Custom Dark Sky Animated Weather Card

After latest release (2022.5.3) this card is corrupted and this is what i get now:

Is there a way to have back the card working as previously?

Use my fork where it is fixed

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Which is the link?
EDIT: Found it and installed…
Just one question: using darksky am i forced to change some entries in the options or only the call to your custom card?

Only the call to the card. All the options should be fully compatible.

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Where is your fork with this fix?

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using dev nightly 2022.6 etc and an unchanged card for years now:

It was a browser update as well that broke it for me. Not just 2022.5.x

ok, thanks, was just responding to Maurizio who was very easy on the ‘corrupted’ finger.

Thank you for this! Looks great! However, do you know why the Cloudy icon may be broken? I’m using sensor.dark_sky_icon entity for the current condition’s icon. You can see currently below on Sunday the icon is missing. It should show the cloudy icon. If the current conditions were cloudy it would have a blank space there. No sure why it’s just the cloudy icon. All of the other ones are working.


It could be because way back i renamed an icon. It might have been that one. If you grab the icons from my repo that will probably fix it

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'show_separator: true ’

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Is there somewhere an icon pack with .png files and not .svg files compatible with dark sky integration?

That worked! Thank you!

I am using the ones that David posted here. Download his icons and it should work. I had to do a full refresh of my browser to get the icons going but it’s working now!

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Theres a brand new version of this card coming soon using typescript not javascript. I will work with current configs. However a question… do any of you use the alt formats or old daily format as we are considering dropping support for these in the new card…

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Hey David, any chance we could make the entity_pos a little more versatile? I would love to be able to switch from in to % so I can use that field for projected humidity.

I don’t understand what you mean by this

So please forgive me as I might be being dense. But Currently from what I gather entity_pos is used for projected rainfall in inches. Personally, I don’t find that as usefull. So I am using that field (? please correct me.) to display the projected humidity. But since it is coded to display rainfall it is in inches.

Screenshot 2022-05-28 161033

that field is currently locked to rainfall. Do you really need humidity forecast for the next 5 days? We have introduced some more slots now as well… Perhaps you can ask about this here Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS - #1290 by pocket as we are currently actively working on a new card. Ask about it there and Simon and I can discuss this for the new card.