Custom Component: HACS

Thanks guys, working again :slight_smile:

Working fine for weeks, now HACS does not load and I get this error:

[Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
8:34 AM custom_components/hacs/hacsbase/ (CRITICAL)

Tried uninstall/reinstall, etc, nothing brings HACS back. Running 0.97.2. Any advise?

Sounds like you haven’t properly downloaded HACS - what is the contents of custom_components/hacs/hacsbase/ ?

Here’s I got the error before upgrading to 0.13. Hadn’t done anything to alter HACS installation. Thanks for taking a look.

"""Data handler for HACS."""
import os
import json
from integrationhelper import Logger
from . import Hacs
from .const import STORAGE_VERSION
from ..const import VERSION

    "old": "hacs",
    "hacs": "hacs.hacs",
    "installed": "hacs.installed",
    "repositories": "hacs.repositories",

class HacsData(Hacs):
    """HacsData class."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = Logger("")

    def check_corrupted_files(self):
        """Return True if one (or more) of the files are corrupted."""
        for store in STORES:
            path = f"{self.system.config_path}/.storage/{STORES[store]}"
            if os.path.exists(path):
                if os.stat(path).st_size == 0:
                    # File is empty (corrupted)
                    return True
        return False

    def read(self, store):
        """Return data from a store."""
        path = f"{self.system.config_path}/.storage/{STORES[store]}"
        content = None
        if os.path.exists(path):
            with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as storefile:
                content =
                content = json.loads(content)
        return content

    def write(self):
        """Write content to the store files."""
        if self.system.status.background_task:

        self.logger.debug("Saving data")

        # Hacs
        path = f"{self.system.config_path}/.storage/{STORES['hacs']}"
        hacs = {"view": self.configuration.frontend_mode}
        save(path, hacs)

        # Installed
        path = f"{self.system.config_path}/.storage/{STORES['installed']}"
        installed = {}
        for repository in self.common.installed:
            repository = self.get_by_name(repository)
            installed[repository.information.full_name] = {
                "version_type": repository.display_version_or_commit,
                "version_installed": repository.display_installed_version,
                "version_available": repository.display_available_version,
        save(path, installed)

        # Repositories
        path = f"{self.system.config_path}/.storage/{STORES['repositories']}"
        content = {}
        for repository in self.repositories:
            content[repository.information.uid] = {
                "authors": repository.information.authors,
                "category": repository.information.category,
                "description": repository.information.description,
                "full_name": repository.information.full_name,
                "hide": repository.status.hide,
                "installed_commit": repository.versions.installed_commit,
                "installed": repository.status.installed,
                "last_commit": repository.versions.available_commit,
                "last_release_tag": repository.versions.available,
                "selected_tag": repository.status.selected_tag,
                "show_beta": repository.status.show_beta,
                "version_installed": repository.versions.installed,

        # Validate installed repositories
        count_installed = len(installed) + 1  # For HACS it self
        count_installed_restore = 0
        for repository in self.repositories:
            if repository.status.installed:
                count_installed_restore += 1

        if count_installed < count_installed_restore:
            self.logger.debug("Save failed!")
                f"Number of installed repositories does not match the number of stored repositories [{count_installed} vs {count_installed_restore}]"
        save(path, content)

    async def restore(self):
        """Restore saved data."""
            hacs ="hacs")
            installed ="installed")
            repositrories ="repositories")
            if self.check_corrupted_files():
                # Coruptted installation
                self.logger.critical("Restore failed one or more files are corrupted!")
                return False
            if hacs is None and installed is None and repositrories is None:
                # Assume new install
                return True

  "Restore started")

            # Hacs
            hacs = hacs["data"]
            self.configuration.frontend_mode = hacs["view"]

            # Installed
            installed = installed["data"]
            for repository in installed:

            # Repositories
            repositrories = repositrories["data"]
            for entry in repositrories:
                repo = repositrories[entry]
                if not self.is_known(repo["full_name"]):
                    await self.register_repository(
                        repo["full_name"], repo["category"], False
                repository = self.get_by_name(repo["full_name"])
                if repository is None:
                    self.logger.error(f"Did not find {repo['full_name']}")

                # Restore repository attributes
                if repo.get("authors") is not None:
                    repository.information.authors = repo["authors"]

                if repo.get("description") is not None:
                    repository.information.description = repo["description"]

                if repo.get("name") is not None:
           = repo["name"]

                if repo.get("hide") is not None:
                    repository.status.hide = repo["hide"]

                if repo.get("installed") is not None:
                    repository.status.installed = repo["installed"]
                    if repository.status.installed:
                        repository.status.first_install = False

                if repo.get("selected_tag") is not None:
                    repository.status.selected_tag = repo["selected_tag"]

                if repo.get("show_beta") is not None:
                    repository.status.show_beta = repo["show_beta"]

                if repo.get("last_commit") is not None:
                    repository.versions.available_commit = repo["last_commit"]

