Custom Lovelace Card - Homekit style card

- title: Lights
  path: lights_path
    - type: "custom:homekit-card"
      enableColumns: true
      statePositionTop: true
        - row: 1
            - column: 1
              tileOnRow: 4
                - title: Living Room
                    - entity: light.tv_light_1  
                    - entity: light.tv_light_2
                    - entity: light.living_room_light
                    - entity: light.living_room_light_r
            - column: 2  
              tileOnRow: 3
                - title: Kitchen
                    - entity: light.beganegrond  
        - row: 2
            - column: 1
              tileOnRow: 4
                - title: Upstairs
                    - entity: binary_sensor.wasmachine_status
                    - entity: weather.weersverwachting
        - row: 3
            - column: 1
                - title: Bedroom
                    - entity: switch.doorbell_chime_active

this doesnt work at all and its straight from the examples


I worked on it a bit it is working but not documented or anything. But you can use it with hacs as custom repo.

is it possible to make a tile wider than just 2 times wide?

Thanks, did that. But still have trouble getting it going.

  - title: Sonos
    id: musik
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:custom-sonos-card"
        name: Sonos
          - media_player.alrum
          - media_player.terrase
  - url: /community_plugin/custom-sonos-card.js?v=1.0
    type: module



Can you spot my error?

Thanks for your work, it’s awesome!

Quick one - how do I change a background of a single tile? I should use cardstyle, right?

Hi @DBuit! Great work here. Getting close to h e the first Version up and running :slight_smile:

Two questions:

  1. I integrated my covers into the card. Sadly I can’t simply push the tile to just open it. I need to “push through” any idea how to configure this?

  2. Pretty sure you saw @Mattias_Persson Theme.
    A different take on designing a Lovelace UI
    Any chance we get animated tiles too?

Thanks a lot

Thanks @DBuit this is a nice addition.
It looks great.
Will you also be able to add the off state definition for sidebarMenu items to differentiate visually the current state (as discussed before) ?

This is actually a much nicer and more elegant solution than sidebarMenu
Great work Sir!

anyone who could might help?

Hi @Flo.C,

What do you mean with push through? Is that longpress do you het pop-up? If hat you can set a tap_action to control An entity when you tap/click it.

I Will check the animation maybe i can add something Nice :slight_smile:

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I could animate the background color but he uses icons with colors so cant do that.

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Hey @DBuit,

Thanks for coming back :slight_smile:

Sorry for my unprecise question. It was late :slight_smile:
My intent is that I simple toggle or “short press” the tile and the cover is simply open or closing. If I need to have it on a certain position, I would can use the “long press”.

So basically like the light tiles :slight_smile:

About the animation: If the icons would have no color, would it work then? I like the one with the closing toilet or the fan :slight_smile:

Thanks for your support man. Appreciate it!

Hi man,

So you could do it like this i think i have no cover to test:

          - title: Navigation
              - entity: cover.demo     
                name: Cover
                  action: call-service
                  service: cover.toggle
                    entity_id: cover.demo
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Thats it!! Perfekt! Thanks a lot.

The only thing is now that the icons are always yellow on the cover tile. Any possibility to change this? So grey when they are closed?

Te check out offStates in documentation on github to fix that

1 Like

You Sir are a legend!

One last thing and then I’ll stop (promise)
What else do I need to insert in the code above to have the cover stopped if I toogle it a second time?

I saw that there is cover.stop But I don’t know how to implement it. Do I need a template or something?

Hi man,

No problem!
If you want that it is more complicated you need to save that it is running or something and if you than tap it it should stop.

I guess you need a script but i don’t know how you need to find some HA script master!

@DBuit Hi, is it possible to change the brightness/volume/cover percentage color above the slider of your popup-cards? I have a white background and can’t read the percentage anymore. I tried some codes by using inspecting elements, but it didn’t work.

I want it to match my text colors in my theme, but the percentages are hardcoded to white.

Also a way to change the icon color when active of the popup-cards? It’s yellow now but I’d rather use a color matching my theme.

Any chance you can share your config, Im having a hard time wrapping my head around this…thank you.

@DBuit I am having trouble getting your media_player popup card to work on tap action.
It works if I set tap_action to more-info it shows the standard more-info card on tap but your card only works on long press. Here is my config:
In Lovelace UI root:

      entity: media_player.humax_receiver
      type: 'custom:media_player-popup-card'
      '--iron-icon-fill-color': '#FFF'
      align-items: center
      background: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)'
      display: block
      flex-direction: column
      height: 100%
      justify-content: center
      left: 0
      margin: 0
      position: fixed
      top: 0
      width: 100%
      z-index: 999

and the card is as follows:

- entity: media_player.humax_receiver
  fullscreen: false
    action: more-info
    entity: media_player.humax_receiver
    - icon: 'mdi:skip-previous'
        service: media_player.media_previous_track
        entity_id: this
    - icon: 'mdi:volume-mute'
        service: media_player.volume_mute
        entity_id: this
        is_volume_muted: true
    - icon: 'mdi:skip-next'
        service: media_player.media_next_track
        entity_id: this
    scenesInARow: 2
    type: 'custom:media_player-popup-card'