Custom Component: HACS

The first one will never be valid "none".
But the second one should be a good condition for this.


@h4nc Thanks for the Automation, it worked great this morning for me. I have not seen the false positive states you mentioned but I am going to try adding the condition.

@ludeeus the new update went really smooth! I got two more of my plugins moved from the legacy installation model to HACS! I am only missing a couple plugins that I use regularly, hopefully the Devs will add their work to HACS.

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Are there any plans to embed HACS in core home assistant?

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Currently no.

Was getting the exact same problem.

running docker version of HA (currently on v0.93.x - need some time to updgrade to v0.94/5 because of the potential impact of device tracker changes).

Restarting from the configuration panel… after actually fully restarting the container it worked.


Thanks for this component! It’s really fantastic.

I’ve installed few hours ago on an Intel Nuc i3 and I still have the message “Background task running, refresh the page in a little while.”.

Is it normal?

I also have an issue that I’ve reported n the Gauge card thread, because installing from HACS does not work, while installing manually with the old method it works.

The “background tasks…” thing is normal after a restart of Hass as it reloads all the components and discovers what you have installed. Also be aware that not all CCs will work with HACS as their GitHub repository must be in the correct format. (not sure exactly what that is, but I’m sure someone else can explain if needed)


Got this installed and loving it so far.

Question about its intended usage:

For Lovelace cards that aren’t included by default, is the desired thing to do to copy the repo address and manually add it via settings?

I’ve tried this and it seems to work for some repos (gives error on some). Just wanted to ensure this was the intended workflow.

yes, that’s correct.

yes, that’s normal because of this…

see here for the requirements for plugins:

and here for integrations:

Hi, i just downloaded and tried to install HACS, but i have a couple of doubts.
First of all you write if i am using custom_updater i need to delete the entire directory but about custom_updater i have only one file inside custom_components.
Do i need to delete only that file?
Second: i am using inside ui-lovelace.yaml this kind of entries:

  - url: /customcards/custom_ui/weather-card.js
    type: module

How to change it or what to do to have those entries workable with HACS?

Thanks in advance for your kind reply…

if that is true you have an old version, and yes remove that.

that is described here

Ok thanks, i read about moving from custom_updater, but for me it’s not so clear what to do…
Can you send me an example about how to modify that entry? Is this related only to plugin and for hass-io? I am using hassbian.

Use the editor of your choice.


Home Assistant is Home Assistant, it does not matter how you installed it.

So if i am not using any plugin, but only custom_cards, custom_components and python_scripts do i need to do nothing?
Sorry but still do not understand… :sweat_smile:


  1. Use HACS to install reinstall your component using the HACS tool, it will locate the component in the new community folder.
  2. update the resource entry in your lovelace config
  - url: /customcards/custom_ui/weather-card.js
    type: module

change to:

  - type: module
    url: /community_plugin/weather-card/weather-card.js
  1. delete the previous plugins install folder…you can use a file browser if you have Samba set up, or ssh if you have ssh configured.

I did about 20 plugins in less than an hour… no big deal… Good luck!

Ok so i must do it only from the frontend after restarting HA?

What you mean?
Sorry i just read your modified post above… now it’s clearer, but about custom_cardsi have NO folders only names of the cards inside the /www/lovelace/resources/ folder…

HACS will set up the community folder in your www folder. If you do not have www in the config folder you should create it.

HACS will create the www dir to when installing your first plugin if it does not exist :slight_smile: