[Daikin] BRP069B41 module New firmware 1_14_78 safe?

Hi Rene,

Did it work you? I don’t even see how to kick of this miraculous recovery process they are talking about.

I have 6 units. 5 are fine and 1 is non existent on my network. No yellow light during reset etc…

I called my installer, daikin etc… they all do ping pong and have no empathy at all to even understand for a problem they caused

Unfortunately, I still have one unit that is bricked. Any contact towards Daikin results in a dead end. I am at the point where I am almnost ready to accept my loss and order a new Wi-Fi Module. €73 at amazon.de

App glitches then. Check video

When Im turning mobile data off this error accurs - app glitches, app sets me back to instruction page and I cant clikc next. Please check video:

I have a stylish module with wifi built in. I assume that module cannot be replaced?

From my understanding, all built in modules can be replaced

High ,
I have bought and installed 2 Daikin units Comfora ftxp71n in april this year and now I am trying for the first time to connect them to wifi. I use Onecta app , but when I press Powerful button for 5 seconds on the remote control , nothing happens. For 20 times.
Wifi is ok , my mobile phone is on it , when I open the cover on the unit I see the Run light is blinking on the adapter.
I have disconnected the unit from the power couple of times but no help. Should I reboot or restart the adapter somehow ? What is going on ?

They are around 50-55 if you google around in Dutch shops.

New firmware 1_14_88 released with new Onecta app. Anyone tried to upgrade? Is it safe?

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Updated two BRP069B4x to 1.14.88 without problems and very quick.

Using Daikin Residential Controller (ONECTA) homeassistant integration is working still without problems too.


Thank you very much!

Pff mine is still bricked.
Not a good support from Daikin.
Only what i can do is order a new wifi module on a Dutch store. :expressionless:

Anyone else with no problems with 1.14.88

We have the confirmation from @SteffenDE but after the recent clusterfu** from Daikin I am sure everybody would like to see a couple of more confirmations that everything is working properly :slight_smile:

Thank you guys. I read all the posts before triyng to update to 1_14_88. My aircon was always controlled by HASS and I have never used Onecta. So created account and the app wanted to update to 1_14_88. After all that reading I decided to update. Everything went smooth. No other updates needed to run ok. The app is working. The HASS is working. The old app is working too.

Upgrade to 1_14_88 went smooth here as well. Thanks for the confirmations above, was a bit worried but nothing to worry about.

I manage to get one of my units connected using the API

5 of the others still remain of-line I find it shocking that Daikin havent’t issued a fix even after several months. I’m starting to loose my faith in this company.

What is the recovery process in the app ? I see no such option and i’m running the latest BETA so either i’m going crazy or their updates are useless.

Just for curiosity, Onecta shows a message that some units require some counter measure?

so funny enough without changing anything all 6 units are back online (for now)

To all B41 users. I have units that need C81 controllers. After reading, it seems I can use A41 if I get the right wiring harness. At the same time, there is now a solution for local control of Cxx units, Faikin based on ESP32, but it means to Onectra. Is there any reason for me to use an A41 unit, does the Onectra app offer enough added functionality, of in my shoes wold you go for a HA solution like Faikin?

There certainly wouldn’t be the stress of Onectra updates ending local control… But probably replaced the stress than HA updates might break something. :grin:

Faikin is great. I haven’t tried any of the Daikin adapters to be able to compare. However, Faikin appears to expose everything available in the S21 protocol, so I’m not sure that there’s any added benefit to use a Daikin adapter. Easy setup, responsive dev. It’s a great little device.

Thanks for making me aware of that. It might be a bit of a hassle to get this shipped from the UK thanks to Brexit. But having a working solution will certainly be worth it. Otherwise this Onecta crap will probably give me an Ulcer with units going on-/offline randomly all the time. Since the firmware update there were probably only two days when all my 4 units were online at the same time. :frowning: