Custom Header

Truly sorry…I should have read all these recommandations on top before testing. Maybe a red warning size 48 on presentation page :wink: (installed through HACS) No seriously, maybe any [Reset to defaults] button/link somewhere… ?

super frustrated here :frowning:
getting the older Custom element doesn’t exist: custom-header error…


  - url: /local/custom_ui/card-mod.js
    type: module
  - url: /local/custom_ui/custom-header.js?v=1.3.2
    type: module

Lovelace code:

  - type: custom:custom-header
    menu: hide
   # voice: hide
   # hide_tabs: 4,5
   # exceptions:
   #   - conditions:
   #       user: 'lee'
   #     config:
   #       options: show
   #       menu: show
   #       hide_tabs:

what i have done :
restarted server
clear browser cache : chrome
updated card-mod
updated card-tools
Home Assistant 0.106.4

any other ideas would be appreciated


Lee Berry

Read the docs?

Yes and read the docs :smiley:

Good evening everyone! I am having problems with a 10-inch tablet it does not set in kiosk mode instead with a 7-inch tablet it is set regularly!

  compact_mode: true
  editor_warnigs: false
    - conditions:
        user_agent: >-
          Mozilla/5.0(Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)  AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
          like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.132 Safari/537.36
        disable_sidebar: true
        hide_headder: true
    - conditions:               #this is for both tablets, where I registered with the tablet user
        user: 'Tablet, tablet'
        hidden_tab_redirect: false
        kiosk_mode: true
    - conditions:              #this is only for the 10 inch tablet (instead of using the "tablet" user, use "user_agent")
        user_agent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Android 7.1.2; Tablet; rv:68.0) Gecki/68.0 Firefox/68.0'
        kiosk_mode: true

1 Like

:warning: HA 0.107 :warning:

Just as a heads up CH is not ready for 0.107, mostly the panels feature but a few other hiccups as well. I am currently working on it as well as the current known issues. If you rely on Custom Header for your setup I would recommend holding off on updating until the next CH release.


I have had no issues with 0.107… what is broken?

Using the new panel feature will not work as expected and there are a handful of other things that will have issues, but depending on your config you may not notice anything.

It doesn’t work in the iOS app @DavidFW1960

Ah yeah it does Jim.

Well it doesn’t work for me, haven’t tested the last beta’s yet though there might have been some fixes, but I doubt it.

I am staying on 0.106.6 for the time being.

No idea but if @mayker hadn’t posted there were issues I would never have known. Everything is working for me perfectly. I do have a pretty simple use of CH though - just hiding the header and that’s pretty much it now.

Haven’t tried hiding it, but it just doesn’t load on the iOS app. It does work fine on safari though. It also works fine on my desktop (though I haven’t tested panels, so I can’t comment on that).

I have an iPad and iPhone with latest beta iOS and no problems with the HA app…

Well I just tried again because of what you said. Still nothing. It just doesn’t do anything on the HA app. I’ve tried reloading a ton of times, tried clearing cache. I have also redownloaded the app to be sure. Hell I even tried to do exaclty what you have (only hide the header). All to no avail.

This is all I have for config:

# header_text: '{{ deviceID }}' # Must set compact_mode: false to display
  compact_mode: true
  background: var(--app-header-background-color)
  elements_color: var(--app-header-text-color)
  active_tab_color: var(--state-icon-active-color)
  tab_indicator_color: var(--state-icon-active-color)
  wrap: true
  animate: swipe        # could also use fade or flip
  swipe_amount: 15

this is all I have got:

  compact_mode: true


It is kinda odd that you don’t have this problem as anyone I have spoken to in the last week has the same problem.

Btw: it does work fine on 106.6

0.107.0b6 here and no issues… and all betas have been ok. There is some chatter about some addons not working or causing the hassio/supervisor side panel to disappear as well. In any case I think there will be some other reason you have it not working…

Well consider yourself lucky then. I have been trying a bit more and after 10 refreshes it finally loads. However any refresh after that will take another 5 to 10 tries before it loads up again. So there is definitely something going on. The thing is, many people I have spoken all have the same problem in the ios app. CH just doesn’t load correctly.

And I can say with certainty that this isn’t caused by any other custom card at this very moment of testing I have none installed except Custom Header!

Stupid question but are you SURE you have the latest version? HACS is still doing weird crap. Also I was referring to addons not other custom cards…