Custom Component: HACS

you have multiple issues here, quotes, double single quotes, and twice mention value_template…
try this:

  - condition: template
    value_template: >
      {{ not is_state('sensor.hacs', 'unknown') }}

and you’re set.

Love the tabbed “experimental UI” but miss the table view :frowning:

Thanks for all your work on HACS makes management of custom items so much better

I agree with @james_hiscott. Also could use a divider on the installed items between types.

Great work…

Thank you @Mariusthvdb. That did the trick. :+1:

How to enable experimental features?

is this right this configuration?

  token: 1234567890
  appdaemon: True
  python_script: True
  theme: True
  options: True

it won’t display on my installation

For experimental features I think you need to use the integration.

what you mean? can you explain?

I don’t have it in my configuration.yaml
So remove it and restart Home assistant
In the side panel go to configuration>integrations and click the cross in bottom right corner and add hacs. Then you might need to restart again or otherwise click the cog and you will see the option to add experimental.

Note: if you check the repository for HACS, there might ne a way to do it in the configuration.yaml as well as using the integration.

I will try… thanks

Hang on…
I didn’t realise this could be removed from configuration.yaml, maybe that sis why I have it twice?

Currently I have:

  token: !secret hacs_github_access_token
  theme: true
    experimental: true

Where will it get the token from if I remove this?

You have it twice because that’s how I designed it :wink:

If you use the UI to configure instead of YAML you add the token in the UI.

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Klogg just showed you how to configure it in YAML


I got these errors on restart HA:

Missing manifest file.
Validation for danobot/entity-controller failed.

is this something I have to react on?

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Ok, thanks

any way to change the sensor-text from “pending update(s)” to “Updates”?

Everything seems to be working properly, just something odd going on. TravisCI throws the following error:

Failed config
    - Invalid config for [hacs]: [options] is an invalid option for [hacs]. Check: hacs->hacs->options. (See ?, line ?). Please check the docs at

However, Configuration->Server Control->Check Config passes just fine. Thought I would let ya know. This just started btw after upgrading to 0.15.0

Did an update of my CI now to include options, and it works as expected

1.5.1 Released :tada:

This release only affects the new experimental UI.


  • Translations are now handled on Lokalise, Thanks to everyone that have joined there :tada:
  • The translations made there are pulled into this release.
  • Fixes FireFox bug #612
  • Adds list view.
  • Adds updates initialized by the backend.
  • Various UI corrections.

Full Changelog


Hi Iudeeus
The new version does not seem to have an automatic adaptation language(zh_CN).
Need other settings?