Custom Component: HACS

If you did, that is not supported by me and any issue you have with that you need to take with the creator of it.

with that said, an addon to download a custom component… that’s overkill.

LOL dont be me and not read the very carefully worded docs. I upgraded HACS without being on 98 and oh boy you cant seem to back out of that as easy as you would have thought. I wasn’t able to bring up the front end and although deleting the hacs file out of custom_components and redownloading 13.3 version allowed me to boot and access the front end, hacs didnt run. Im guessing bc it seems to add itself as an integration and into the side panel as I saw warnings in my log. At this point I just restored from a 2 day old image. Just saying dont be me. Thanks again for trying to get organized whats probably a herd of cats in these custom components ludeeus. I’m guessing It will help me get lovelace organized when I get to it finally lol

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I tried to update HACS from HACS, and now get this error.

'custom_components.hacs.http.HacsWebResponse object' has no attribute 'store'

I am able to update other apps, just not HACS. I even remove the installation via the HA UI, and re added it ,and the error is still there. Any ideas?

Having trouble installing HACS.

Getting error: Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found.

I’ve upgraded to HASS 0.99.1 and most recent HACS update.

My HASS setup is Unraid/Docker.

Maybe it’s a permission issue with the custom_components/hacs folder? I tried chmod 755 the whole thing.

I had this error too since this weekend, after trying to update HACS. Then tonight suddenly my Home Assistant became unreachable, restarting the Docker doesn’t help. I raised an issue on Github.

Any one else experiencing these errors on startup?

2019-09-23 16:37:07 ERROR (MainThread) [hacs.repository.plugin.PiotrMachowski.Home-Assistant-Lovelace-HTML-Jinja2-Template-card] Repostitory structure not compliant
2019-09-23 16:37:07 ERROR (MainThread) [hacs] Validation for PiotrMachowski/Home-Assistant-Lovelace-HTML-Jinja2-Template-card failed.

@dasbooter you give me my answer: I also tried to upgrade HACS while on HA 0.97.2… now I know why I’m in trouble, next step to fix it :slight_smile:

After the last HACS update my Home Assistant doesn’t see sensor.hacs. The following message is in log:

ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error while setting up platform hacs
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 148, in _async_setup_platform
    task = async_create_setup_task()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 104, in async_create_setup_task
AttributeError: module 'custom_components.hacs.sensor' has no attribute 'setup_platform' 

I installed it created a token placed this in configuration.yaml but reboot gives me this error:

[‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable] Restore Failed!

help is appreciated.

also I have no community tab on the left. not sure what is happening since it worked fine before… I just did a complete reinstall nothing…

Restore a backup of your hacs files in the .storage directory.

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Does anyone know what this means ? Hacs is no more working for me since the latest update:

2019-09-28 18:24:51 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] [Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
2019-09-28 18:32:59 WARNING (MainThread) [aiohttp.websocket] websocket connection is closing.
2019-09-28 18:39:52 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] [Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
2019-09-28 18:54:53 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] [Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
2019-09-28 19:09:54 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] [Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!
2019-09-28 19:24:55 CRITICAL (MainThread) [] [Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)] Restore Failed!

Thanks for the hint!!! … that did work…

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Version 0.15.0 has been released

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Trigger set to

and Condition set to

The Action never occurs. What am I doing wrong?

- id: '1569704443316'
  alias: Notifications - HACS
  - above: '0'
    entity_id: sensor.hacs
    platform: numeric_state
  - condition: template
    value_template: 'value_template: "{{ not is_state(''sensor.hacs'', ''unknown'')
  - data:
      message: Check HACS for updated Integrations and/or Components
      title: HACS Updates Available
    service: notify.pushover
  - data:
      message: Update Available!
      title: HACS
    service: persistent_notification.create

I use almost the same code except the condition part. Maybe that helps?

Removing the condition did indeed allow the notifications to start, but now I have to figure out why the value_template doesn’t work…

Check your quotes: is_state(‘sensor.hacs’, ‘unknown’)

@ludeeus Im truing to add the new experimental flag but I cant get it to work… Here is where I got frustrated and decided to ask for help… What am I doing wrong?

# HACS Configuration
  token: !secret GitHub_HACS_token
  appdaemon: true
  python_script: true
  theme: true
  - experimental

Ludeeus… I am using the HACS integration (no config yaml entries)
How do I enable the experimental options? Do I need to edit the .storage file?

Go to the integration, top right corner click on the gears icon. The option is there.

I see that now. I did remove the integration and added it back. The option is there now after readding it.


I have clicked and saved that option, and still no experimental features show up. I have restarted twice. Not sure what I am missing?