Custom Component: HACS

As stated both in the OP here and in the documentation, please use GitHub for issues :slight_smile:

There is a big chance that I am the issue here :wink:

I will open one (repository links not added to a list).

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i think that repository was added to the default ones in version 7. there isnt any reason to add it. it should show in the store already

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True, but there is still an issue there :wink:

Another question.

Is hacs able to notify us somehow, when a new update is available.
OR is it possible to let it auto-update plugins/cards?

That was possible with custom_updater.

No, and that will not be possible.

there is a hacs sensor that you can use to tell you if there are updates available.
On the overview page the colour of the icon for each card indicates if there is an update or not

  • no color = not installed
  • orange color = pending update
  • red color = pending restart
  • green color = installed and no pending operations
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I’m going to try it, thank you for this great initiative.
I was dreaming about that since the first time I saw the awesome list from Franck. @frenck this “store” and the awesome list should work together, don’t you think ? :wink:

My sensor.hacs has the state unknown. Does it take while to get the right data? Also the overview tells “Background task running…” most o the times. It already showed all five installed plugins.
Now it shows two and “Background …”.

I’m running hassio on a raspi 3B+. Is it to slow for hacs?


I doubt it, but it does take some time.

Running on rasp 3B+ myself with no issues, takes a while to process stuff, but worth it.

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This is my example for a persistent notification automation if the sensor rises above 0:

- alias: HACS Persistent Notification
  initial_state: 'on'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.hacs
    above: 0
    - service: persistent_notification.create
        message: "Update available!"
        title: "HACS"

feel free to add that to the documentation :slight_smile:

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Ar what point do you think you are going to remove “debug” as the default log level for the component? Or is there a setting I can change somewhere that I’ve missed? My log has a lot of messages related to this.

Was removed in 0.8.0 :wink:

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I guess I need to do an update then. :smile:

I thought you were going to say “when Home Asistant is stable at 1.0” :smiley:

I do have one recommendation based on my post above.

Could you add another notification box to the “overview” to notify you that there is an update to the HACS component like you do with the other components?

I didn’t notice the update because it’s buried in the settings page. :slight_smile:

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Get picky about it… It’s not as you’ve said the same thing ten times already in this thread. Oh, wait…:wink: :laughing:


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