Custom Header

Well unless 1.3.2 isn’t the latest version, yes then I am sure. I even reinstalled it a few times to be sure (with appropriate restarts).

But really it will only load 1 out of 10 refreshes give or take. I am running iOS 13.4 on an iPhone X. Like I said I even reinstalled the Home Assistant app, card-tools and things like that. But nothing helps :frowning:.

Btw it wasn’t that stupid of a question :smiley: this happens to people a lot and like you said HACS isn’t always doing what it should.

I had an issue with another card when using the ios app. After the card was fixed and working in PC web browsers the ios app was still playing up. A frontend cache reset in the app settings did not fix the problem. Doing a frontend cache reset and then pulling down on the display to refresh does seem to have fixed it. Might be worth a try.

I got exactly the same problem in my setup (dwains theme).

I have installed custom header. I want to install also the android companion app to my wife’s phone mostly for presence detection and for some basic sensors and switches usage. I have been told that I could use custom header for that. Can someone tell me how I could create separate views do please?

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hi,after update to v0.107 the log shows hundreds messages like this:

2020-03-18 22:08:01 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202003180] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replaceChild' of null

I have a swipe card in the main view that gives this error : t.setConfig is not a function
after refresh several times it show again ok

I wonder if it could be due to CH
greetings and thank you

Scroll 19 posts up.

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As @VDRainer mention’s custom header is not .107 ready. Also, that error is very vague and doesn’t really point to a culprit. Always disable what you think might be causing the error to see if the error still exists, if the error persists, look elsewhere.

I had already read it days ago, but I was not sure if it was due to CH because I also have other problems with fold-entity-row card
thanks for answer

Check out the readme especially the exception config section.

sure,im sorry that becouse i was asking if it could be the reason, without stating it

hi,im not using exceptions

  hidden_tab_redirect: false
  options_hide: true
  chevrons: false
  compact_mode: true
  background: /local/fondo_negro.png
  voice_hide: true
  active_tab_color: orange

The problem these days is that there could be issues with custom cards or core cards within custom cards, and you don’t know who’s responsible for it. :slightly_frowning_face:


That was not a reply to you, if you look at the top right of the post it tells you who’s comment I was replying to.

Sorry I had not noticed, when I saw the comment I thought it was referring to my
I apologize again :neutral_face:

Hey mayker, now that we can set view visibility from the UI is this likely to be depreciated from Custom Header?

It’s a lot easier to hide/show multiple views at ones using your implementation.

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No, I’ll be keeping it as is. Being able to combine different conditions in exceptions is one of the most important features of CH.

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I read it but unfortunately I didn’t understand a lot.
I have installed custom header in my HA and in my phone and I also added time and some other infos and it is working ok.
Now I want to install the companion app to my wife’s phone.
I am confused regarding the following

  1. Where should I change the exception config ?
    In HA or in my wife’s phone?
  2. From these configurations in the exception config
    Which of them should I use in order to create a custom view only for my wife’s phone. Mine and HA should have all.
    Sorry but I really don’t understand the terminology of the example at all

@mayker Hi,

i have been using CH to hide options button and side works flawlessly,

Now i want to give like guest of my CCTV tab to a person, i added this settings

    - conditions: 
        user: guest
        user_agent: Android #alss trie mobile iphone and removing line 
        show_tabs: '2'
        hidden_tab_redirect: true
        disable_sidebar: true
        compact_mode: true
        options_hide: true
        voice_hide: true

the thing is i want Ch to redirect it to tab no 2 as it loads , when removed the line
user_agent: it works nicely on pc not on mobile, when added line user_agent: mobile

the problem is when on mobile (currently android) it does not redirect, it shows my main tab which is no 0 , and on top there is just one tab icon which is tab 2 i have to click it then its there

i want CH to redirect to view no 2 every time on all devices , any idea why its not working on mobiles



You set it once in your Lovelace config. You can do it with yaml code, example below, or with the editor by adding exceptions.

  # This is where you would set your "default configuration"
    - conditions:
        user: wife # Your wife's user's name
        # This is where you would set the config for your wife.
        show_tabs: '5'

In the example above your wife would only see tab 5

Great, it make sense now.
One more question, just to be sure.
I should add her as a new user in - configuration-users-add new user. Then I have to connect her phone with the new user - and after I am changing the custom header. Is that rigght?
Thanks a lot for your help!