                repository.information.uid = entry

                if repo.get("last_release_tag") is not None:
                    repository.releases.last_release = repo["last_release_tag"]
                    repository.versions.available = repo["last_release_tag"]

                if repo.get("new") is not None:
           = repo["new"]

                if repo["full_name"] == "custom-components/hacs":
                    repository.versions.installed = VERSION
                    if "b" in VERSION:
                        repository.status.show_beta = True
                elif repo.get("version_installed") is not None:
                    repository.versions.installed = repo["version_installed"]

                if repo.get("installed_commit") is not None:
                    repository.versions.installed_commit = repo["installed_commit"]

                if repo["full_name"] in self.common.installed:
                    repository.status.installed = True
           = False
                    frominstalled = installed[repo["full_name"]]
                    if frominstalled["version_type"] == "commit":
                        repository.versions.installed_commit = frominstalled[
                        repository.versions.available_commit = frominstalled[
                        repository.versions.installed = frominstalled[
                        repository.versions.available = frominstalled[

            # Check the restore.
            count_installed = len(installed) + 1  # For HACS it self
            count_installed_restore = 0
            installed_restore = []
            for repository in self.repositories:
                if repository.status.installed:
                    if (
                        repository.information.full_name not in self.common.installed
                        and repository.information.full_name != "custom-components/hacs"
                            f"{repository.information.full_name} is not in common.installed"
                    count_installed_restore += 1

            if count_installed < count_installed_restore:
                for repo in installed:
                self.logger.warning(f"Check {repo}")

                self.logger.critical("Restore failed!")
                    f"Number of installed repositories does not match the number of restored repositories [{count_installed} vs {count_installed_restore}]"
                return False

  "Restore done")
        except Exception as exception:
            self.logger.critical(f"[{exception}] Restore Failed!")
            return False
        return True

def save(path, content):
    """Save file."""
    from .backup import Backup

    backup = Backup(path)
        content = {"data": content, "schema": STORAGE_VERSION}
        with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as storefile:
            json.dump(content, storefile, indent=4)
    except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except

That error was added in 0.13
Open an issue @ GitHub

Done, thanks!

It would be great to add Lovelace Flower Card.

It is normal that for some plugins could not determine plugin type?

Having trouble…I’m running on a NUC running Ubuntu. HACS was working fine, and the time has come to update HA from HA 0.95.4. I was on HACS 0.11.1, and docs say I need to go to 0.12 before I go to 0.13. I downloaded the zip file for 0.12.1, replaced the custom_components/hacs folder with the new one, and restarted HA. HACS was working - but I stupidly didn’t notice the version number. I upgraded to HA 0.97.2 - now HACS isn’t working. I see the error page, with 500 Server Error. Settings page says I’m on 0.11.1. I’ve tried to update to 0.12.1 several times by replacing the custom_components/hacs folder and restarting. It still says on on 0.11.1. I don’t know that I should try 0.13 if I never got to 0.12. How do I get HACS to update so I can get everything working again?

I’m frustrated that I can’t figure this out, but at least I am having fun reading all the error messages in HACS :slight_smile:

if it still say 11 you are not restarting.

I have restarted multiple times.

No, that is not possible, HACS show the version from a file in the zip.
When you restart in the UI it will actually not restart if you have config issues.

Well, that’s annoying. I was restarting from the UI. I restarted from the terminal and now it’s working and says I’m on 0.12.1. Thanks so much for the help and the quick response time! Now to update to 0.13…

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I am completely up to date - HACS working brilliantly, all my custom components and cards have been updated. I don’t really understand why the UI restart was unhappy - the only error I had was for the Alexa Media component (which I needed HACS to update - it’s a bit of a “chicken and the egg” dilemma, I guess!) I will just use the terminal to config check and restart - it’s probably easier anyway, thanks to frenck. I like the changes you’ve added recently. Great to just click a button and remove all the “new” labels without editing .storage files. Thanks so much for all your hard work on this, @ludeeus!

Issue, Unable to see community tab on left hand side

I uninstalled custom_updater. I deleted from yaml custom updater.
I moved files to correct directory. I added correct yaml. I have restarted many times. The config comes back good. Still nothing…

Any ideas?

This aimed at me?

Probably so.

nick, I looked at issues, not seeing what I am doing wrong. However I’ll try updating HA. i think im only a few weeks behind

You’re not supposed to be looking at issues. If you have an issue, post there. It is clearly stated many times in this thread.

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Just a quick question about first time setup, I’m just setting up HACS latest stable on a new HA system, I’ve just installed it, the restarting HA and it’s saying:

‘Background task running, this page will reload when it’s done.’

I’m happy to wait for it to do it’s thing, it’s been around 12 mins so far, but how long should I wait before assuming I may need to do something like manual refresh or HA restart? I check the FAQ and this wasn’t mentioned. Thanks.