Custom Component: HACS

Clear your chace/try incognito mode.

I did a CTRL+F5 in Chrome… sorted. I didn’t even think about that. Cheers!

CTRL+SHIFT+R is also nice to know

@sparkydave, maybe you got the same issue like me. It actually IS there, but it’s not shown as HACS. It’s the first entry in the list though:

If you click the first entry, it opens a window that looks like the following, but is missing some text entry and stuff. You can enter the token, it will accept, and then work (somehow)

What theme are you using?

Have you cleared your browser cache?

Thanks for checking @nickrout :slight_smile:
Issue was solved here

I’m working on splitting and moving HACS to it’s own org on GitHub

Are there anyone that know a little about graphics that want to help out with this one?

After a resent reboot, HACS took a long time to come back up, Now its finally up and running ive lost all my ‘add ons’ that were displayed in the ‘Overview’ page although everything seems to be working fine. The only log error I can see is

Validation for Michsior14/ha-kaiterra failed.

The file structure seems ok: in the config/.storage folder I have

and all files open ok in VSC and are readable

I also have various .json language files in config/custom_components/hacs/.translations folder.

Any ideas on the easiest way to get the ‘add ons’ back please. Not keen on deleting and starting again as others have mentioned above but if thats the only solution, Ill have to do it.

I do have a snapshot before the reboot if that may help, perhaps by expanding the snapshot and copying over the relevant files.

Any help will be appreciated.

About issues:

:rotating_light: PSA

Please read this issue

In addition to the error you say to expect and ignore, I also see this one with 15.10

custom-components/hacs is not in common.installed

Updated the issue

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I haven’t updated in awhile (11.1). Selecting Community from the sidebar returns 500 Internal Server Error. What’s the update path now?

Thank you. 0.15.10 now.

I tried to update to 0.15.11 and it got deleted
I tried to install it again, but now I’m not able to add it to the integrations

had to restart my raspi and now it’s working again

have same issue… after upgrading it got deleted and doe not show up in integrations :stuck_out_tongue: will restart home assistant and will see…

Log Details (ERROR)
Tue Oct 22 2019 20:15:30 GMT+0200 (Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit)
Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found.

Installed hacs via integration… i’ll now delete ass hacs foles and folders …

Ya. That did not go well. Just tried to update. Now: Setup failed for hacs: Integration not found. after a restart.

Looks to be the hacs folder is gone now.

If you have logs of the upgrade please add them to a github issue.