Custom Component: HACS

I have installed Secondary Info entity row from HACS store, but i cannot use it.
Every time I write “type: custom:secondaryinfo-entity-row” I’m getting an error “Can’t find card-tools. See

I cannot find any card-tools plugin on HACS Store.

Correct, it is not there.

Go to settings and add the link to the repository as a plugin.
Then you can install it.

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Thank you. It works :slight_smile:

Just keep getting this message “Background task running, this page will reload when it’s done.”

I’ve restart the Hassio several times as well as been waiting for an hour but it’s still the same. Any solution?

Edit: After going for sleep for 8 hours, it has completed

humm… how do you completely remove HACS from the hassio system?

Remove the files you installed under custom_components/, remove the integration code in configuration.yaml, remove the files named hacs* under config/

Forgive me if I’ve not found the answer scrolling through the 547 previous posts but I’m not seeing ‘HACS’ under Config / Integrations when I hit the ‘+’ button. I’ve restarted HA a couple of times. Anything in particular I should be doing to get this to come up in the list?

what version of home assistant?

I’m on 0.100.2

you have hacs loaded?

No. I was following the docs for first time install.

after you install it and restart it should be there… you need to restart before you can configure it after you install

Install, how? The docs say to copy hacs folder to custom_components, reboot, then add integration… it isn’t in my integration list to be able to select.

I’ve restarted 3 times now… no change

so you copied the zip file and unzipped it?
you unzip that, create a directory in custom_components called hacs and copy the contents of the zip file there. (the instructions look wrong now to me…

Yep, did all that. I don’t see how HA is going to know this new folder exists and therefore give the HACS entry in the Integrations list. The old instructions which included config.yaml entry clearly indicated how HA would know that the HACS folder is there.

HA goes though custom_components on startup. @filippos

@sparkydave Make sure that you actually restart HA, if you click restart in the UI and have a config error, it will not restart.

Also check that you have the .translations directory, that is hidden by default on most OS’s.

If that is the case, please make a PR that makes it more clear what to do :tada:

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It’s definitely restarting.

I have a .translations folder inside custom_components/hacs. (a bunch of json files in there)