Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS

The new Platinum Weather Card is now in the default HACS so there is no longer any need to add a custom repository.


@pocket are you able to assist since you have a better understanding of the NWS side of things.

Oh that’s cool. I can’t see it in my custom repositories any more so HACS must automatically take over.

I’ll try to help. What are you using for a weather integration? I’ve been using NWS, but it takes a bit of work to make it work over a calendar day.

The daily section is an assemblage of sensor templates. What I should do is post my templates file on GitHub. It’s still a work in progress, though. I’m doing things using brute force. I’d like to figure out how to make some sort of conditional variable index to make it tighter and more elegant.

Once it’s on GitHub, I’ll give you a link.

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Thanks, I have several weather entities set up as well. The thing I still cant figure out is the weather icons for the daily forecast!

Here’s the templates file. It still has some content for @DavidFW1960’s Custom BOM card because I’m still using it along with the Platinum card. These are recognizable because being entities, I truncate text at 254 characters to avoid an error. They’ve been replaced by a template to make them attributes, which don’t have a limit.

For the 5-day icons, I use nws_forecast_icon_1.

Edit: I’m still using YAML mode for a lovelace dashboard. I put the weather.yaml file under config/packages with the reference packages: !include_dir_named packages in configuration.yaml.



You sir, are the man! Quick change to my nws code and we are up and running! Thanks so much for sharing all the hard work!

Are you using the entire file, or just what you need?

I put the whole thing in and I am playing with it as we speak. I didn’t use the derivative but almost everything else seems to be working quite well

Derivative is something @BenCranston was working on to drive a trend arrow icon. It’s not being used at this time, so you can delete it. There are also commented lines for when system time was being use rather than datetime attributes.

If you have any suggestions for the templates, I’d like to hear them. Use PM or start a new thread.

One additional thing. @BenCranston and @theRat came up with a modification to the NWS integration to add a short forecast entity. It’s a little tricky to get working, so PM me and I’ll try to come up with a short procedure for the mod. FYI, if the NWS integration changes, you’ll have to reapply the modifications.

Correct, I am in the SF area. I assumed that BOM, like other weather services, had info on other parts of the world. Obviously, I am simply trying to get this weather card working & saw other posts that solved similar issues with the BOM integration

I’m using OpenWeatherMap, but it does not have all the sensors or icons I need. Maybe I just don’t understand how to setup this card properly. I’ve gotten nowhere on getting the Daily Forecast Section setup. Suggestions? thanks.

The BoM integration is Australia only. The data is all sourced from our official weather bureau. I am about to make a fix to it to give a better error message when you try to set it up in an unsupported region.

Have a look at the previous messages between @pocket and @jsdphilly who are both in the US and are using the NWS integration. @pocket has been doing lots of testing for us and is all over how to get things working.

The BOM integration provides us 7 days worth of entities. e.g sensor.location_temp_min_0 through to _6 or _7.

That Daily Forecast config page is asking for the first one that is not today i.e for the BOM integration the relevant entity ending in _1. It then appears to automatically increment the number in the background to get the appropriate entity for the remaining 4 days of the forecast.

Trying to get forecasts working for the USA & feel like such a noob. Installed the NWS integration for my area, but there are only 13 entities and none are icons. I pasted @pocket weather.yaml Github code in Templates. Was that correct? I made no changes to the code.

Obviously there is very active development on this card and am happy to wait it out if recommended.

Try going to to http://homeassistant.local:8123/developer-tools/yaml and refresh entities. Then refresh your browser (typically Ctl-F5 on a PC). If that doesn’t work, check and see if the NWS integration is set up for daily forecasts. You might need to reload it.

Edit. 13 entities is all that’s needed. Forecasts use the attributes in weather.xxxx_daynight. The rest comes from the templates, which needs to be edited for your locale. Do an entity search and replace for what you see in the xxxx field.

Also, check http://homeassistant.local:8123/config/lovelace/resources to see if /hacsfiles/makin-things-weather-card/platinum-weather-card.js is loaded.

If HA is set up for YAML mode, the following (or something like it) is required to load the template when HA starts.

See Customising the BOM Weather and lovelace - now in HACS - #1332 by pocket

No it needs to go into your config. Then you need to search and replace all on his weather codes with yours. If you need more clarity I can write it up when I get home.

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For those using the NWS integration, I need to add yet another nugget of information. Of the 13 entities provided, the default configuration only enables the entity weather.xxxx_daynight. The easiest thing to do is enable them all, and once you get the weather card friendly with the sensor templates, disable the ones you don’t need. There’s a link in the integration tile.


Thanks to @theRat for reminding me how bad my memory is getting.

Thanks for all your hard work on this @theRat @davidFW1960.
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What entity would this be in the BOM list of entities.

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xxxxxx Extended Text 0

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