https://github.com/RobertD502/home-assistant-flair/issues/7).

Does this only work in HASS Core or would this work just as well in HASSIO? I am still very much new to the HASS world so please forgive my ignorance.


Hi @RobertD502 sorry I’m a bit of a novice. How do I install this into my HA platform? You state

  1. Open HACS Settings and add this repository (GitHub - RobertD502/home-assistant-flair: Custom component for Home Assistant Core for controlling Flair vents/rooms and monitoring pucks/vents/rooms.) as a Custom Repository (use Integration as the category).
    but I’m not clear on where to find the Custom Repository interface?


We all start somewhere so it is normal to not know about HACS immediately. I would recommend for you to read the documentation regarding HACS to get started.

This will work with any type of home assistant installation since this is just a custom component and not a separate docker container like you see with add-ons.

That page shows:
Any Integration you download with HACS is stored in custom_components/ in your Home Assistant configuration directory.

Where do I find this directory, and where do I find the HACS settings? Do I need to enable HACA in my HA installation?
Sorry for the dumb questions

Fyi there is no HACS menu item in my left column on the HA home page like that documentation shows

The custom_components folder will be located within the /config directory. If you use HACS, this folder will be created for you when you install the integration through HACS. If you don’t use HACS, you will need to create this folder yourself. The reason you don’t have a HACS menu on the left is because you don’t have HACS installed. HACS is not included with Home Assistant by default. Please see this page and follow along to understand how HACS is installed and how to use it.

Edit: If you are new to Home Assistant, I recommend you search and read up a bit on HACS before attempting to install this integration. It is much easier once you take some time learn about what HACS is and how it is installed/used.

Thanks, I was able to install HACS. I’m on the HACS Integration page but cannot find how to add your repository? Its not showing in the Repository popup listings.

I think I’m all set, got the Flair integration going, thanks

Hi @RobertD502 are there any articles on configuring my Flair vents with HACS? I was able set one of the 5 vents to open at 8 a.m. and close at 8pm daily. I’m now looking for a way to add a card to the HA home page that shows the duct_temp any thoughts?

So, HACS is only used as a middle man to install the Flair integration. You won’t be doing anything else with HACS to configure your Flair vents. The duct_temp is an attribute of the vent “fan” entity. I would do a google search for custom home assistant cards that allow you to display the attributes of an entity within a card. For example: custom-cards/entity-attributes-card: Entity Attributes (github.com)

I’m new to the Flair system and home-assistant.

I was hoping I could get these vents and pucks and set them up on a private network with no internet access, but from what I’m seeing, this would need to use the Flair API. I’m also wondering if it’s even possible to get Flair working without some outbound connection.

Sorry if this is answered elsewhere. Thanks for the link for HACS btw! Going to be taking a deep-dive soon.

Unfortunately the Flair API isn’t local and needs internet access to function. Hopefully down the line they’ll develop a local REST API.

I’m trying to create a set of Scenes in HA to either open or close all of my Flair vents with one click. Below is the current settings but these constantly error like “Failed to call service scene/turn_on. Entity cover.flair_vent_bobs_office does not support this service.”
Any help is very much appreciated @RobertD502

  name: Flair Vents Open
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Suzanne's Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 1
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 2
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
      current_tilt_position: 0
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Bobs Office
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Media Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: open
  icon: mdi:air-filter
- id: '1653579265916'
  name: Flair Vents Closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Media Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Bobs Office
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 2
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Suzanne's Room
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
      current_tilt_position: 100
      device_class: damper
      icon: mdi:air-filter
      friendly_name: flair_vent_Studio 1
      supported_features: 176
      state: closed
  icon: mdi:air-filter

@graybeard Doesn’t seem to be integration related. Looks like the devs made some changes a while back that don’t play nice with covers and scenes (see related post). Looks like it is best to create two scripts - one for closing vents and another for opening vents. Then call these scripts instead of relying on scenes.

thanks @RobertD502 I tried a script as configured below but when clicking run script I get the error popup “Failed to call service script/1653601739455. Entity cover.flair_vent_studio_1 does not support this service.”
Any thoughts?

alias: Open Flair Vents
  - service: cover.open_cover
    data: {}
        - cover.flair_vent_bobs_office
        - cover.flair_vent_suzanne_s_room
        - cover.flair_vent_studio_1
        - cover.flair_vent_studio_2

Figured it out, had to use cover.set_cover_tilt_position for the service, seems to now work,