Custom Component: HACS

can you tell me what the steps are after downloading and extracting the files?
can I replace its files and restart hassio?

thank you in advance,

Well who knew??? An invisible drop down box! I wonder how many other integrations have these unseen options. I guess I’ll be clicking on everything from now on.
Thank you for the simple but not so obvious answer.

@kartcon If it’s invisible it’s because of your theme. In the screen shot it does show a down arrow, or “triangle” if you prefer.

Yeah, its definitely not hidden. Must be an issue with your theme

It can be quite small and hard to see. Perhaps @ludeeus should make obvious in one of his screenshot/videos.

Guess I waited 1 day too long. After 17.4 was released, 16.3 is no longer there. How do I do a manual upgrade? Just download the 16.3 files and overwrite or will that screw up my setup?

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Yes, just like that


I have a problem with hacs component. i upgraded yesterday and everything broke. i saw here that i was supposed to do in certain order.
I uninstalled everything: deleted hacs folder in component, removed entry from configuration.yaml and restarted [weird that HA still waited a long time for hacs, don’t know why].
And tried installed from scratch.
Still is somewhat broken design. For example, i don’t see the upper main menu Screenshot%20from%202019-11-22%2010-29-08
What can i do ?

You are missing the .translations folder

where it should be, and what content it should be in it ?

The same place and content as in the zip file

Hey, i recently upgraded to the newest version (from 16.x), but now all my custom components is gone from the HACS-page, it is as if i never installed any. Do i need to do anything special to upgrade?

similar issue: i’ve upgraded to 17.4 and now the screen is blank. I suppose I was not running 0.16.2 or newer :man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

I’m currently getting a blank white screen when hitting the Community icon :frowning: Is there any way to fix/downgrade?

Also upgraded to HACS 17.4 from 16.3 and all integrations have disappeared - where can I find what I had installed previously, didn’t have too many (10) but dont recall which ones I was using?

In your config directory under custom_components is where they live.

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i install two cards and then i uninstall it

now i receive this error:

How can clean this up?

@ludeeus I found some strang german translastions. How can I help to make them better. Didn’t found the german translation file in your repository

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Did you remove the entries under resources from your lovelace config

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installed this component, now when put anything in the search bar, no component is shown

any clues?