Custom Component: HACS

This Is on and not show me on si de panel
Error during setup of component hacs
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/”, line 167, in _async_setup_component
hass, processed_config
File “/config/custom_components/hacs/”, line 37, in async_setup
config[DOMAIN], config[DOMAIN].get(“options”)
File “/config/custom_components/hacs/hacsbase/”, line 44, in from_dict
AttributeError: ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘get’

1: Read the post 2 over yours
2: Read the post directly over yours
3: See here

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Thanks a lot,its working again, Thanks for your quickly answer

Got Hacs upgrade the other day without it deleting the folder this time. Was great until the update today. Now it looks like I have two installed. Not sure if I should try the upgrade. lol.

That won’t effect your installation. Just ignore it, upgrade and it will dissapear.

Perfect. thanks

I have now the issue that the categories are repeated in the “store” section

not only “python scripts” as well themes (even 4 times)

ignore it. restart of hass solved it

Hello , maybe this is a very noob question, but… … How can I add themes to HACS?
Thanks and sorry, for ask this

As a theme author? See the dev docs
As a theme user? See the configuration docs

Both here

Thanks so much again

I think there are url’s broken


Well, don’t show nothing about how to

Same with python_scripts

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How to what?

@ludeeus, he is pointing out that your page doesn’t contain anything useful.

There is an issue for that.

But it does not fit with the initial question since it’s not one of the places I pointed to :man_shrugging:

that was precisely what I wanted to say, thanks

What I was asking was how to see the themes, not how to upload one created by me, I’m sorry for my bad English

Today, installing the Hassio update at the restart HACS stopped working, giving me this message: “The frontend of HACS has been disabled until you restart Home Assistant.”. I tried to restart HASSIO, reinstall HACS, but nothing the message keeps appearing.